[Archive] Clam's Coloured Classic Collection (pic heavy) -� various stuff


I just wish you had entered it. It would have gotten sooooooo far :open_mouth:

It’s just amazing, I have no other words for it. This is way cool =D

Keep it up mate =]


This guy is so amazing!

Just brilliant! I really like the whole conversion and the colour scheme (no red!)! :hat off

It’s a bit mournful that you don’t post more painted miniatures of your collection …

perhaps we should talk to your wife that you have to get more spare /ähhhh/ sorry ;) painting time!



lol - yeah, you should have a talk with her :smiley: - more hobbytime for the world :wink:

- and then thanks guys. He was a nightmare painting. Dued to the heavy weight and the position on the base - he tips over all the time - so the paint chips off (especially the claws on the wings have been repainted a billion times) - Had to add some base weight in the middle of the painting proces - almost destroyed the base :~ And the strings was an absolute nightmare as well. But he is  finished. But I will give him a few more highligts here and there - later :wink:

Think, it will be a while before I take on such a big organic creature again.

And next project after a my sorcerers … the Juggernaut and the crossbowmen:D Have all the parts for that now (except the boar - but who knows what might happend here ;)) - and I can’t hardly wait anymore to start that project - so another ‘biiiiiig’ project.


Finished Crabclaw last night - one of the most interesting Chaos Dwarf miniatures to paint - so many lovely details - well done, Sjoerdo :hat off

Sorry, Snotling didn’t see this one - lol:

Hm… I don’t know… a puppet theme for Chaosdwarfs is pretty lame, don’t you think so?

Yeah I agree, that’s the most overrated themes ever - one day we might even see hole units of walking puppets and dolls hanging from standard tops :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

(I’ll have to add that comment to my sig.)


Finished Crabclaw last night - one of the most interesting Chaos Dwarf miniatures to paint - so many lovely details - well done, Sjoerdo :hat off

Too bad, I'm at work right now, can't see the photobucket pics here, will have to take a look tonight...

Thanks mate, I really liked sculpting him, did him while I was on holiday in Danmark a few years back , tucked away in a wooden cabin in some woods somewhere... no distractions whatsoever!


Great paint job on crab claw he looks ace :slight_smile:


Yeah, wow, he came out awesome… I’ll have to pick some of those up! great job on the paint Clam… and on the sculpt Sjoerdo! hmmm… I’m thinking a unit of Sjoerdo and dave king stunties would look niiiice!


Yeah, wow, he came out awesome... I'll have to pick some of those up!  great job on the paint Clam.. and on the sculpt Sjoerdo!  hmmm... I'm thinking a unit of Sjoerdo and dave king stunties would look niiiice!

I agree dncswlf! A unit with the CDs of both sculptors will be awesome! :cheers

Clam your paintjob is (as usual! ;)) ace!

By the way does anyone know when Sjoerdos new minis will be (for normal customers ...) be available? :P



Thanks guys - glad you liked it. Really enjoyed painting it - so you can look forward to a great experiance.

About sale? It should have been ready for sale by now - but all key members at Hasslefree Central seems be off sick. Think they will become available when things get back to normal - and all pending orders are shiped. Hopefully anytime soon.


If a stay here makes you do such a lovely model - then please come back :wink:


Well, now I can see the pictures!

Lovely, the cape came out espacially good, also like the red beard!

Job well done, you did mr. crabs justice :cheers

Hehehe Who knows what will come from my hands next time I lock myself up in the woods of Danmark!

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Wow this looks like it’s straight from GWs old marauder range… could also have something to do with your yet again excellent paint job. :wink: Love the green armour.


That puppet master rocks! And Old crabclaw is looking stunning aswell :hat off


Thats a really cool model and top painting Clam, I feel more and more atracted to the old style. Maybe it has something to do with me turning 30 in a month… :stuck_out_tongue:

Da Crusha:

wow he looks really good, now I want one!


Can’t be that much of a surprise that I did this - from my favorite Chaos Dwarf sculptor :smiley:

It’s Sjoerd’s - Azhback the Grey miniature (from the Twisted Tales range), slightly altered. Sorry, Sjoerd :rolleyes:

And with his diorama-base:



hehe, the base is much more specatular that the dwarf ^^ nice clean paintjob on the mini, but the throne is awesome, very inspiring!


Yeah the throne is ace! A real brilliant eye-catcher! :hat off

The mini has won a lot with your conversion of the helmet! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Great work Clam the helmet looks so cool with those horns on it and that is why it got my vote in GH, also ace throne as well :slight_smile:


that throne is great

full of details

really like it,has lots of character


Despite being the lesser 3rd edition style (hihihihih :wink: ) I really like your mini. You got my vote during the contest due to the beautiful base and the great painting. Unfortunately the original mini is very simple and you did not have enough details to toy with…

If you check the difference between your sorcerer’s mini and Krustycrab claw (as I named him :wink: ) you know what I mean.

By the way I do agree non converted miniatures shall be better judgede if they have such a good painting.