[Archive] Chaos Dwarfs Online members fact (humor)

Kera foehunter:

You are talking about the beard??? mr .Reiver

* kera has a evil smiles *

Border Reiver:

No my dear - that particular youtube video still sends me screaming into the night…

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Tarrakk Blackhand just discovered this thread.

Wonders why there’s no mention about him except for the first time from Kera.


Tarakk gets really paranoid when his meds start wearing off… :wink:


After years of rigerous scientific reasearch, it has now been proven that there is a 50% chance that HB is 'in ur fridge, eatin ur cakez'.

In the thought experiment known as Schodingers cake, HB perpetually exists both inside and outside every fridge in existence, untill a given fridge door is opened and his exact position is determined. Either way, he still eats your cake.

Kera foehunter:

Willmark froze xander in carbonate to take over the leadership here

Pluss he has a cool wall hagging of a running man !!


Swissdictator has a strange affinity with the mlitary alphabet Able through Zulu. :slight_smile:


Don’t you mean Alpha?

Though Willmark is correct!

Hashut’s Blessing:

Alpha is for the Phonetic Alphabet :wink:

Willamrk collects commonly minoritorily used alphabets and adapts them slightly. It is all ofr the power of the Dark Side!



HB: The US Military uses the Phonetic Alphabet. :stuck_out_tongue: Though in WWII it was Able, Baker, etc…

Willmark secretly wishes his High Elves were Dark Elves, because he has to wear a white wedding dress when he plays High Elves… as opposed to a biker’s leather jacket and black jeans he could wear with Dark Elves.

Hashut’s Blessing:

I thought they did, but it sounded wrong :smiley:

Willmark: inevented out of date phonetic alphabets, but refuses to believe in ye moderne speyche. (Modern talkings :wink: )

Kera foehunter:

  • Kera kicks swiss little green army men out of the way *

    Bilbo is a 7’ tall man that in prison and has internet access


Willmark is really a high elf in a chaos dwarf suit, as he finds the helms ‘fabulous’.

Kera only became a pirate, as she tried being a modern pirate in America (IRS) and found it to be rather dull…

HB is going around asking CDO members if they’ve seen his stapler.

Xander came up with the idea for CDO when trying to hang a picture on his wall. He was standing on his toilet and slipped, and had a vision of CDO as a way to invent time travel, and awesome painting contests.

Bilbo loves to go midget punting, but then he realized that he is a halfling, and would be used to make field goals… and so he burned down lambau field.


Kera’s so full of rum, she’s actually a pickle…

Wooden Pickle is jealous of kera’s so he jumps into a vat of Rum and drowns.

No one notices that one of two_heads’ heads is crying and one is laughing at all times…

Kera foehunter:

that because the happy face talks to much !! and the crying one never says anything


Hashut’s Blessing:

Two Heads is the official emblem of theatres everywhere.

Kera foehunter:

Hashut Blessing gave up cake !! his girl friend lost a arm last time she made him one !!

This is true btw


I yes me Thorne iZ a OlD SkOOl KhAoS GoD WiV DySlExIa An CaNnOt SpWl FoR ToFfFfFfE

Kera foehunter:

Wallacer is lord of the dance!! and he getting ready to do a would tour