[Archive] Dncswlf's hordes of other stuff (1/25/11 update: Snotling Pump Wagon)


yeah! Painted up another greenskin piece tonight! The mm33 goblin chariot! Waiting for the glue to dry a bit, or I’d take a pic… tomorrow, after I finish up the base you’ll all get a peek… next up in the greenskin que: the Fantasy Battles Nick Lund 4 wolf chariot! Can’t wait to get some paint on that one! But first I have a couple mm90s I have to paint up! (I made a list… it’s kept me focused :wink:


oh,so much nice old school minis…do you have a time machine to get all this cool stuff?


Hazkar…  I’ve been collecting for over 20 years, but my big source was I found a guy who was purging his entire collection as he wanted to buy a house… geesh, some people and their priorities… so I pooled my money with a few other chaps and we bought all of his stuff (this was about 10 years ago)!  pretty happy I did, but as I fluctuate in and out of painting/playing very little has been painted over the years!  I hope to get many more done in my current painting craze phase…  and with that said…  the mm33!

(not very happy with these pics, but I’ll live with them… I realized I need a better desk light…)

I thought I had two complete versions of this chariot, but it turns out the wolves are for an orc wolf chariot by Marauder… same year…  so if anyone wants an mm33 chariot body with the two goblins, but no wolves, please pm me!


Yeah, roped my son (8 years old) into playing a game of Battlemasters!  Some of the figs had been pillaged to act as Warhammer figures, but we made it work!  Fun and easy… (starting him out right!)

He draws first blood!  Knights attack my archers!


This game looks interesting. Does it have rules that can be veiwed on the web?


This game looks interesting. Does it have rules that can be veiwed on the web?

Dino, here is the board game geek info blurb:


a quick search didn't turn up the rules... the game was released in 1992, it uses skull and shield dice to attack/defend, the empire great cannon gets its own attack system, as does the chaos ogre (both are card based) the game progresses through flipping battlemaster cards that depict the unit(s) that can move and attack - so which pieces can activate are randomly generated. It is a fast game meant to introduce tabletop wargaming to younger players. Very simple, yet pretty fun to play. Not available outside of ebay-ish sites at this point!


I see. Thx dncswlf.

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Yeah, roped my son (8 years old) into playing a game of Battlemasters!  Some of the figs had been pillaged to act as Warhammer figures, but we made it work!  Fun and easy... (starting him out right!)

Good gravy!!! Brings back memories!! I've still got ~2 sets worth of figs packed away. I recently pillaged some from my collection as well... essentially one set worth of Goblin Wolf Riders to be converted into Hobgoblin Wolf Riders :hat off


Update: BEASTMEN!!!

So I think my next battle is going to be using part of this horde!  We’re playing a 1500 point game, and I’ve never used my Beasties…  looking forward to seeing how they play.

The whole horde:

20 Gors with Halberds, 12 Ungors

Lord, 50 Beastmen with hand weapons and shields  (mostly marauder pieces!) and 5 dragon ogres

12 minotaurs, 3 chariots (including Gorthor)

Close up of the Dragon Ogres

(original Citadel, Marauder, and 3 Games Workshop)

so all together you see:

70 Gors, 12 Ungors, 5 Dragon Ogres, 12 Minotaurs, 3 chariots, Lord


Is there any army you didn’t own! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Like usual awesome stuff! :hat off

When will these models be painted? :smiley:



some gorgeous classic models on there!

Da Crusha:

Nice collection of models you have there. minotaurs with there new growing frenzy rules are pretty awesome. I heard Bestigors are a better special unit choice now in 8th but I love the raw power that minotaurs bring.


Thanks guys, I’ll be trying them out against wood elves in the next battle I fight… But I haven’t made the jump to 8th edition… and I’m using the Ravening Hordes Army List really.

Zanko: Elves… about the only thing I don’t own… They all went to my brother lol… and Skaven actually… my cousin has those… they were my core opponents really…

I hope to paint some of these guys up soon. But I want to get the Nick Lund Orc Wolf riders painted up to be used as hobgoblin wolfriders! I was looking at them though, and honestly I think I could paint most of the beastmen in a month, if I really got to it…


Hey there, The “dragon Ogre” that is second from the right is different. (one of these things is not like the other ones). Where is he from? please.


The first three to the left are the GW pieces released in the 90’s, the next one is the citadel pice from the 80s… the last with the banner pole, the marauder piece also from the 80’s…


MB13 / MM96 Dragon Ogre





Oh man, pretty happy with how these lil guys came out (I just love days off…  finished 3 pieces: wolf, orc, snotlings… and started a 4th!)

(please pardon the quality of the pics… still playing with the broken camera… this time I couldn’t turn the flash off! It washed out most of the shading and highlighting I did… )

These were fun to paint, so much character in these buggers, but, the rest are going to have to wait… gotta get back to my Chaos Dwarves soon!


Wow, Got in a game of Man O War last night!  (we just used the basic pieces as it was the first time I’ve played in 15 ish or so years… and the first time my gaming buddy ever played, so I thought it would be easier…  and no, I do not have a chaos Dwarf fleet, but quite a nice Vanilla Dwarf… and Orc, and Pirate, and High Elf (my brothers).

Here is the game in action:


Oh, and I realized I never posted pictures of this guy… finished him in November…

40k Ork Shokk Attack gun!!!


Snotling Pump Wagon (1984 I think…)

I’ll be adding a flag to the upright post… something mushroomy :cheers

(I know it’s not complete… I have another with the platforms…  that one’s coming up later in the year…  Going to get started on some Beastmen in February!!!)


Man O’ War! Battlemasters! Marauder Dragon Ogres! I hadn’t checked your log recently. A very impressive collection! You make me want to break out my Battlemasters and Man O’ War. Unfortunately all the pieces from the former were lost in a flood a few years ago, and I have no opponents for the latter.

Pump wagon is also lovely. :hat off