In a probably futile effort to motivate myself to paint my Chaos spearhead I have decided to start my first ever painting blog. On the bright side, I have sold the Knights and Sigvald, so I don’t have to paint the entire spearhead.
So far I have done the following. Next on my hit list are the fast cav.
Did you use gloss varnish, or the wash is not dry?
It's satin varnish, which seems to be half way in between matt and gloss.
I understand, they look great.. I was just being me.. sorry
No, it's a fair point. They no doubt would look better if I layered them more. The problem is the only time I really have to paint is Saturdays, so I kind of have to strike a balance between making a figure look OK relative to how much time i'm actually willing to spend painting it.
My two best painted armies (Lizardmen and Tomb Kings) were both painted while I was on holiday and I had ages to potter around with them.
I like the Nurglesque colours of the Lord on Chaos Steed. It’s the one model that I have yet to assemble from my spearhead (the Chosen were not as bad as I thought ^^) so now I’m quite looking forward to it! Mine will probably be turned into a BSB though and I converted the lord on Jugger to a 40k model.
Why did you sell the knights? I think they are some of the most brilliant plastic models GW ever did. Of course the marauder horsemen are the best.
That Khorne Lord is quite good. I think this one is a good example that shows that you don’t need many layers and advanced technics to achieve a nice result. Its a brilliant model and seeing your one painted reminds me I still have to paint mine
Considering the Nurglesque Lord I’m unsure what to think. I do like the choice of colours (did you use the foundation green?) and the overall look is good, but something distracts me. I’m not sure but I think its the wash which failed you since instead of shading the depths it gathers in unexpected places. May I ask you how you applied it?
What did you think of Sigvalds shield though? I know you sold him but when I saw the model for the first time I thought that shield was usable for Chaos Dwarfs.
I already have more Knights than I need from older editions.
(did you use the foundation green?)
Yup, Gretchin green.
May I ask you how you applied it?
It's just watered down Tamiya smoke applied with a brush.
What did you think of Sigvalds shield though?
I didn't really pay that much attention to it, to be honest. I disliked the figure so much I sold it straight away.
I did notice that the marauder shields looked like they would go well on CD.
Love those new models (even warming up to Wulfrik, did you keep him?) can’t wait to get mine! Already got the knights and marauder horsemen, btw Ishkur I think the knights are the best ever
I would give you slaves but your a mod and have an endless horde as it is, it’s the thought that counts, so have a pint instead :cheers
Thanks. I’ve added the final bit - a chain that runs from his right hand to the collar of Khorne on the Juggernaut. I’ll take a photo of that the next time I photograph other spearhead stuff.
Unfortunately I have to paint the chosen now (I left them to last because i'm sure they'll be the hardest).
They've got a lot of details, but I think a basecoat of silver everywhere and then one or two washes with black would be fine - if you won't use silver, I think every other colour could be washed with black or brown.
At the moment I am painting warriors, Knights and Heroes. Think I'll post them up when I finished them :hat off