[Archive] Hashnahet's Immortals (Update: 7-19-2010!)

Kera foehunter:

that’s no gun !! that a tall hat he he

great model love the chain mail


Alright, long time, no update.
I’ve been getting distracted by my skaven army.

This is something I’ve been working on for the Chaos Dwarfs though. It wont have a rider, as I intend to use it as a count-as gyrocopter since I’ll be using the regular Dwarf rules (I know boo hiss).

Edit: (Wow, I haven’t updated this in exactly one year. I hope this doesn’t become a habit)


Looks great. Nice choice of colouring. I too have been in search of a Dawi Zharr gyrocopter idea… didn’t occur to me to just count something like this as one… but why not?



Great work really like all of the blue runes that you have painted on they look cool :slight_smile:


Stunning Gyrocopter! :smiley:

Welcome back, can’t wait to see more! Like you, I hadn’t updated my army for almost a year! Check out the Games Day blog to see some of my new work! :wink:


now that is very very cool, i want one. the shpeel coming out of its mouth look nice, same with the effect on the shoulder blades. Good stuff~ :slight_smile:


The eyes and the runes look very good. But did you have to feed him Taco Bell??