[Archive] Introductions: New members post here!


I've joked about a true hobbit hole, very energy efficient. Real Earth Insulation. I think the wife would like Ireland.

You talked me into both. That way you can avoid winter :P


Well this is my first post here. I joined because Hand of Hashut has basically dried up and because I belong to the other 3 Chaos Star forums so why not make it all of them! I haven’t worked on any Chaos Dwarfs in ages but lately i’ve been scratching around eBay looking for some dirt cheap BFSP Dwarfs to add to my growing army.


Hi Kiwichris! Welcome to the site!

If you haven’t seen them I highly recommend you check out Xander’s video guide to converting Chaos Dwarfs. I really should put that in my sig. :stuck_out_tongue:

There are tons of other people who have done some excellent conversions, be it you’re a fan of hats, helms, masks… whichever is easier to do… whichever you can get on e-bay the cheapest or any/all of the above.

Again, welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy this little community on the net!


Greetings all, im Alfract, i’ve been having perusal your wonderful forums for some time now, and thought I should finally get round to making a introduction. I�?Tve always been a fan of warhammer, but more of an on-and-off relationship, I�?Tve only ever had two armies which have been Dark elder and dwarfs. But am keen for something different and with a good part of an unpainted 7th edition army box collecting dust under my bed chaos dwarfs seem like a viable answer.


Greetings all, im Alfract, i've been having perusal  your wonderful forums for some time now, and thought I should finally get round to making a introduction. I�?Tve always been a fan of warhammer, but more of an on-and-off relationship, I�?Tve only ever had two armies which have been Dark elder and dwarfs. But am keen for something different and with a good part of an unpainted 7th edition army box collecting dust under my bed chaos dwarfs seem like a viable answer.

Welcome Alfract - glad you like the look of the forum. Chaos dwarfs are certainly an excellent use for a BFSP set and there are some excellent tutorials on this site regarding converting them.

Auretious Taak:


I've joked about a true hobbit hole, very energy efficient. Real Earth Insulation. I think the wife would like Ireland.
There's a place out Broken Hill way in Country New South Wales where half the population live underground, it's much cooler and naturally insulated et al and I saw a show portraying it all and houses and stuff underground and it looked truely awesome. Not holed up like a hobbit hole but deep under and cool. :)
So I disappear for a jaunt about the interwebs for a short while and you forget me so quickly Sojourn? Man this is why Kera is my Pirate Queen of Spam.:)

Welcome to everybody who is new since my last random post somewhere.

Auretious Taak
I still like you Auretious. just, thought you'd left me (which you *technically* did since you chose Kera over me)

Technically you stopped responding to my PM's where as Kera actually devoted herself to getting to know me, I even know a word in Cherokee, or at least I did till I forgot...it starts with T and is as close as we get to english on the word...you however...lets see, compare PM numbers:

Sojourn: 6

Kera: 52

There's almost a whole page of Kera including 3 messages when I was not here asking where I'd been. Thus, it twas all you're fault you lost me. Now I have a crazy pirate Queen by my side with a pack of wolves, some Eagles, a couple of impressive pyramids being built and a dingo and kangaroo to transport me about places...

Yep, random.

Don't worry we still like you Sojourn, but just pointing out I didn't choose Kera over you, I was happy with both, but you left me no choice. Shame really. ;) :p :D:s

Auretious Taak.

:hat:hat off:hat:hat off:hat:hat off:hat:hat off:hat:hat off:hat:hat off


Welcome Alfract - glad you like the look of the forum. Chaos dwarfs are certainly an excellent use for a BFSP set and there are some excellent tutorials on this site regarding converting them.

Well its more the the 7th edition that isn't BFSP edition, but after watching Xander's conversion tutorials, i hopefully have an alright idea of how to start converting.

Do you think it best do a unit or a lord first?



I would start on a unit - just experiment and see what works for you - then post in up in your own army blog thread - you will then get loads of advice (if you want it) from the expert sculpters here (of which I am not one)




omg, the jello is falling off the wall! lousy nails.

DFA, Kiwichris and Alfract, welcome! wow, two new kiwis to the site! welcome! if you haven’t had CDs before, here is the place to get interested and figure out the best style to pursue; check out our galleries to see what you like!

enjoy your stay :slight_smile:

PS - Auretious, I’m not getting into this with you here, please. you’re making a scene, and it’s a little awkward. :stuck_out_tongue: I will PM you.


I've joked about a true hobbit hole, very energy efficient. Real Earth Insulation. I think the wife would like Ireland.
There's a place out Broken Hill way in Country New South Wales where half the population live underground, it's much cooler and naturally insulated et al and I saw a show portraying it all and houses and stuff underground and it looked truely awesome. Not holed up like a hobbit hole but deep under and cool. :)

Auretious Taak
It sounds like they used the description of hobbit holes from Tolkien's books. Hobbit holes are dry and cozy, not stuffy and have round windows letting in plenty of light.


Hello I’m Orcboy and I’m a plasticoholic. :slight_smile:

I’m a long time lurker second time poster, so thought I’d make my introduction here. I’ve not actually got a chaos dwarf army yet but I’ve got a ton of dwarf sprues (£100 army box) hanging about wanting there beards pleated.


Hello I'm Orcboy and I'm a plasticoholic. :)

I'm a long time lurker second time poster, so thought I'd make my introduction here. I've not actually got a chaos dwarf army yet but I've got a ton of dwarf sprues (£100 army box) hanging about wanting there beards pleated.

Welcome Orcboy! Good to see you moving up from lurking.

Going from Orcs to Chaos Dwarfs... you should enjoy the screams and curses as you cut off their beards!

Kera foehunter:

Welcome to the site! Hum a plasticoholic !!i hope you get your fill here


Ups… seems like I forgot to post here…

I live in Oslo, Norway, 31 years old, and of course a huge fan of chaos dwarfs.

I have played whfb since 4th edition came out, with a long break during my years at university. I play 40k too, but I am now so tired of seeing space marines everywhere that I consider to quit. I have Eldar, Tyranids and Necrons.

My first army was actually o&g but they managed somehow to get themselves enslaved by some curly beards from the east. Their Waaagh! must have taken a wrong turn somewhere…

I have not played CD in a long time. I have been busy with high elves, tomb kings and skaven, but now I am making a CD army again, and at the same time a Slaanesh woc army.

I’m not a big converter, so it is mostly regular dwarfs with the odd skull here and there, and a dark and moody colour with lots of bronze.

The theme and story of the army will be an expedition to resettle Karak Vlag, to give CD a western outpost. From here I can dominate High Pass, raid or demand gold from caravans, trade slaves with my skaven buddies over at the Hell Pit, and probably my Slaanesh force too.

Anyhow, I really enjoy this site and its wonderful members. There seems to be more love and devotion to the cd army here, than most of the regular and supported armies have at their main sites.


Hello Skitter!

Good that you find your way to CDO! :cheers

Are you more a “BigHat” or a “cool Marauder guy” … :o I love your idea with the background. For me it sounds good for a campaign!!! :hat off

Hmm I must think about it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Enjoy your time here at CDO and I hope you will post many painted minis in the showcase! :smiley:



I am a big hat fan, Mad Hatter :hat off

I have some of the old 4th edition models collecting dust in my parent’s basement still. Will have to pay them a visit soon…

Speaking of campaign… starting one with my buddies after easter. Seems like I will have to clear out some cursed dwarfs, blood suckers and Goat Boy and his horned friends from the woods.

As for painting, I’m a bit impatient and have shaky hands, so I keep it simple. What I cannot prove with painting I will have to prove on the battlefield.



I am 33 year old living in Baltimore, MD. I have been playing WHFB Orcs and Goblins for about 10 years. I’ve finally decided to start a second army, and after a lot of consideration (and being blown away by the CD conversions and community on the web) I have devoted myself to Hashut. I also am a Blood Bowl player, so CD’s have always been on my radar. I have been lurking here for a while and now currently building and painting test models for my new army.


Welcome aboard everyone.

Love the avatar, Kiwichris.


Evening, (well, it is here)

My name is Terry (TwilightCo) and I’ve been playing a Warhammer FB/40k chaos army since 1989 or 1990. Toss in a healthy mix of GW games that have come and gone in that time and there you go. I’m a graphic artist, freelance illustrator and all around dilettante. Oh yeah, I love roller derby!


Welcome Dude enjoy the site and have fun!

Evening, (well, it is here)

I’m a graphic artist, freelance illustrator …

o_O 'O really?

We have a little Publication called the Word of Hashut The Word of Hashut Webzine - Chaos Dwarfs Online

We are always looking for people who want to contribute to it. I will say its a free publication, but it is an excellent vehicle for artists to showcase their work…

Let me know if you are interested.