[Archive] Is this worth a thread? Only you can judge that, my friends

Singleton Mosby:

and they use proper stoppered bottles that don't dry out if you leave them in a drawer for a week, unlike the godawful Citadel paint pots.

Those new ones are indeed quite awful. I have to use another pot to keep it open.


This doesn't make sense to me at all. I'm not a big business type of guy, but I know enough about branding to know you shouldn't go changing names etc when you have 20+ year old product. Some of these paint names have been around for 20+ years.

Imagine if a company like Mcdonald's decided to change the name of the Big Mac....

They've worked hard to establish a brand (ie paints/paint names) and now they will be throwing it all away.
Time of Madness

Time of Madness
Well that's what they do, they are creating a specific unique brand name for the paints. And really they haven't exactly worked hard to establish paint names. They just have been like that (and quite generic) for so long you've learned them. It's not the first time they rename (parts of) the paint range but this is the most extensive and "special" naming so far.

From TWF.
A list of all the paints from GW's new range on Ozpainters. Few more than there was before, still not sure when they're coming out though.

Ceramite White
Averland Sun
Jokaero Orange
Mephiston Red
Khorne Red
Naggaroth Night
Daemonette Hide
Kantor Blue
Macragge Blue
Caledon Sky
Stegadon scale green
Incubi Darkness
Caliban Green
Waaaagh! Flesh
Castellan green
Death world forest
Zandri dust
Steel Legion Drab
Bugmans Glow
Ratskin Flesh
Mournfang brown
Rhinox hide
Dryad bark
Mechanicus standard grey
Celestus grey
Abaddon Black (the only black in the range)
Rakarth flesh
The fang
Screamer pink
Leadblecher (metal)
Balthasar Gold (metal)
Screaming Bell (metal)
Warplock brown (metal)

White Scar
Yriel Yellow
Flash gitz yellow
Troll slayer orange
Fire dragon bright
Evil sunz scarlet
Wild Rider red
Wazdakka red
Squig Orange
Xereus Purple
Genestealer Purple
Warpfiend Grey
Slaanesh Grey
Alaitoc blue
Hoeth blue
Altdorf guard blue
Calgar blue
Teclis blue
Lothern blue
Sotek green
Temple guard blue
Kabalite green
Sybarite green
Warpstone glow
Moot green
Warboss green
Skarsnik green
Loren Forest
Straken green
Nurgling green
Elysian green
Ogryn camo
Ushabti Bone
Screaming skull
Tallarn sand
Karak stone
Cadian fleshstone
Kislev Flesh
Bestigor flesh
Ungor flesh
Skrag brown
Deathclaw brown
Tau light Ochre
Balor brown
Zamesi brown
Doombull brown
Tuskigor fur
Gorthor Brown
Baneblade Brown
Administratum grey
Eshin grey
Dark reaper
Thunderhawk blue
Skavenblight dinge
Stormvermin fur
Ulthuan grey
Pallid wych flesh
Russ grey
Fenrisian grey
Pink horror
Emperors Children
Ironbreaker (metal)
Runefang steel (metal)
Gehennas gold(metal)
Auric Armour(metal)
Hashut Copper(metal)
Sycorax Bronze(metal)
Brass Scorpion(metal)
Runelord Brass(metal)

Casandora Yellow
Fuegan Orange
Carroburg Crimson
Druchii Violet
Drakenhof Nightshade
Coelia greenshade
Biel-tan green
Athonian camoshade
Seraphim Sepia
Reikland fleshshade
Agrax earthshade (Devlan Mud)
Nuln Oil

Praxeti White
Hexos palesun
Lucius Lilac
Etherium blue
Skink blue
Hellion green
Underhive ash
Eldar Flesh
Tyrant Shell
Terminatus stone
Longbeard grey
Changling pink
Necron Compound
Golden Griffon

Lamenters yellow
Waywatcher Green
Guilliman blue

Mourn Mountain snow
Stirland Mud
Blackfire Eath
Armageddon Dust
Lustrian Undergrowth

Lahmian Medium
Ard coat
Imperial Primer
Liquid Green stuff


As long as somebody can match up the new names with the old names I don’t see a problem, unless they’ve completely changed the range and I can no longer buy mechrite red.

Is this worth a thread? Only you can judge that, my friends…

It’s got to two pages already, I reckon so. Awesome contributor, now if you’d just like to do something proper like write an army book or something…


How can they replace Chaos Black? It’s been Chaos Black forever :frowning:

Time of Madness:

How can they replace Chaos Black?  It's been Chaos Black forever :(

You must now refer to it as Abaddon Black.....

Time of Madness


New names aren’t exactly… catchy, are they? Chaos Black, Skull White and Blood Red have a certain spark to them… they sound right. Gehennas Gold? Zameesi Brown (WTF)? Praxeti White? And just what the heck has Lahmia got to do with a glaze medium?

The Odor:

Stegadon scale green
What I want to know is: Does anyone but GW themself ever paint their Stegs GREEN? I know they did their ancient Steg Red and the normal one green but I havent seen that anywhere else. Wouldnt a Ork/Orc Green have worked better to sell stuff..


This doesn't make sense to me at all. I'm not a big business type of guy, but I know enough about branding to know you shouldn't go changing names etc when you have 20+ year old product. Some of these paint names have been around for 20+ years.

Imagine if a company like Mcdonald's decided to change the name of the Big Mac....

They've worked hard to establish a brand (ie paints/paint names) and now they will be throwing it all away.
Time of Madness

Time of Madness
Because the product has changed. They have changed paint supplier, and have ordered all of the new paints to be "remade". But the old supplier had the "recipe" if you would for the old colours, and obviously would not give that to the new supplier. Therefore, the new supplier (and presumably Citadel) had to sit down and attempt to make the old colours again. But there is some variation, on some paints it's invisible, on others it's a consistency change. Other paints look completely different.

Because they are different, to avoid confusion, they were forced to remove all painting articles and change all of the names of the paints, so that when they told you to paint it "Sunburst Yellow", there weren't TWO kinds of "Sunburst Yellow". There is "Sunburst Yellow" and "Yriel Yellow" (I think that's the new equivalent, I'm not sure!). But GW no longer produce "Sunburst Yellow", so they would not advertise / advise to use an outdated product.

It's a major pain in the arse that they removed the painting guides, but if it means that they'll release a bunch more uber-awesome guides (and hopefully a guide to roughly seeing which ones are supposed to be which) then I'm happy!


Sorry stephanovich…I didn’t mean bah to your post but rather bah to the hassle of matching new paints!


pure pain in the ass. GW should own the recipe for its paints and just tell the new supplier… Make these.

Thommy H:

I hadn’t heard the thing about the change in suppliers - I assumed it was just a trademark issue. For instance, Army Painter released an “Ultra Marine Blue” spray - which is technically fine, because that is actually a colour (and the name of the Chapter was originally a joke based on this…) but it’s almost exactly the same colour as GW’s “Ultramarine Blue”, and clearly intended to be used for the same purpose - i.e. painting Ultramarines. Hence, they change the name to “Calgar Blue”, which they can trademark, and so sidestep the whole issue.

However, if the thing about the suppliers is true, that’s a much more logical reason. Do you have a source for that information, stephanavich?


If this is a change brought about because of a change in suppliers, I guess I’m wondering why they feel the need for a change now. I guess if it’s related to cost, then I could see that. But we know that even if it was to save them money that the price won’t go down. I would hope at least that the price does not go up–otherwise why bother to switch at all if we’re still paying more.

Something about this has a sort of a “new Coke” feel to it. Bet they drive up the price, then switch back to the original supplier after a couple of years, raise the cost again, and label it as “classic Citadel” paints.

Thommy H:

Or, you know, they could just be changing them for the reasons already cited.

You’re probably right though: it’s all an elaborate conspiracy!

Time of Madness:

Frusterating for the consumer is what it is…I’ll test the new line out, but I am now seriously debating switching over to Vallego Game Colours.

Time of Madness

Thommy H:

How is it frustrating? At best it’s a good thing because it’s loads of new paints, including some that are a completely different kind of paint - glazes and textures - and at worst it’s merely a slight inconvenience about matching the new paints to the old. Which White Dwarf is going to cover and, if you don’t want to shell out for that, I’m 100% certain someone will post a conversion guide on Warseer or something.

This is the only hobby in the world where people bitch about being offered more stuff to buy.


My only concern was if they change recipe and the difference in colour is noticeable but I have just stocked up on those colours I need to make sure I don’t run out half way through finishing my army, so for me I think the new paints are a good thing.

The glazes almost sound like they’re bringing back the inks they used to use. The inks always had a much more glossy finish than the washes they replaced them with.

These textured paints sound interesting and I’ll probably give them a whirl at some point.

As an aside when I want into stock up the manager of the local GW knew nothing about the paints getting replaced and was interested to hear the rumour.



Time of Madness:

What Vogon said.

Are the paints going to match? For example I’m currently using beastil brown, snakebite leather and bubonic brown in an army I am painting. Will I need to stock up on those colours incase I run out and have to use one of the new colours they have produced.

Time of Madness

Thommy H:

Well, like loads of people have said, there’s going to be a conversion guide in White Dwarf, and at least one popular paint (Devlan Mud) has been picked out in rumours as the same as one of the new shades. So, yeah, they’ll probably be the same or close enough that it won’t make much difference.

Look, I know it’s great to have standardisation in the paints you use, but is it that big a deal if it’s very slightly different? GW have changed paint formulae before, but I’ve never had it make that big a difference to any models I’ve painted. Anyone who is that particular about the colours they use should be comfortable with mixing colours anyway, shouldn’t they? If you’re eye for colour is that particular, you should be able to handle it.

And hopefully I don’t have to point out the irony of threatening to switch to a completely different paint range because the new GW colours might not exactly match the old ones. I don’t think that will solve the problem…


I think the most important point that most people are

Missing is the fact that for once GW are keeping the price the same! More paints…same price…result! Like thommy said, if any aren’t quite the same just mix them. Let’s just hope the pots aren’t being downsized like they often are! Oh and I hope they bring back the little bit of plastic that actually keeps the lids open!!!

Thommy H:

Oh and I hope they bring back the little bit of plastic that actually keeps the lids open!!!

Yes! Agreed. I loved that on the old Foundation pots. I still have a couple left and I look after them like my children.