[Archive] How long have you been GW gaming?


My lack of large wargaming boxes has left me depressed. Especially since my HeroQuest box was beyond salvaging, so all my HeroQuest stuff is stored seperately.

I’ve only got one Warhammer Fantasy Starter box, two 40k ones, the Mordheim box, and the Darkworld box. Only played through Darkworld once… So five boxes.

dncswlf, I bow down to your gaming superiority.


Those are my most secret weapons of all! no one was supposed to see that… drat! I’ll have to picture the other side too… where the rest of my games are… if only I had the time to play them!


Wow you've been gaming longer than i've been alive!
Dude, us old people are sensitive, don't say things like that! :)

But at the same time, for all we know Nitro could be a ridiculously intelligent three year old with a love for wargaming, thereby making us all people who have played Warhammer for longer than his lifespan?

My secret is out! :D
Also my 4 yr old son is clearly a freak of physics ;)

Must be something awesome in your genetics :P

Quote Tunnel!!

Well, my brother is 5yrs old.
-weird family!


So, all this talk about old games encouraged me to play a game of Space Hulk (first edition: 1989)

Forgot how fun a game this is… especially with the stop watch, and the marines only getting 2 minutes and 30 seconds to do whatever they are going to do!  it got intense!

The marines advance, only 1 casualty so far

Here they come!



I’ve been in the hobby for 16 years. Started with 40K and then moved to WHFB around 5th edition. Ahh the good times. We couldn’t buy all the minis because they were rare in Croatia and played with a lot of substitutes but what grand battles they were :slight_smile:


I was introduced to games workshop and miniature wargaming in general for six years now XD

Since i am 13 now i was pretty young when i was introduced.

My first gw miniature was a painted tyranid i bought from my teenage mate in 2005 and in 2007 my dad got me the battle for maccragge starter set and then the battle for skull pass starter set in 2008… he promised to help me paint them but never really did so i started painting them about a year ago along with a few other miniature sets i got XD


Well… the question I ask: Should I count their historical branch? If so, between English Civil War and Ancients I probably started GW gaming back in the late 90’s or early 2000’s.

If only Fantasy/40k I started in 2005.

Blind Berzerker:

Wow; I positively feel ancient, looking back every now and then…:s

I started miniature games as an extention to my first Roleplaying experience way back in 1989… We played ‘Oog des Meesters’, a translated version of the German game ‘Das Schwarze Auge’. Basically a 1st ed. D&D clone, which mostly accomodated dungeon crawls. So, to represent our characters, I bought some ‘Adventurer’s Group’ (or something along those lines); 6 metal (lead, no doubt) crude (by today’s standards) heroes. I beieve there was an Elf, a Mage, a Halfling, a Paladin, Thief and Barbarian in the box. I painted them to the best of my abilities with Revell enamels, as I had plenty of colours, collected in the course of my model airplane hobby at the time. Monsters were still card though…

Soon after, I got my first box of RTB01 marines, although I hadn’t the faintest idea what to do with them, other than assemble (and crudely paint with enamels. Dark Angels they were, in their first, Black, paintscheme). Then MB released their Hero Quest and Space Crusade games and those games firmly kicked me down the well with a bellowed ‘This is Citadel!!!’.

I haven’t crawled out that well ever since. Couldn’t if I wanted to really…

I have played (and still have) Space Hulk (1,2,3), Space marine/Epic, Battle for Armageddon, Horus Heresy, Lost Patrol, Doom of the Eldar, Necromunda, WH40K (RT,2,3,45,6), Mordheim, Blood Bowl and WHFB (7,8). And those are just the GW ones. Later, I also branched out into other lines and manufacturers such as Warmachine and Hordes, 1999, Hybrid, Tannhauser and others.

lately, I’ve even come full circle, as my current roleplay group (World of Darkness; Vampire: Dark Ages and Werewolf) is slowly realising the need for miniatures to represent the occasional battles.

I have found it hilarious at times to leave young opponents at tournaments momentarilly stunned and often intimidated, when they remark (at the sight of my Rogue Trader Dreadnoughts) that only GW models are allowed, and I answer that this model was released by GW several years before they were even born. Oh the joys of being an old git…

Man; 20+ years already…:o


Feeling very old.

White Dwarf #107 was my catalyst to playing Warhammer. 1988

However, in 1984 I was already collecting miniatures, specifically the hexagonally based chaos warriors (I thought they were cool)

Grenadier and Ral Partha were REAL companies back then. Dragon of the Month collection was the ultimate collection back then. I would walk to a store called Jim Hanley’s Universe on Staten Island with whatever money I could scavenge to buy a miniature. It was a very long walk for a kid to make, but back then, kids were allowed to walk the world by themselves.

Warhammer 3rd edition was my introduction to the game. It was my tome of knowledge, my gaming bible, and the basis of many friendships over the years.

Slaves to Darkness and the Lost and the Damned were also some of the greatest works that Games Workshop has ever produced.

The Warhammer Armies book advanced the hobby forward into it’s “modern” age of set army lists. Too bad GW never released many of the miniatures that went with those armies.

“Free Hacks” Anyone remember this?

“Magic Points” Yes, you had a finite amount of points of magic to use in a battle.

“Invisible Units” Yes, you could make units invisible.

The Good Ol’ Days


Nice thread, I approve :slight_smile:

I started Warhammer around 1996-97. It was the infamous time of Herohammer! I enjoyed playing with unkillable lords on Dragon, Bretonnian lord/machines of whole destructions, entire regiments whiped out by a single hero!

But yeah, I was super happy with the sixth edition, it was a real imporvement, I was tired of useless troops.

After a few months my gaming group dismantled because of computer games and I stopped playing for a while. It was only thanks to Hands of Hashut that I came back to the hobby with my beloved Chaos dwarfs! Damn you, internet :slight_smile:


Though I have gamed since 1994 I didn’t get introduced to gw stuff outside their own historical rules until 2000.


8 years…

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Blue in VT:

Feeling very old.  

"Free Hacks"  Anyone remember this?
"Magic Points"  Yes, you had a finite amount of points of magic to use in a battle.
"Invisible Units" Yes, you could make units invisible.

The Good Ol' Days

:hat off yeah we are of a similar vintage my friend...how about the "push back" rule? these things are parts of the game I miss most....I loved the idea in 3rd edition that you didn't have to take a rout test until your unit had lost 25% of its strength...this gave large units some staying power...even if they were crappy fighters like gobbos....and then the FREE hack if they routed...a chance to reap vengeance on your enemies!!...the whole unit wouldn't just disappear...as happens now...you had to cut them down to the last man...and it might take several turns to do so...pulling your winning unit out of line of battle and possibly into trouble later as they were caught up in their bloodlust and followed their fleeing enemy blindly....a fact of combat that has many historical precedents.

I absolutely hate the fact that in later editions you could have 1 hero charge a unit of 40 gobbos...defeat them in combat...cause them to rout and destroy the unit completely in a single turn....drives me crazy...

But them I'm an old crank....:P


Loved the 3rd edition!



I absolutely hate the fact that in later editions you could have 1 hero charge a unit of 40 gobbos...defeat them in combat...cause them to rout and destroy the unit completely in a single turn....drives me crazy...

But them I'm an old crank....:P


Loved the 3rd edition!


Blue in VT
Seconding! :cheers


I remember drawing magic cards every turn, but not so sure that I remember magic points or the like.

Makes me feel slightly… childish?


Magic cards were introduced in 4th edition… randomly generated amounts of cards per turn depending on the amount of magic users… good stuff! Though the 6th/7th edition versions are much easier to manage…

Zanko and Blue… I just missed playing with 3rd edition. My friend had all the rules and whatnot, but we were playing 40k at that point with rogue trader, and hadn’t branched into fantasy yet! I like the hack idea! the “whole unit destroyed” concept always bothered me as well!