[Archive] Juggernaut on Ebay

Pyro Stick:

�208.55. Wow. A lot more than they usually go for. And guess who won. rotcivbat. I want to know who this guy is.


He buys so many 3rd ed models .Today he won a small collection of swivel guns ,mortar and bazooka for �35 and was only outbid on the 15 3rd ed crossbowmen at the last minute for�53 more money than sense,i sense more money than most:hat

Even at these prices its comparable to new metal minis from gw:sick


Yeah it is kinda mind boggling that so many people are jumping unto the Chaos Dwarf bandwagon, and not for the right reasons.


At least that kind of money might tempt other people to start selling their Juggernauts on eBay (there must be more of them out there)…


�208.55. Wow. A lot more than they usually go for. And guess who won. rotcivbat. I want to know who this guy is.

Pyro Stick
So my guess wasnt far from huh :hat off

- Tallhat


Or mine, scary price must have been the extra layer that clinched it i will watch with anticipation if this bought more out of mothballs for sale but thats two much


Actually I was the closest without going over! :wink:


Sigh… Willmark… Always putting yourself in the centre of things :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

- Tallhat

Pyro Stick:

Sigh.. Willmark.. Always putting yourself in the centre of things :) :P


Didnt it come with an extra Boar Centaur as well? And remember that it was missing some of the tower supports to build the last layer.


Sigh.. Willmark.. Always putting yourself in the centre of things :) :P

- Tallhat

Hah in real life I am far from the center of things as my wife, kids and dog