There were Chaos Squats, yes. Since Squats are just Dwarfs…IN SPACE!, then Chaos Squats are essentially Chaos Dwarfs…IN SPACE! too.
Of course, these models were contemporary with the 3rd Edition Chaos Dwarf Renegades, not the 4th/5th Edition Big Hats, so don’t look for any secret Hashut references or anything in the Chaos Squat range.
There were Chaos Squats, yes. Since Squats are just Dwarfs...IN SPACE!, then Chaos Squats are essentially Chaos Dwarfs...IN SPACE! too.
Of course, these models were contemporary with the 3rd Edition Chaos Dwarf Renegades, not the 4th/5th Edition Big Hats, so don't look for any secret Hashut references or anything in the Chaos Squat range.
Thommy H
I wasnt trying to find any references to hashut or anything. I just thought it would be cool if chaos dwarf had at least some kind of presense in 40k.
Squats were also called Space Dwarfs (I think that was their original name). How could you take them seriously with either name?!
They had some cool models though.
Im only a fan of the models in exo armour. Now that you mention it, how did they come up with the idea of a dwarf in exo armour riding a Trike and carrying a lance lol.
Er guys do you have any idea how much these beauties go for :o.Shame i was a penniless student when they where out, only into fantasy :rolleyes:
If you had that kind of future information you could have made much better investments in other places and afford to buy GW and make them produce all the Chaos Squats you wanted.
As to Dwarfs... IN SPACE!!!
Not really.
The thing with Squats is that they are of the human genome just mutated over millennia on high gravity worlds near the galactic core. Unlike WHFB where they are of the genome Dwarfs.
Chaos Squats are the equivalent of Chaos Space Marines or Renegade IG for the Squat sub-species.
Not quite analogous with CDs.
The thing with Squats is that they are of the human genome just mutated over millennia on high gravity worlds near the galactic core.
Uh...yes, I know. I was playing 40K before Squats got Squatted. But, clearly, the whole concept is to recreate the tropes associated with fantasy Dwarfs in a sci-fi setting. Just as Eldar are Elves...IN SPACE! and Orks are Orcs...IN SPACE! so too are Squats Dwarfs...IN SPACE! It's one of the reasons they were written out of the setting: they were too obviously recycled wholesale from Warhammer.
weah! Bob has always been one of my favorite Dwarf Sculptors in the miniature world - I love his dwarfs, Squats and Scrunts - and the psychic’s with beam projector is just awesome.
Hope he will do some Chaos Dwarfs again - one day. Already got those he did for Metal Magic - and I’m out looking for those hed did for Essex.
I have been looking for Chaos Squats for quite some time now - but not with much luck. So good hunting for those of you who are just about to start See you out there, I guess.
I actually won an eBay auction for a Chaos Squat Exo-armour model the other day. I believe it is the one on the left in the pictures above.
I think i found the auction you won. It went for quite a lot! I cant believe the price of them, but i guess there was only the two chaos squats so they are probably as rare as the mm90 mage.
BTW was that you that one the last mm90 mage that was on ebay?
I have been looking for Chaos Squats for quite some time now - but not with much luck. So good hunting for those of you who are just about to start :) See you out there, I guess.
I think i remember trying to bid on a few a few years ago but i lost interest when they kept going so high and i forgot about them. I only remembered them again when i was looking through solegends at the squat tech priest (which i just got of ebay for £7!!) and i saw them beside the squats in exo armour. I can afford them now but there are none on ebay. Hopefully bartertown will be good to me.
I have those guys. It’s too bad they didn’t produce enough for a unit. Luckkily, if you can find some extra arms (which almost certainly means paying exorbitant prices for models you only intend to use a bit of), they’re actually not so “evil” that they wouldn’t fit in with the regular exo-armour squats.
I don’t see how squats are any more derivative than space orks, ogryns, ratlings, necrons or eldar. I’ve never bought that argument for their “destruction.”
They were just short guardsmen. And when GW decided to redo 3rd edition 40k, they did away with redundant armies. Of course at the same time, the brought out the Dark eldar who are just more evil Eldar. The reason?..
Because 4 or 5 dark eldar armies showed up in tournaments and were painted so nicely that the developers got a great idea. Scrap teh squats which don’t sell well and bring in dark eldar, because ever eldar player will want to give them a go.
voila, at the end of the day, both armies never sold well and now you can’t find either of them in a GW store. Somtimes you can find themin the bargin bin in an FLGS near you.
They easily could have incorporated some of the squats into a guard army, like the exo dudes and the bike riders, but ultimately their sales were so terrible that Gw say, axe em… and they were axed.