[Archive] Dncswlf's hordes of other stuff (1/25/11 update: Snotling Pump Wagon)


thanks, my slaves are on their way.:wink:


I am truely jealous

What he says!


I so love the old boxes, far better looking than the new ones......

...ah memories :D

Yeah, they had so much character... and the back stories were a nice touch! Works of art really!

I'm glad you all appreciate them!


That’s a lovely collection. I love the Rouge Trader era marines


Taking these boxes out has inspired me to start painting some of what was inside them!  lol…

So for the 80’s challenge I painted up the first of a series of chariots I plan on painting…  Here it is straight outta 1987, a Goblin Battle Chariot!

Blue in VT:

Wow that is a classic…what a great model…these are gobbos with character!




GUEss these would be leadbelchers in today’s lists?

The Horde!

and Rakham Wolfen Metals…  These figs are awesome… they’ll see paint one day… I have sworn it!



Here’s another unfinished project/idea…

71 Snotlings and 3 pump wagons!!!  

I had thought to make a whole snotling army…  I just love these guys,  mushrooms as weapons… hilarious facial expressions…  

They are just screaming for some paint!  Now that I’ve been playing with GS and getting some inspiration from the incredible ideas on this forum I now know what I want to do with these guys…  I’m going to create a whole coming out of the mushrooms theme…  unit/base fillers with giant mushrooms… little mushrooms…  snotlings on mushrooms…  another distant project…  but In figure, if I put it in writing now, I won’t forget!!  ha!


I have 10 of them pump wagons from back in the day when you could use as many as the points alowed. they were much fun to use in games lol.


Wow, you have some serious snotlings there!

how many pump wagons can you field in an army?

(i guess this comes from someone with 3 steams tanks :p)


hmmm, pump wagons counted as war machines, so 25% of your total points… Warhammer 4th and 5th was totally different in army composition than 6th/7th… (haven’t read 8th) and since they were only like 50 points… you could have a lot! and bases of snotlings were 25 points each… no limit, counted as “core”

Wow, you have some serious snotlings there!

how many pump wagons can you field in an army?

(i guess this comes from someone with 3 steams tanks :p)



do it, do it, do it!!!


So I just got lost in snotling land for a little while…  apparently there are several various army lists for them… and battle reports from people who have used them!  Some pretty crazy looking forces… but these are by far my favorite… and something along the lines of what I envisioned!  


The mushroom men from Reaper Miniatures are perfect!!!



Orc and Goblin horde on the move!

What you see:

7 various shaman

3 River Trolls (well 1 really as I couldn’t find my 2 painted ones…)

5 Stone trolls

1 regular bfsp troll

1 orc juggernaught

1 goblin war beast

2 goblins on giant spiders

34 goblin spider riders

25 goblin wolf riders (10 of my wolves have gone missing or I would have 35)

1 man mangler

2 rock lobbers

1 lead belcher

1 orc bolt thrower

1 goblin bolt thrower

2 doom divers

35 night goblin netter clubbers

54 goblins

(115 Night goblins not pictured here)

60 night goblin archers

28 forest goblins

18 forest goblin archers

8 night goblin squig hoppers

6 night goblin squig hearders

15 squigs

5 orc boar riders

10 orc wolf riders

15 savage orcs

42 orcs

15 orc archers

8 wolf chariots

2 boar chariots (1 not pictured: al plastic and still on sprue)

6 ogres

2 giants

also not in this horde: all the snotlings shown previously…

that is my whole greenskin host…  not so green… some day…  working on the chariots first: speaking of chariots in setting them all up I’ve discovered I’m missing one of the goblin battle chariot horses with the ropes around it’s chest!  A quick search on ebay brought up several other sole wolves… so I’ve not lost hope… anyone have a spare wolf from 1987 with ropes around it’s chest kicking around :wink:


wow… very ig waaagh!!! how many models do you have??? hehehe


Lol, took me a while to spot the Confederate flag on the ogre’s scabbard. :smiley:


So much metaaaaaaaal! I’m mouthwatering :o maybe because I’m an old grumbling dwarf but I love old school metal armies :s

Now, move your butt and PAINT THEM ALL! :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol, looks just like the armies I used to play with in the beginning. Few models painted and a horde of metal! :cheers

Blue in VT:


Fantastic!!! This horde takes me back to SOOO many battles from my youth!!! just a wonderful collection.

I agree…get painting!



YEah yeah… I know I have a lot to paint… I haven’t even posted my Beastmen, undead, chaos warrior, brettonian or lizardmen forces yet… the greenskins hold a special place in my heart… Back in the beginning that was all I’d use really. but yes, metal metal metal… don’t really care for today’s plastics from gw.

nitro… thanks! that’s one of my favorite details… I was going to do a whole unit of the Mike Mcvey cannon ogres as confederates… some day… It will be done!

Unzul: that’s one of the reasons I’m doing the pics and tallies… I’m trying to figure that out! ha!! My brother and I once played a game using all of our models… it took about 12 hours to set up, we played 2 turns over two days… it was incredible… but neither of us had a camera!!