[Archive] Gnomes of Gnomorrah� � Huge ass cannon and now heavy troops and warlock WIP


At the momment I have so many other projects it’s not even funny ranging from female valhallan imperial guard to mystical flying disks and scenic bases for the ass cannon and possible eldar/dark eldar sisters of battle/silence conversion kit opertunities so following one project will take lots of patience. Not to mention other sub projects including flock basing materials and clump foliage development to expand my wares as a eBay seller so at the momment it’s slow progress. But I’ll give my assurances that these guys are top of my to do lists.


chronic failure yesterday and today, the arms tht I have sculpted I didnt have a great referance for them scale wise, Sadly they look great if I was creating the lost apes of Gnomorrah as they are hugely off scale, Ill keep them for future projects but ill need to work on some new ones.