Hello all! I’ve been a lurker for awhile now but I’ve finally decided to put up some of my CD’s. Theres a doubles tournament coming in my area in about 3 months or so so I decided that its tim to make GW see CD’s are still here!
So heres just a few of the things I’ve been working on.
15 Chaos Dwarf Warriors with Full Command (only the front rank has there shields done, thats one of the things I gotta get done :)) Sorry for the dark pictures, I’ll try and get better ones.
This is Khan Flick, da Hamma Hand! He had his hand cut off in a run in with a particularly grumpy Orc. But due to his loyal service to the Gunrock clan the Sorceror Lord Ata’sul, leader of the Gunrock clan granted him a massive stone hand making Flick hideously strong and dangerous even to the mightiest foes!
and of course my Mighty Earthshaker! The oldest and most venerable warmachine in the Gunrock arsenal
Anyway I’ll post a few more items when I have the chance, bye for now!
Thanks for the replies all! My goal is to get the 1000pts (or actually 1125pts that I now need apparently) ready. Tough recently I’ve been in a “I dont want to paint!” kinda mode. Hopefully with some encouragement I can get what I need done in time.
As for the skin, well I honestly never really saw the Chaos Dwarfs with regular skintones. It just seemed to look silly to me. When the Ogre Kingdoms first came out and they painted those models with a grey skin, as opposed to the older Ogres that had regular flesh colour I thought “Im taking that idea.” I actually like how they came out, thanks for the comments!
so anyway I thought I’d share a few more pics with all of you.
The Gunrock clan sits far to the south of the Plains of Zharr in an area littered with Greenskin tribes. The Gunrocks as a result are very slave rich…though much of the times its just alot of semi-useless Gnoblars! However WAAAGHS tend to coming running through the area on a semi-regular basis and the Gunrocks have alliances with several Hobgoblin tribes in the area (who are always willing to sell out new Orc tribes they discover if it means they can get there hands on some Dawi weapons and armour…also ensure they dont get thrown into the Mines) who help out the Gunrocks in capturing more slaves.
So here are some of those slaves!
and lastly, as I mentioned the Hobgoblins in the area work with the Gunrocks in order to save there own skin, and to gain access to better equipment. The most prominent is da Howlin Wolf clan. Every summer the clan rides to Gorgoth and they meet and trade with the Chaos Dwarfs. To cement the Alliance between them young wolf riders are givin over in service to the clan for the period of a year (until the clan returns next year to trade) to serve as scouts and part of the Clans military force during slaving missions.
They’re looking nice, I do agree about the commend on the shields. I’d also throw some of the Denub Mud Wash on the shields/weapons of your greenskins. Make them look old and worn.
I like the clever little touches on the Earth shaker, it adds something to it. It’s adds a nice warped touch to it, which is a very good thing. Gives that ‘something extra’ that really gives some flavor to your army.
More Great work :hat off - but as Swiss just said - I also think that your greenskins could use a bit weathering - and it’s easily done with the new washes - like Devlan Mud, Gryphonne Sepia and/or Ogryn Flesh.
Thanks for all of your replies! I agree with the cleanliness of the Hobbos and orcs. I guess I should dirty them up some. And I should highlight the skin more. As for the red…yeah I honestly got frustrated trying to get it to look like I was layering it (which is what I was doing) and I just couldn’t get it to pop the way I wanted. So I kinda got frustrated and just gave up and tried to make it as clean as possible.
I’ll see what I can do about the shields too. I agree, they do look a bit plain.
Your wolfsriders are awesome, i totally love those modells. And could you please tell us, how you painted your CD skin? :hat off
Wow, someone asking for painting tips. That new for me…I honestly dont think of myself as much of a painter. I know its a skill you can develop if you put in some effort, and this is the army I decided to have a go at all those fancy painting techniques (My first army, Empire, suffers from first army paint job syndrome) and some of these model came out better then I had thought they would.
Okay, for the skin its actually fairly easy. The front rank are the ones I put a lot of attention on as they are all the metal models and the ones everyone sees, the back ranks I did a lot simpler, but here’s how I got the grey.
1) Codex grey as a base
2) 50% Codex grey, 50% Fortress grey over the more pronounced areas, like the cheek bones, nose and around the outside of the face as well as the knuckles.
3) Straight fortress grey over the most prominent areas, top of the nose, knuckles, and cheekbones.
It’s fairly simple as I like sharp highlights. they tend to stand out more across the table from someone your playing then more subtle stuff.
Anyway, I should be hashing out the army list my partner and I will be using for the doubles tournament this weekend. Then I’ll know what I have to get to painting and I’ll update more! Thanks for the replies/critiques! There really helpful and encouraging!
Been busy the last week with work but I have managed to begin work on the last 5 Blunderbusses I have in order to finish my unit of 15. I hope to have them done by this weekend and I’ll post pics of all of them when I’m done. In the meantime I had a discussion with my doubles partner for the tournament im preparing for and we came up with out 2250pt list. Chaos Dwarfs and Dark elves will march together!
anyway I now have to paint:
-CD Hero BSB
-CD Sorcerer
-9 more CD Warriors + shields
-5 More Blunderbusses (WIP as of now)
-50 Hobgoblins (yay…)
-2 Bolt Throwers
-5 Bull Centaurs
I have around…75 days to get it all done so I have time…though I’m always surprised how quickly these things jump on you if you dont get a regimented painting schedule down. Added to that is the fact that my list may change once we get a few practice games in.
great models. are those hobgobla khans wolf riders?
great skin tone too!
Ogranoth blackhammer
Yes those are Ooglah Khans Wolf boys, I know there not really equiped properly, but there pretty models and I really like em! (though they costed an arm and a leg…)
I like the clever little touches on the Earth shaker, it adds something to it. It’s adds a nice warped touch to it, which is a very good thing. Gives that ‘something extra’ that really gives some flavor to your army.
Thanks for the comments! I got the bits just before GW said “no more bits for you!”, When I found out they were shutting down the bits service I made a big order for everything I needed/thought I needed for whatever conversions I was working on/wanted to work on.
Like this guy for instance
Cookie to whoever can identify the bits I used
Concerning the shields:
What´s about using decals?
Quite easy to manage and you haven´t to remove the shields from the hobos!
Thats a good idea actually. Decals would be easier then painting anything. I dont have a very steady hand so I wouldn’t trust myself painting freehand. Thanks!
Anyway, I’m off for now. I’ll have updates soon! I promise!