[Archive] Going to be a ma ma


In that case I’ll give you double congratulations. :hat off


That should be quadruple congratulations, twin are four times as much work! Loads of twins in my family, you will have a lot of fun!


Not a member here since that long, but still wish you the best for your family miss :slight_smile:

Kids with a pirate-loving mother can only become great people :hat off

Congratulations, arrr! :cheers


2 x gratz are in order;)


Going to be a mother of twin girls


Im very happy :hat off:hat off  

Pirate princess ..

Since i further the  race of chaos dwarf do i get a Award  for this :)

Kera foehunter
I dont think we have talked Kera, I'm kind of new here, but I've been the father of twins, a boy and a girl, for 1,5 years. The first six months can be tough nights when the babies wake each other, my best tip is to keep them together anyhow because then they comfort each other!

When they grow up, in a way feeding etc. is double the work, however you'll get your time back about a year in when they always have someone to play with! I'm sure you'll notice that special bond between twins thats sometimes mentioned, the third night at the hospital when we took tests the wrong baby started crying when the other gave a blood sample... when I hang out with them I always feel left out. In that way twins are a blessed bunch.

Only 1 in 1000 pregnancies are twins, congratulations again (twice is in order here naturally) :cheers


GG wp!!!

Prepare for a tough start, but anticipate great rewards. An old lady recently told me, that the greatest present I could give my newborn was siblings to avoid getting lonely in old age

Fuggit Khan:

Going to be a mother of twin girls
Pirate princess ..
Since i further the  race of chaos dwarf do i get a Award  for this :)

Kera foehunter
Congratulations :cheers
So I think this now counts as a new pirate princess army blog for you Kera?  ;)

Kera foehunter:

Very temping… But i do not think this site could take that much alsumeness.

I have re frame from posting my female dwarf army here … But i have tall hats waiting to be painted…

Where setting up the basement so that i can go on with the hobby while i have the girls … well till they can climb down the stairs lol


Thorough preparation in advance. Now that’s Dwarf style. :hat off


I had to move house to get my hobby space back. I’m now sat in a converted outhouse, pretty cold but has all the mod cons like a fridge and even a window lol.

I definately had to stop using sprays and other chemicals in the house, and tidy away all sharp objects and stuff meant it was on hold for a bit.

Ghrask Dragh:

Forgive my lateness, congratulations! This is truly great news :hat off

Kera foehunter:

Lol your always late Ghrash… That’s why you never get ambush by Nijas they will get tired of waiting for ya But thanks i have another Doctor visit thursday…


Don’t believe the ultrasounds, the Father of Darkness granted me a vision of what’s REALLY going on in that belly of yours! :hashut


I’m pretty sure they’re girls, Madhatter. :stuck_out_tongue:

Best of luck, Kera.


I'm pretty sure they're girls, Madhatter. :P

Best of luck, Kera.


Ah, well... Dang I guess haha

Kera foehunter:

lol those cd gods are jokesters :slight_smile:

The Odor:

Haven’t seen this before now, but congratulations.





My 2 sisters have 3 little fireborn racing around… So frackin cute you wanna squeeze the 4+ ward save out of them!

And btw your portrait on dwarfbook looks beautiful!

Best of luck to you and your lovely spawn!


lol  those cd gods are jokesters :)

Kera foehunter
Haha, you know what, I was supposed to have 2 girls but turned out a boy and a girl so delivery was quite shocking. Its all in the hands of the Father of Darkness (and Tzeentch) ;)