I have to confess that I sold my “modern” Chaos dwarf army. It was mostly painted and much played - and I wanted to play my other armies, too.
But I couldn’t resist to buy 20 MM90s Models from Sam585 here in the marketplace (thanks again).
Some of them shown here:
I couldn`t wait to paint some of them and at the same time started to look for the missing 4 models and Marauder shields. Now I miss only one of the lot (5d). Here is my first painted guy, completed today, base needs still some tufts.
While searching the net for the missing MM90s I stumbled over really nice pictures of miniatures from that era and was so attracted that I had the idea of making a complete army, mixed with other Marauder models and Citadel Realms of Chaos. The later were among my first lead miniatures at all and it is nice to have some of them around again.
Some examples here:
I posted the army blog in the CD army section because the start of this army were the MM90s. If Mods see it fit better in the “Offtopic” section please feel free to move the thread :-).
Oh yes yes yes my friend!! These look great, i dont need to be seeing these now though cause it just makes me want to bust them out!
That Dragon Ogre is great, its the one i was reffering to in the other thread about the Jugger. The Chaos Warriors look amazing and i love the idea of mixing these guys into obe great army, it was at the time what they did. There is a Chaos Warrior on a Griffon from that era too which i have and would really fit in
Cant wait for the next update, i need to leave now though before i get distracted by old school awesome-ness
@Abecedar: I think it is called “DS2” . For me that is a very special miniature as it was one of my first Citadel miniatures at all. I painted him the first time in 1993 and he remained painted until 2 weeks ago when I decided to paint him new for this project.
@Ghrask Dragh: Thank you very much. Real life interfered with my hobby plans - there is already another MM90 Chaos Dwarf on my desk.
I know the Griffon Rider - with some luck one will arrive during this week, otherwise I come back to you ;).
Lovely project and good paintjob as well. Very nice plans for making a rowdy all-Chaos army, just like I’ve always planned to do. Will follow this with interest.
Of course it belongs in the CD army blogs, since Chaos Dwarfs can never be anything but the dominant segment of an army, regardless of their numbers. :hat off
While I truly believe that the Big Hats have been, are, and always will be the best GW figures ever made, I must admit that these vintage MM90’s guys are a joy to look at.
Nice work you’ve done with them and have fun collecting them :hat off
"Blue in VT" is no bad reference and I like the style so I take it as a compliment :-). You are not the first to mention him :-).
Thank you, guys! :hat off
For those who do not know him, I link the blog
"Blue´s Marauding Miniatures"
Another great showing for some Oldhammer style Chaos Dwarves! I think I’ll have to dabble in a few of them someday. I am especially fond of the ones which have a subtle kind of chaos god alignment, like your nurgle-ish sorcerer.