[Archive] Golden Hat #8 - Determine the Top 10!



wow… wow… speechless… who knew that could happen!?

guys, these are phenomenal. I can’t decide. I’ve spent ALL MORNING (my boss won’t thank you) trying to narrow it down, and right now I have 10… so I will open a new account, and submit a vote for the other 5 on that one :wink:

re-evaluates nope, still have no clue… better spend my lunch hour going over them too! :stuck_out_tongue:


I just went with my gut instinct. I could have spent ages going over their various merits.


If you want to download all the entries in a single zip file, here it is:


I think I have a new screen saver! It’s also good for a slide show. :wink:

centauro enano:

Some really impressive work :o, I hard to choose just five. Good luck to all participants :hat off.


As hard as it is to pick 5 now… when we get to the top 10 how hard will it be to pick one?! :o

Ishkur Cinderhat:

If you want to download all the entries in a single zip file, here it is:

I think I have a new screen saver!  It's also good for a slide show. ;)

Ha, now that's a cool idea! :cheers



Even though I love them all, my favorite is #26. Good luck everyone!


I narrowed it down to 12… and still couldn’t decide.

In the end I didn’t choose the ones that jumped out at me immediately. I went for humor, subtle painting, and variety. Hopefully the top ten will represent a good spread.



I narrowed it down to 12... and still couldn't decide.

More or less the same number of entries as me.
In the end I didn't choose the ones that jumped out at me immediately. I went for humor, subtle painting, and variety. Hopefully the top ten will represent a good spread.

I ended up not going for #8 purely because while it was both very well painted and humorous, it wasn't as 'epic' as some of the others, and didn't vote for #24 because, although I love the painting and general style, I have no idea what it is.

For me it's a case of picking the most original (again, #18 lost out here despite being beautiful, because it was an unmodified model), followed by the best modelled, followed by the best painted, followed by "is this the sort of thing I could/would want to see appearing in our army?".

Sending in my votes soon.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

I went for humor, subtle painting, and variety.

LOL well I'm certainly not known for subtlety... :D
I have no idea what it is

I had the same problem, it's probably a problem of the angles that were chosen for the pictures. It's a shame really because the level of detail is lovely and the mechanics seem well thought though. Still, I'm quite sure this one will have a very high rating in the end.


I have no idea what it is.
So I'm not the only one?


I actually like 24 quite a bit. After looking at it for a while it starts to make sense in a mad scientist sort of way. The barrels and general shape of the gun are apparent, as are all the little chemical injector thingies. The mechanical hammers are a mystery, however. That I don’t know what rules, if any, apply to it doesn’t really dissuade me from appreciating it, though I’d guess some sort of Flame Cannon proxy given the three Dwarf crew.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

I’m going to try to remain annominous, but I’m glad to hear that my # isn’t in the “Discard Pile” yet. However, looking at what everyone else did, I think mine isn’t the greatest.


How am I supposed to narrow it down to just 5?  Holy crap those are all so very well done. I was thinking of entering, and after seeing these, and looking at my own piss poor attempt, I’m glad I didn’t…

Now, how do I narrow it down…  eenie meenie miny mo… I am quite partial to number 5 though… catch a ninny by the toe… and then there is…


Same here I had a tough time getting it down to 9 let alone 5 but I did leaving out some very cool models in the process!


Votes casted! :hat

Now I know why most of us choose Chaos Dwarfs… warmachine anyone? :slight_smile:

Tarrakk Blackhand:

How close are we to getting to the next stage of the votes?


There are many good ones I didn’t vote for.

Some random commentary (I may or may not have voted for them):

#7: I’m seriously considering using this concept for my Hobgoblin bolt throwers. I’m not sure yet though. It looks really cool however.

#13: I really like this one. Very creative and original.

#26: Nice to see something from WaR personified in figure form!


Sent my votes in.

Another factor I considered was popularity - if given the choice between two models that I liked more-or-less equally, I would choose the one I thought others wouldn’t vote for. 'S more fair, or something.


Loads of great ideas! It’s a shame i didnt get any time to work on mine!

#4 was exactly the same idea that i had!