[Archive] Guide To Stripping Plastics

Mad Dave:

I personally use fairy power spray (100% no water added) and leave the miniatures to soak for 48 hours then scrub and if needed soak again. this also works on metal figures.

Ive left Forge world model’s in the past to soak for 24 hours then clean and dry and re-soak if needed. another good tip for using fairy power spray that you can use it to remove those stubborn bit of release agent that wont go after soaking it in water.

I’ve also used it to strip and clean fail cast in the past also to good success…


For those of us in less civilised parts of the world.  Simple Green detergent is now available in Australia at Bunnings Hardware stores.


I use denatured alcohol as a solution in a sonic jewelry cleaner. Works great and you can reuse the solution multiple times.

Heres the one I use.



This is my lovely 2nd edition (I think) chaplain that I forgot about. He ended up soaking in a pot of paint thinner for around 3 months. When I remembered about it, I was excited because I thought the paint would just slide off. But as you can see, all the recesses are still full of paint! A coarse toothbrush was not getting the job done, and picking each groove by hand isn’t going to work because I have a lot more metal minis to clean up. Do you think a metal brush will damage them? Anyone have pro tips for getting metal all clean and shiny? I will try to find some of this dettol stuff you’re all talking about.


Moving this to the tutorial section!