[Archive] June Price Rise :(


Theres not much on the Thread yet but it looks like there is going to be a price rise in June on some Blisters and Box sets up as much as 15%


I have heard the Cadian and Catachan battleforces are rrp £55.00 up by £5.00 so there is a possibility of all of them going up

its worth keeping an eye on it


If the average price rise goes up between 10 and 15% on the items going up, its not going to be good to say the least

I think this is the 3rd price rise on items in the last year or so

Are they shooting themselves in the foot again, just look at companies such as The Perrys and Victrix (52 - 60 models for £18.00)



i know GW has shops and more staff but if Victrix can do great quality models that cheap, why cant GW ?


GW = 20 models for £24

Victrix = 60 models for £18 (80 for £24 in effect)

Looks like they are trying to price them selves out of the market, Price rises and abandoning the US gaming scene, what next?


Ar they trying to get UK prices to match US? Last time I checked the currency 20 Pounds was about 28 US dollars. So something selling for 20 pounds (Like the goblin hewer) in the UK should be 28 dollars not 40. They should be lowering their prices not raising them. Want to cut costs, maybe cut yout market consultants and the pay of the Board of Directors.


If I’m reading this right that means 20 Cadians will go up from £18 to £30!

They are being re-released in boxes of 10 for £12 next month, then in June £12 boxes go up to £15!



The cadians will be 10 for £12 i dont think that will be changing or i predict a riot

Hopefully there will be a list soon of the items going up

The last price increase was 29th september 08


Even if they dropped prices in a recession, people still aren’t buying luxury items. What do you want them to say, “I’m sorry inflation is going up”?

i know GW has shops and more staff but if Victrix can do great quality models that cheap, why cant GW ?

Answered your own question there. It’s also why smaller companies can often survive a recession while larger companies start to crash (IE, we’ve seen a lot of larger banks foreclose, but there are many many local banks that are still up and running).

Smaller company, less overhead before they can break even. After all, if it’s only a studio of three or four guys doing sculpting then molding, then packaging, then the actual cost for labor and supplies is low. Larger companies, like GW, need teams of developers, artists, sculptors, writers, a whole manufacturing division just to meet demand, and its execs (Yes, large companies actually need executives).


Ahhh GWs annual fleecing of it’s customers; is it that time of year already?


Even if they dropped prices in a recession, people still aren't buying luxury items. What do you want them to say, "I'm sorry inflation is going up"?
i know GW has shops and more staff but if Victrix can do great quality models that cheap, why cant GW ?

Answered your own question there. It's also why smaller companies can often survive a recession while larger companies start to crash (IE, we've seen a lot of larger banks foreclose, but there are many many local banks that are still up and running).

Smaller company, less overhead before they can break even. After all, if it's only a studio of three or four guys doing sculpting then molding, then packaging, then the actual cost for labor and supplies is low. Larger companies, like GW, need teams of developers, artists, sculptors, writers, a whole manufacturing division just to meet demand, and its execs (Yes, large companies actually need executives).

Add to that all the administrative staff and sales force. I looked in the annual report when answering the same question elsewhere. Sales staff were around 1300 people, administrative staff 400. The design was a measly 70 and IIRC manufacturing 200.
It would not surprise me if GW employed more people than the rest of the miniature manufacturers in total.
Unlike the other companies also making plastic miniatures GW has huge overhead and is bearing a lot of costs other do not. E.g. GW pays for educating new gamers, that's not something historical manufacturers do.


Even if they dropped prices in a recession, people still aren't buying luxury items. What do you want them to say, "I'm sorry inflation is going up"?
i know GW has shops and more staff but if Victrix can do great quality models that cheap, why cant GW ?

Answered your own question there. It's also why smaller companies can often survive a recession while larger companies start to crash (IE, we've seen a lot of larger banks foreclose, but there are many many local banks that are still up and running).

Smaller company, less overhead before they can break even. After all, if it's only a studio of three or four guys doing sculpting then molding, then packaging, then the actual cost for labor and supplies is low. Larger companies, like GW, need teams of developers, artists, sculptors, writers, a whole manufacturing division just to meet demand, and its execs (Yes, large companies actually need executives).

Add to that all the administrative staff and sales force. I looked in the annual report when answering the same question elsewhere. Sales staff were around 1300 people, administrative staff 400. The design was a measly 70 and IIRC manufacturing 200.
It would not surprise me if GW employed more people than the rest of the miniature manufacturers in total.
Unlike the other companies also making plastic miniatures GW has huge overhead and is bearing a lot of costs other do not. E.g. GW pays for educating new gamers, that's not something historical manufacturers do.

I actually have to point out on that line that games like Warhammer and Warmachine are probably more responsible for the increase in historical gaming, due to not only getting gamers into the hobby of miniatures, but making independent retailers interested as well.


Well, happily my birthday is in may.

I don’t understand their selling strategy but heh, GW’s stuff is way overpriced for the money I have anyways. It will just makes me buy fewer models.


I think it´s GW´s normal behaviour!

Organize enough events in the shops and big tournaments … this is a quite good customer retention!

And than you could dictate the prices (in a special frame …) cause if the customer don´t buy their products their are “out”!

… and the younger ones of us will still buy it cause the parents have to pay, and will you always say “no” to you kiddies???



If the plastics are going up this is what the new prices will be like

£12 - £15

£15 - £18

£18 - £20

£20 - £25

£25 - £30

£35 - £40


I don’t know ; I think it will reach a limit (parents can only endure so much). Besides if it happens more and more people will turn to retailers with lower prices like the one in your sig, alternative ranges, or just quit or say no to the kids.


if GW continue to rice the prices it will be cheaper to buy from FW than GW:o


if GW continue to rice the prices it will be cheaper to buy from FW than GW:o

The Epic models already are


this is why i haven’t bought anything in like 3 years… :frowning:


TBF, when they put their prices up, it isn’t across the board. Rather, they up prices on some things.

My contacts have said that overall sales are up as a result of the economy (people tend to spend on hobbies during a recession).

Prices of production resources are still rising, even if not as fast. As a PLC, GW needs to keep increasing it’s profit margin or loose stock value. (stupid I know). The best thing would be for some rich gamer to buy-up all the stock, privatise the company, and then let them do what they’re best at, without having to worry about anything other than turning a basic profit.


Wow, that didin’t take long, wasn’t the last price hike only last autumn. It will be interesting to see how they justify it, especially as the price of oil and tin have dropped considerably since the last price hike.


Ye gods £1.25 for a plastic dude?! (£15 for 12) Thats really pushing it… I know they have done a lot for miniatures in general, but crikey.

If their tournies were better organised, I may feel some sympathy. In fact if their tournies were at all organised I may feel some sympathy, but honestly…


if GW continue to rice the prices it will be cheaper to buy from FW than GW:o

The Epic models already are

and the plague ogryns are cheaper than the normal ogryn:D(good for me)