[Archive] Forgeworld Email Replies


(Mods move to relevant section if I have posted it incorrectly)

Until the following rules are included in the Tamurkhan FAQ, I am listing them here for the benefit of CDO. If others have received similar replies, we could add them all in one post. I have tried to categorise them as much as possible.

Q. As per Tamurkhan FAQ, a Hellcannon benefits from the Daemonsmith�?Ts re-rolls. Does this mean that the Daemonsmith can perform the Look Out Sir! With on the Hellcannon?
A. The Hellcannon benefits from the Deamonsmith re-roll because in it’s shooting phase it fires as a stone thrower.  However, because the Hellcannon is a Monster at al other times a Daemonsmith will not benefit from the look out sir rule from this model. (Email Tue 19th Mar 2013)

Magic Items
Q. How does the Black Hammer of Hashut interact with units made up of multi-wound models that are Flammable (ex Treekin, Ogres with Ash Storm, etc)? Does one Treekin/Ogre model die for every wound suffered by the Black Hammer?
A. When attacking a unit with flammable models that have more than one wound with the Black Hammer, you would need to roll to wound seperately with each successful hit. If a wound is caused and not saved the model would be killed and then you would move on to the next model.  You would continue with this process until you run out of hits, models or both. (Email Tue 19th Mar 2013)

Lore Of Hashut
Q. Does a unit under the effect of Ashstorm treat open terrain as Dangerous Terrain?
A. Units affected by the Ash Storm spell would treat open terrain as dangerous terrain.  However, as these affected units are not able to March, Charge or Fly, the only time they would take dangerous terrain tests because of the spell is if they flee. (Email Tue 19th Mar 2013)

Bull Centaurs
Q. Do Bull Centaurs use spears  as infantry models (Fight In an Extra Rank as implied in the rulebook) or are they fight to get the Strength bonus when charging like cavalry? I assume the second option was intended but unless FAQed ruleswise they are treated like infantry.
We consulted them (the book team) regarding the spears for the Bull Centaurs and they said that the best way would be for them to gain the same benefits as cavalry when amed in this way. (Email Tue 11th Apr 2013)
A. Currently the Bull Centaurs receive no benefits from having spears as they are neither an infantry or cavalry derivative. We will be passing this particular question on to our book team for a solution. (Email Tue 19th Mar 2013)

Great Taurus
Q. Can the Great Taurus take the upgrade options from the Storm Of Magic book, as the Lammassu per Tamurkhan FAQ?
A. The Great Taurus may indeed select the Storm of Magic upgrades. (Email Mon 25th Feb 2013)

Q. In the Tamurkhan FAQ, the Great Taurus has not been included in the Blazing Body update. This seems to indicate that the Great Taurus still benefits from the -1 To Wound, whilst K�?TDaai & Bale Taurus benefit from re-roll To Wound from non-magical attacks against them.
A. The revised Burning Body rule applies ONLY to K’daai and Bale Taurus; the Great Taurus continues to use the Storm of Magic wording. (Email Mon 25th Feb 2013)

Q. As per above reply, the Great Taurus still uses the -1 To Wound rule as per Storm of Magic wording. The way this was FAQed before was that wounding on a 7s was not possible & thus it could not be wounded by Strength 3 attacks. However, the FAQ update has since been changed for the K�?TDaai & Bale Taurus, without explaining wheter the previous method of cannot be wounded on 7s still applies to the Great Taurus?
A. With regards to the rules for the Great Taurus, it has not changed, it still cannot be wounded on 7’s. (Email Tue 11th June 2013)

Q. Does the Bale Taurus also have the Fuelled by Fire rule or does it apply only to the Great Taurus ? The special rule on page 185 specifically names the Great Taurus but the page is titled Great Taurus as well.
A. The Great Taurus has “Fuelled by Fire”, however the Bale Taurus doesn’t. (Email Fri 14th June 2013)

Q. Dreadquake Mortar �?" Quake special rule: �?oAll models in a unit suffering casualties from a Dreadquake Mortar in the previous turn must pass a test exactly as if they were moving through Dangerous Terrain if they wish to move (including charging, reforming, characters leaving the unit, etc) or use Move or Fire weapons in their next turn�?�. Dangerous tests are normally taken only if a unit marches, charges, flees and/or pursuits, not a normal (non-march) move or a reform. Will the all the unit need to take a Dangerous test even if it moves normally or reforms? Also, if a character leaves/charges out of the unit, does the whole unit take the Dangerous Test or just the character?
A. The quake rule description refers to how the test is taken in the first instance and then what exceptions to the normal conditions would trigger the test. (Email Mon 17th Jun 2013)

Q. Does an Iron Daemon stop a cannonball shot from �?~bouncing through�?T?
A. An Iron Daemon does not stop the bounce of a cannon shot as it is not one of the listed unit types that do so. (Email Tue 25th June 2013)


The Iron Daemon moves as follows -

1. If you wish to move the Iron Daemon normally, then it moves upto 6" and can turn normally. By moving like this, you can’t charge
2. If you you want to try to move further than 6" or to make a charge move, then you have to roll 2d6 for the movement and it must be in a straight line, it cannot pivot or turn as part of this move.


Great job, thanks.

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Many thanks Kram:)

This message was automatically appended because it was too short.


why they don’t release them as official FAQs? (including the burning bright rules)

unfortunately in this form (email answers) they don’t have value in situations like tournaments…


I have asked them to do just that for the exact same reason (and sent the the updates above). The rest is in there hands. For all we know they are including them in the FAQ, but they are collecting all the updates…


Very glad to see some questions that needed addressing are getting to them. With a lil more work we can make this into a full fledged working army book. I would like to say grats to all on getting the massive faq with all our siggies sent in. Also, I hope my bullish nature helped in showing that we needed a united front, which it seems by this reply is what we got.


Do these all make sense to everyone? By that that I mean: are these the expected answers, nothing too weird or strange that may have been the result of them saying the first thing that came off the top of their head?

It seems like we should compile a comprehensive list of errata and FAQ that the community can get behind and support, rather than it just being a list of what they have said.


That’s a great work ! Thank you very much ! :cheers

Get slaves for that, for i’m sure (and hope that) some of yours died when collecting these answers !


Kudos to all for your kind replies.

Once this FAQ is released, my next effort will be to pester Games Workshop to add a Chaos Dwarfs button under the Warhammer Armies, linked to the Forgeworld Chaos Dwarfs section. Minor change to them, big change to us. Though I feel that that will be the biggest challenge yet.


Do these all make sense to everyone? By that that I mean: are these the expected answers, nothing too weird or strange that may have been the result of them saying the first thing that came off the top of their head?

It seems like we should compile a comprehensive list of errata and FAQ that the community can get behind and support, rather than it just being a list of what they have said.

These answers make alot of sense. In fact they seem like answers to the massive FAQ we as a community shipped off, what a week ago now?


In fact they seem like answers to the massive FAQ we as a community shipped off, what a week ago now?

IMHO, the new FAQ seems to contain the exact answers to KramDattas questions instead of our FAQ-request. x.x
I'm just a bit sad, that they didn't include the Great Taurus-questions in the FAQ.



In fact they seem like answers to the massive FAQ we as a community shipped off, what a week ago now?

IMHO, the new FAQ seems to contain the exact answers to KramDattas questions instead of our FAQ-request. x.x
I'm just a bit sad, that they didn't include the Great Taurus-questions in the FAQ.


Note that the Great Taurus replies were added later in my first post, as I received their reply after I had sent the word document with all their previous replies.

So I'll wait a day or two and see if the FAQ is updated. If not, I'll email them about the Great Taurus.

I'll check if the FAQ 2.0 post has any questions which were not answered and I'll add them to the list.


follow my example, let’s donate some slaves to KramDatta as he is the real FAQ master! ^^



Thanks so much for compiling this information, GREAT WORK ON THIS!

Really do appreciate it.

Mad Dave:

i’ve just checked the FW FAQ bit and it has been updated! Great work guys!



Great job man, or superb would be more accurate !!


Q. Do I roll for the K�?Tdaai �?~Burning Bright�?T rule at the start of each player turn?

A. No, the test is made at the start of each game turn from turn 2 onwards, and is made by the Chaos Dwarf player

Just to sure here, its not turn 3 as it has been discussed before?

(sorry if its a stupid question)


Q. Do I roll for the K�?Tdaai �?~Burning Bright�?T rule at the start of each player turn?
A. No, the test is made at the start of each game turn from turn 2 onwards, and is made by the Chaos Dwarf player

Just to sure here, its not turn 3 as it has been discussed before?

(sorry if its a stupid question)

Well, I think it's clear enough. Turn 2 is turn 2. Not Turn 3.

Kudos Kram! Start pestering GW straight away!!!

Da Crusha:

i've just checked the FW FAQ bit and it has been updated! Great work guys!


Mad Dave
sweet! its about time!


I’m impressed. Responding directly to players’ questions isn’t something that GW ever does. FW FTW!