[Archive] GH XI Speculation - Anyone?� �


AC 6 is well one it’s way now (entries should be up tonight according to Willmark) - it’s time to look forward.

Next ‘big thing’ is probably the annual community award show, but after that we might see the 11th converting/painting comp.

Know that Staff don’t fully approve these discussions -  but rebel as I am - I’ll like to ask:

'what would you like to see as a theme for GH XI ?'

Personally, I would like to see any one of these:

  • Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer, Priest ect. (perhaps with options to do a mounted one)

  • Front rank warrior unit/blunderbusses/Immortals - unit of 5-6 models (incl. command)


I can guarantee its a theme that doesn’t interest me.

So, Mods, here’s a challenge: make it something interesting enough for GRNDL to contemplate entering!

/gauntlet is cast!


We really do appreciate threads like these, as it generates ideas that people actually want to do. :wink:

We have an idea in mind already, but if there is a really cool idea here we can always change it.


Why not suggest something you would want to do?


Why not suggest something you would want to do?

Do I have to do everything around here?  Pish! :)

See, if I told you, it wouldn't be much of a challenge, would it? Sheesh!  :hat off


People Creating their versions of the Inferno Golem… wouldn’t that be a sight to see, as there was a big discussion on what would be good to use.


Playing only the RH list I’d like to stick with it.

I need to paint my sorcerers… so why not? :wink:

Pyro Stick:

  • Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer, Priest ect. (perhaps with options to do a mounted one)

I vote for either of these. Like ive been doing for the past 2 or 3 GH's

Hashut’s Blessing:

clam: we like these threads: it let’s us know what everyone wants. We often start talking about the theme partway through the Artisan’s Contest (and we talk about Artisan’s part way through GH), so we don’t always ed up going with what people have said. However, we take into account what everyone says and make future plans accordingly.

Anyone that feels we are simply ignoring their opinion here, it may be that more people have said something else, we have done something similar recently or we have something special about it planned.

GRNDL: A pie-flinging potato-bomb? I’d certainly be interested to see youmake that ^^ :stuck_out_tongue: However, without knowing what interests you, we are simply guessing, so we’re more likely to go with the more concentrated wants of a majoirty than shotting in the dark, sorry. Not anything personal, just logical.

Gar Shadowfame:

I can guarantee its a theme that doesn't interest me.

So, Mods, here's a challenge: make it something interesting enough for GRNDL to contemplate entering!

/gauntlet is cast!
You aint good enough to chalange:D


Id prefer something from the classic list, thou Ill try to enter anyway… :slight_smile:


I suggest following this link. :wink: http://www.chaos-dwarfs.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6836


I would vote for these challenges:

- Daemoneater

- mounted Sorcerer

- Golem


Ishkur Cinderhat:

The “warrior unit front row” classic comes up in every GH ideas thread. Funny enough it was never picked up. Ever. :smiley:

Hashut’s Blessing:

Ishkur, that’s largely because the first ever GH was a Chaos Dwarf rank and file :wink: On top of that, when we did a rank of slaves, people complained about having to do multiple models in the same space of time etc lol :stuck_out_tongue: We also like to keep things fresh by creating competitions for things not done before. However, it;s still constantly being considered: we just often think there are cooler things to do :wink:

Pyro Stick:

Ishkur, that's largely because the first ever GH was a Chaos Dwarf rank and file ;)

Hashut's Blessing
One CD Warrior is complately different from a whole rank of either warriors or blunderbuss.
On top of that, when we did a rank of slaves, people complained about having to do multiple models in the same space of time etc lol :P

Hashut's Blessing
A rank of slaves is much more difficult to make than a rank of standard warriors. For slaves you need to make unique looking models and it involves conversion if you want to make them look like they are actually slaves. It also involves needing models from loads of different armies.


A rank of models did in fact come up in the staff discussion of this matter recently. It was not shot down in pieces. I’m not saying that the idea made it to the top of the list of ideas though, but then I’m not saying that it didn’t either. Basically, it was discussed, don’t read anything into it though.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Pyro, I would argue that it is actually the same thing, just 5 times over :wink: But each to their own :stuck_out_tongue:

You COULD go into the detail of obtaining models from several races or just group your races into units. However, Here, I would say that slaves require less conversion than Chaos Dwarf Warriors, but that’s my own personal style.

As cornixt has said, ranks were discussed. I tend not to say what we have and haven’t discussed because I always feel like I’ll dissuade people or give away the surprise, lol :stuck_out_tongue: In all honesty, I’ve forgotten what the current one is, if we’ve even decided it yet ^^ (Although, that’s in no small part to me having spent the last two or three weeks offline.)


I wouldn’t mind doing 5 Blunderbuss one day, heh, I can’t seem to motivate myself to make mine.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Hello again everyone!

I would like to go for some Blunderbuss CD’s as an entry. This will help me finish up my army and help me get back into the Warhammer world.

Please consider it!

Tarrakk Blackhand.


As cornixt has said, ranks were discussed. I tend not to say what we have and haven't discussed because I always feel like I'll dissuade people or give away the surprise, lol :P In all honesty, I've forgotten what the current one is, if we've even decided it yet ^^ (Although, that's in no small part to me having spent the last two or three weeks offline.)

Hashut's Blessing
I forgot too, all i remembered was the discussion :P
I don't like to give away much about what we discuss, especially in a thread like this because it restricts people's thinking a bit. In this case I didn't want anyone to think that we were automatically dismissing certain ideas.

But it goes to show, you can't please everyone all the time. We hope to please everyone at least some of the time, but even that isn't always feasible with some people.