[Archive] Halfling Empire Blog


poor little halflings. How did the rest of the battle go ?


I got crushed, but every battle with this army is fun. Everything a Halfling kills is a victory!

And now I bring you some new pics!

First, my very cute little Pegasus rider

And some WIP Outriders!

I also wanted to ask you guys for some advice. This is the guy I currently use as BSB, but he’s not really interesting (the banner is still WIP).

So I had a look through my bitsbox, and found this giant banner, and the perfect guy to hold it.

This is the model holding the banner:

What do you think? Is the banner too big for these cute little guys, or could it work?


Oh I love the new Battlebanner, that would totally work.

Baraz Gorechain:

Oh I love the new Battlebanner, that would totally work.

That new banner is wicked awesome. Those are the perfect rascals to hoist the colours.

Depending on your freehand skills, you can also depict one of the holiest of halfling myths: The Next Supper


These are looking really good. I think that you have managed to create a really beautiful army. Keep them coming.


I have a bunch of old halfings sitting around that were once going to be a part of an empire army. I even had some of the older ones, like the spearman chap with the pot on his head.

Great army.

Waste Rider:

Well, now I know what The Moot looks like when amassed for war :smiley: I think the piggy back halflings there would be great for the banner

and for possible designs…

a Roasted Turkey rampant at the fore w/ some cooking implements crossed below it (fork and knife to tie in shields?)

Muffins or like a muffin with eyes wearing a crown or laurels.

Arcimboldo’s “vegetable face” paintings remind me of halflings also and would make a great banner.

Really cool, didn’t realize there were other halfling minis besides DoW and Mordheim uns’. That guy with the sandwich is killer :stuck_out_tongue:


I think the giant sized banner is perfect in line with the rest of your army :smiley:

Blue in VT:

I personally really like the outrider halflings…big guns for little people…awesome!



Great pics am loving that Pegasus rider :smiley:


Thanks for all the positive reactions!

I was just working on the banner, but I have no idea what to paint on it. It’s such a huge surface! You guys got any more brilliant ideas? :slight_smile:


Awsome army, looks really good :slight_smile: Keep it up!


but I have no idea what to paint on it. It's such a huge surface! You guys got any more brilliant ideas? :)

It should be a still life with food.

something like this:
(with more color)


It should be a still life with food.



Great looking BSB, like the food on the banner and ofcourse the rooster


WOW!!! Is that banner real or is it Photoshoped. Either way it looks perfect. Exactly as Bolg suggested. It is very halfling/hobbit/moot -esque. It fits perfectly. Job well done!


Awesome banner! :smiley:

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Damn!! that that turned out even freaking better than I thought! sweet banner!

And just in time for the tournament tomorrow (:


Me and Bas played at a double tournament today. 2x 1200 points. I brought 1200 points of CD along Bas brilliant empire. we came 2nd, not because we got so many victory points but we did have maximum points for painting (:

Oh and the halflings won best painted.

unfortunately the pictures I took came up a bit crappy, here is a link to the set op flicrr:



YAAAAY! Thanks for the pics :smiley: