[Archive] Grey Knights up for preorder


One thing we've not seen yet is another angle of the suit. It, for example, might look awesome from the back ;P

Actually there's a freely rotatable image on the GW homepage ^^

Ishkur Cinderhat
that I missed, off to the gw site.


I went into a Games Workshop on Saturday, saw the unpainted plastics of the models.

They had one


Now behold the most knighty knight you ever seen!

THE Jokaero Weaponsmith!!!


This model is so ugly :mad
what has it to do with super space knights

Ishkur Cinderhat:

I don’t get it. Why of all people should Inquisitors make use of xenos scum as henchmen?


yeah, it’s so stupid :frowning:


Ha! GW meets Planet of the apes.


It’s only a matter of time before the Zoats are back.



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Thommy H:

I don't get it. Why of all people should Inquisitors make use of xenos scum as henchmen?

Ishkur Cinderhat
Probably the same reason they use Daemonhosts - Radical Inquisitors believe in using the weapons of the enemy against itself.

Hashut’s Blessing:

What on Earth made them decide to take a Wookiee’s technical abilities and attributes in a ginger-coloured simian form, I never will know…


Are they bringing back all the old Rogue Trader designs?


I hope not, a lot of those models looked silly. There are ofcourse exceptions

Thommy H:

What on Earth made them decide to take a Wookiee's technical abilities and attributes in a ginger-coloured simian form, I never will know...

Hashut's Blessing
It's from Rogue Trader.

Hashut’s Blessing:

I know, but I don’t understand how they came up with it then either, lol :smiley:

Thommy H:

40K was a lot weirder back then…

Hashut’s Blessing:

Apparently so. The key thing - does it still feel fitting though?