[Archive] Ishkur's Dawi Zharr project


Awesome, having the full set of HW+S, GW and blunders would be awesome to see. I still think your army would do well at Golden Daemon. I’d enter as many categories as possible to get maximum exposure. The only difficulty is transport - but If you can get stuff to a game you can get it to gamesday!


Ya, some pics of all the things you have done in one place would be really cool.

Traitor King:

sweet, that earthshaker is AMAZING!

i’ve got to make me an earthsaker now, only on a bit of a smaller scale. AS was said before, the big barrel realy does it.


Would you mind if I added your Earthshaker Conversion to the Wiki? :slight_smile:


That Earthshaker is one of the best conversions I have ever seen. So many details and so beautifully paintet.

Gonna have one of those :hat


As always Ishkur awesome�,the best big hat style conversions and army cohesion ever, love the earthshaker a true bringer of earthquakes


Added it to the [[Earthshaker Cannon Conversions]] section on the Wiki. :slight_smile:


I dont know if its my place or not, but i think ikshur should be awarded a reputation point, simply because his conversions are groundbreaking and inspire us all with his ingenuity. I bet a good few of us have looked inside lamps now just to see if that bit will make a good earthshaker.

EDIT: It said laps not lamps. Man, that was confusing and scary!


His work is very inspiring, yep! As for reputation, they are generally awarded for community participation, or similar. For example if Ishkur were to consent to a small interview and having his painted models displayed on the main page of CDO, then such a thing would no doubt earn a reputation point. :slight_smile:



Oh… wow. Those are all amazing, especially the Earthshaker. I can’t wait to see the completed project!


Yet again you make some awsome models. What do get everything from?! You are so good.


Ishkur, how is the mold set up for the Warriors? Two-piece or one-piece? And where on the CD torso do you have the channel for casting- on the back or the underside of the piece? I’m seriously considering making my own, and need some advice.

BTW, I don’t think you could sell them even if you sculpted the torso yourself. GW hates conversion kits for their minis, you’d get a cease-and-desist within a week.


Ishkur, how is the mold set up for the Warriors? Two-piece or one-piece? And where on the CD torso do you have the channel for casting- on the back or the underside of the piece? I'm seriously considering making my own, and need some advice.

BTW, I don't think you could sell them even if you sculpted the torso yourself. GW hates conversion kits for their minis, you'd get a cease-and-desist within a week.

Do you have any examples of conversion kits that got stopped? I want to read up on it.



We do not allow unlicensed third parties to manufacture or produce conversion kits for our models. We need to be able to control our products and all derivatives thereto in order that we produce quality products for years to come.” - Games Workshop.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

That’s also what I read on GW Germany’s legal disclaimer page as mentioned here. I have no idea if this has any real legal foundation at all, but it was one of the reasons why I never sold any of my stuff.

At last, my regiment with blunderbusses is finished! Took me about a week, although I already reduced the amount of detail work and precision during painting, as it’s really very basic rank & file. Next to come are either a bunch of CD-themed Black Orcs or some Zharry scenery. ^^

Ghrask Dragh:

Great stuff!

The colour-scheme works really well with your models, I wouldn’t have thought the big-hat look would work in the 7th Ed style miniatures but you’ve convinced me otherwise!

:hat off


they look cool can i ask did you use the buckler method for your blunderbusses? my box is sitting on the table waiting to be converted!


Looks like the buckler method with some bonus plastic rods.

Awesome stuff my friend I shall have to add these pics to your Gallery on the main site.


Wow. Just great.

For mine, I’m going to need to steal the Gnoblar-nose idea. That’s going to save lots of time.

How did you sculpt the tusks exactly?


hi… I really like your bases:hat off can you please tell me how you did them that way… If you do I might steal them if it’s ok:P
