[Archive] Ishkurs Death Korps of Krieg

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Any news on these from over christmas? :)

Ghrask Dragh
Yes and no. I tried out a new colour combination and dipping technique.

While the result looks OK-ish, it's still not really satisfying. So I am pretty much back to zero again with this army.


Drool me likey, can I steal them? please? Drool


that looks really good. how did you paint them?

Ghrask Dragh:

:mad Ishkur! I’m getting closer and closer to spending ridiculous amounts of money on these things, the way it’s going by the time you have posted 500pts I will be knee deep in resin gas masks!! I don’t even play 40K :slight_smile:

Another great colour-scheme, it would be hard to choose between this and the black and gold. I think the black and gold would suit come of the commander miniatures but its not worth painting a whole army around that, this new technique might be the way to go.

What do you not like about this new look?


They just get better and better.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

What do you not like about this new look?

Ghrask Dragh
I don't quite like how a whole unit of them looks with this colour scheme. It's not a coherent colour but rather an explosion of light and dark spots... I hope you can see what I mean, it's kinda hard to describe.

Ghrask Dragh:

I can see what you mean, the contrast between the light and dark colors is too much so alot of them together just looks like chaos. I wouldn’t try changing these colours, go for some new ones all together, I’m sure you will come up something that blows us away!

I always imagined DKoK having a very gritty look to them, alot of weathering and splatters of mud and blood over their gear. Although I do not always like dipping I think it works on these, maybe because there is so much more detail in resin miniatures, anyway I will be keeping a close eye on this thread Ishkur, some really cool stuff!


Ishkur Cinderhat:

I will be keeping a close eye on this thread Ishkur, some really cool stuff!

Ghrask Dragh
Hehe, thx. But don't hold your breath. The DK is currently quite low on my priority list. ^^


I will be keeping a close eye on this thread Ishkur, some really cool stuff!

Ghrask Dragh
Hehe, thx. But don't hold your breath. The DK is currently quite low on my priority list. ^^

Ishkur Cinderhat
Ahhh! so glad to here that. One more pic of these DKOK-figs - and I'll ship of a £300 order to Forge World.. So thx for saving my money :hat


amazing painting, i really like the newer scheme, though I prefer the darker, black/red scheme…The powerfist likes amazing! Awesome model you have there…


Very nice models and kudos on the paint scheme. Anytime you can deviate from the expected norm the better I think. I, on the other hand, when I came to paint mine, I was sort of forced into painting them in relatively normal Cadian colours. I had picked up some Death Korps models to bulk out the WW1 inspired army that I had built (inspired in turn by Dave Taylor’s WW1 40k Army), but I had gotten sick of converting them (at about 21 models), so I was looking for the “short cut”.

Turns out that short cut cost me because I have such a hard time putting these models together. They didn’t seem to take the glue very well even after washing them. Cyanoacrylate glue didn’t seem to work very well. Did you have any problems putting yours together?

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Not at all. And I used the same type of glue. Generally I recommend the liquid “Loctite” superglue, it’s the best glue out there and I always have a few packages of this one around (because glue always tends to get empty in the wrong situations).

Ishkur Cinderhat:

New year, new chance! With a few of the new citadel washes in my posession, I tried my hand again on my Krieg models. And I have to say I think I finally found a colour scheme that works for me. :slight_smile:

These guys are essentially just painted with several layers of washes - devlan mud, badab black and gryphonne sepia. The result is much more interesting than a dip with the army painter, because the model is not simply shaded brown but can be shaded in different colours (and I like black). ^^

The main inspiration for this new attempt to paint my units of Death Korps soldiers came when I found the washes gave me a stunning result with Kroot mercenaries - the highly detailed surface structure of the models provides a perfect playground for shades and highlights that are created almost instantly with the new washes - in an almost ridiculously short amount of time (the three Kroot took me like 45 minutes to paint from start to finish).

This is not a suitable painting style for Space Marines or Imperial Knights, but for organic models like tyranids or the Krieg soldiers in their sombre uniforms, I find it perfect.


very nice use of washes indeed. i kinda fell in love with the use of washes when i needed to paint a GT army in 6 weeks… my 3rd edition slann are the result of that work.

again, great job… now i want to see the big mortar finished;P


Hi Ishkur,

first away, those miniatures look really great indeed, and I am so sorry for the following words and sentences: The Deathkorps are based on World War One uniforms and soldiers (surprise!).

The “Adrian Helment” - which was used by both the French and Belgian - was or still is the inspiration for the death korps’ head gears.

The “armour” which they wear weren’t that unusual as you may think. German and British troops started wearing them in the later part of the Great War while fighting or guarding a long a trench, and so they were protected against enemy  remorseless shrapnels. Take a look at these trench raiders: Picture.

The gasmasks had to be come common, as poison gas was a standard thing all the war long. Every third arty-shell was filled with nasty chemical gas! The gasmasks here look quite german or a bit of belgic to me, as you can see on the googles.

The longgreat coats are definitely inspired by the german and french ones, as these became common against the icecold coldness in winter battles.

So for that: You should paint the helment a bit dark-blue-grey, the greatcoat in a muddy dark-brown(german like) or blue-grey(french like).  For the masks you should choose a leathery tone and for the trousers a dark blue one (french like) or a green fieldgrey one (german like).

Hope this helps.


Ishkur Cinderhat:

Thanks for the info buddy but frankly this is all well known and has been discussed a lot in the past two years since the DK range was released. And it actually makes painting the death korps all so much more interesting! It’s rather easy to paint them up as French poilu lookalikes, but giving them their own unique appearance is more of a challenge.

I like my paint scheme for two reasons: it’s NOT the most obvious field grey or blue grey colour and it’s essentially directly from the colour schemes shown in Imperial Armour: The Siege of Vraks (very close to the 19th Siege Regiment), while not being too close to any of the established Cadian or other Imperial Army colours.


Awesome Death Korps. Very good job.


Awesome job.

Really love that flat colour you’ve been giving them. Only done by washes? Think you have to add quite a bit of painting talant, too :smiley:

Any chance we soon might see the Thudd gun painted, then?

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Any chance we soon might see the Thudd gun painted, then?

Yes indeed! :) I only have the HQ Squad and the Thudd Guns left to paint from the stuff I bought so far.

I'm not sure what colour to use for the Thudd Guns though.
I want them to have the same colour as the tanks I'll add later, but should this be a drab, rather dark sand brown colour or a dark blue-grey? Both would go well with the current colour scheme and both will be equally simple to chip and weather, I just can't really decide.


Nice new scheme. It looks really nice. :slight_smile: