Yesterday I played a game vs. Warriors of the dark gods.
I changed the list and dropped the Immortals for a big Anointed (big Bull Centaurs) unit to gain some speed. Dropped also the Book of Arcane Power to save some points. Alchemy for the prophet for synergy with the incarnates. Core mainly a big Warriors unit with GW.
ID list
Overlord on foot, onyx + defense, general
prophet, master, +3 spells, alchemy, lucky shield
BSB, ring, flaming banner, hardened shield, infernal weapon
Hobgoblin chieftain, paired weapons, charm of cursed iron (warmachine protection, 4 high INI attacks, emergency redirector)
Hobgoblin chieftain, wolf
37 Warriors, Great Weapon, CMS, speed banner
2 x 20 Hobgoblins, bows
5 Anointed, CMS, gleaming icon, light lance, shield
2 x 3 Incarnates
1 Armoured Giant
WDG played:
General on Juggernaut, Wrath, ogre sword, 2+/4++
BSB on Juggernaut, Wrath, 1+/5++, Aether Icon
Barbarian Chieftain, Hero Sword, gives Ambush, Pestilence
Barbarian Chieftain, Skull Splitter, Crown of Scorn
20 Warriors, paired weapon, no mark
25 Barbarians, Great weapon, Pestilence (Ambush unit), poison banner
4 skullcrushers, stalker standard
1 Chimera
1 Chariot with big beast
1 Fallen beast
WDG had no magic, but full magic defense (dispel like a master and dispel crown).
The ID won the game, but there were some very lucky dice rolls in there. 3 incarnates flanked the crushers and killed them on the run, that was an early game changer. But we played to the end, to see what the various units can do.
I had good experiences with magic. Especially the spell which denies Strength bonuses of weapons was very good. For me the buffs/debuffs in Alchemy work better than the damage spells. With a wizard on foot I consider Alchemy our best lore, on a flying wizard maybe Occultism is useful as well.
The Incarnates are very hard hitters, but one more per unit would be very good (or do you think it would be better to play a big unit of 5 or 6?) Mainly they should be warmachine and caster hunters). Lore of Alchemy makes them much stronger.
The hobgoblin chieftain on foot is good. 4 attacks S4 on high INI is a nice additon and in an emergency you can throw him out of the unit to block an overrun etc. You can also give him useful items like the cursed iron or a ring of fire.
Hobgoblins did their job as usual. The great weapon warriors mainly drew some attention and carried the chars. The Anointed killed the chariot on a charge and overrun in the flank of the chaos warriors, chasing them to death. Without the crusher block the WDG could not counter them. The shields are really worth the points even if this hurts a lot (+60 p for the unit).
The giant was not bad, the armor helps a lot, especially if buffed with alchemy to 3+ or 2+ ;). But I had the feeling that 3 Incarnates, which cost only +30p, do a little more havoc. Other experiences? Is the giant worth taking?
I also would like to include a 2nd real redirector and a ring of fire or skull splitter. Ideas?