[Archive] Ishkur's Dawi Zharr project


ive just noticed arent you putting command models in the blunderbuss units?

i would be a shame to let that modelling opportunity pass i think.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

No command models, no. It’s just a waste of points. I might have included a musician, but during discussion it was found that he’s not worth it either. Those blunderbussiers need to shoot the hell out of their enemies, not waste time with looking dashing on the battlefield. :wink:

There is nothing special to the lava bases really. Just some modelling sand, some spots left empty and lava sculpted / painted in.


i want your army… :frowning:


Those BBs are excellent Ishkur:hat off - and I love your bighats. Mayby full command is a waste of points - but you could make them just to show of:) - Would love to see some champions, Standard Bearers and musicians by your hand.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

@Clam: you can see my take on standard bearers in the warriors’ regiment with shields and hand weapon. The full second regiment with great weapons is finished, and basically looks very similar. Gonna paint them and show them off soon. :wink:


Wow! very, VERY nice job so far, looking forward to more pics, cheers!:cheers


Sorry if this would be considered necromancy, but how did you paint the brownish color on the cloth? It looks great!

Also, is the area around the chainmail more metallics, or just grey?

Ishkur Cinderhat:

The brown cloth was made using a base mix of chaos black and graveyeard earth. For the later highlight, I just added more graveyeard earth.

It’s bad that I haven’t been able to update the Chaos Dwarfs lately. I had my first battle (500 points, allied to Ogres) last weekend against Wood Elves (and Skaven). It was quite a show, my Earthshaker blew up with his first shot :slight_smile: the Blunderbussiers killed a handful of Dryads before being crushed by a treeman and the Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower failed to kill a single rat. Oh, and my scorcerors didn’t achieve anything either, but it was still a lot of fun. My combat results were usually better than those of my big-bellied ally. ^^

Currently, I am tied up with a 40k project, but worry not, more Dawi Zharr are still in the pipeline!


Psst, Iskur make some bull centaurs… hint…hint…

Seriously though dude, I’d love to see your take on these guys


Hey, can you give me some measurements on the hats? Like, how tall? I think the size you have on them is perfect, and I’m trying to replicate it- but everything looks different when painted.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

The hats are about 10-11mm high. The tallest one is the “Marauder Drum”-one, with approx. 13mm height.

Bull Centaurs, yay :slight_smile: - as soon as I have finished the last regiment of warriors and my 20 Black Orcs!

Knight Of Awsome:

:o they truly look like 7th edition models try to make some orks with chains together

And what is GW?

Traitor King:

Im dont know which instance you mean it in (didnt se it used) but it usually stands for Games Workshop or Great Weopens.

Knight Of Awsome:

Another full regiment of warriors (with GW) is waiting to be painted
i think that maby your right about Great wepon


please do something new! The blog is dead-ish! I can’t live without your awsomeness!


- Kyte


ZOMG! I want you to make the new Dawi Zharr models! This is almost so good as to be called art!

- Tallhat


I don’t see why mini painting (as an end in itself) isn’t usually art tallhat, check out Golden Daemon, or Golden Hat for that matter! but I agree with you on one thing - MAKE MORE MODELS ISHKUR!!!

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Sorry for having been off for so long, guys. I got tied up by gas-masked and servo-armoured thingies!

Ishkurs Chaos Dwarfs shall be back with force soon. I already issued new whips to my slave masters to get some work done. :wink:


I don't see why mini painting (as an end in itself) isn't usually art tallhat, check out Golden Daemon, or Golden Hat for that matter! but I agree with you on one thing - MAKE MORE MODELS ISHKUR!!!

I wasnt implying that painting isnt art. I was talkign about his modeling skills. I was actually giving him a compliment.

- Tallhat

Kera foehunter:

Wow now thats a great painted army. i like the Hobgoblin bolt thower