[Archive] khaine and khorne

zorn sabretooth:

aare khorne and khaine the same? i saw some witch elves and they had the rune of khorne on their hats


First off, no they´re not the same. There have been tons of this very same discussion at druchii.net. While I cant remember the finer parts of it or why they are different some general facts.

Khorne is worshiped on the battlefield.

Khorne hates magic.

Khaine has many rituals and shrines of worship.

There are frequent use of magic in said rituals.

Khaine’s followers have no trouble with sneaky backstabbing(it´s even considered an art!) and generally what would be considered cowardice by Khorne’s standards.

The best idea probably is to go to druchii.net and look there, although I suggest you use the search function as they are getting very tired of that topic over there.


Godbob and his jolly rogers:

i like to see them as friends :smiley:


I think its a matter of interpretation. Dancehat makes a good point about magic, but is - in my opinion - wrong about the ‘sneaky backstabbing’. And you have to remember that Khaine is an Elven god, whereas Khorne is a manifestation of Chaos. I think the ideology is more or less the same, just with a different symbolism…

But what do i know?..


Hashut’s Blessing:

Well, Khaine is the God of Murder and Khorne is the God of Battle. Therefore, Khaine is very much backstabbing, garrotting, posioning and the like. Khorne is having a fight, so the enemy can see you face to face as you slice his spleen out.

Khorne dispises magic as he sees it as cowardly. Khaine likes the use of it to kill them or aid in the opprotunity to.

They are different.


It all depends on whether you see each god as completely distinct from every other god, or if they are all aspects of one unconscious thing.


Its been implied quite alot that they are the same god, or at least Khaine being an aspect of khorne. I cant see khorne having a problem with backstabbing as look at Kharn the betrayer, who got khornes favour by killing a load of his own his own comrades, And which elves don’t use magic, there are rituals they use but there are loads of rituals associated to khorne, somehow GW see’s rituals and actual magic as different. I like to think their the same god but im pretty sure its been left open to interpretation deliberately.


Its been implied quite alot that they are the same god, or at least Khaine being an aspect of khorne. I cant see khorne having a problem with backstabbing as look at Kharn the betrayer, who got khornes favour by killing a load of his own his own comrades, And which elves don't use magic, there are rituals they use but there are loads of rituals associated to khorne, somehow GW see's rituals and actual magic as different. I like to think their the same god but im pretty sure its been left open to interpretation deliberately.

'Backstabbing' generally refers to more underhand methods of treachery than those Khârn employed.

Lord Zarkov:

If you look at his worship and the modus operandi of his worshippers Khaine is kind of a Khorne/Slaanesh mix like the Horned Rat is Tzeentch/Nurgle

Look at the Witch Elves, they have the savage frenzy and mass bloodletting aspects of Khorne, but also they also take a great deal of perverse pleasure in their acts which is much more Slaanesh style pleasure than Khornate Martial Honour(read the WE short story in the DE army book)

If you bring 40K into it, part the reason that Khaine split into avatars was because his region was fiercely contested between Khorne and Slaanesh and he dispersed himself to get out the crossfire.


Gods are the manifestations of peoples uncontrolled emotions.

Khorne is the manifestation of rage, and murder is often the result of rage, is it not?

Ancient History:

I’ll check the Liber Chaotics tonight, but I could have sworn there was some fluff in there about it.

Lord Zarkov:

Gods are the manifestations of peoples uncontrolled emotions.
Khorne is the manifestation of rage, and murder is often the result of rage, is it not?

Not as often as you would think. Vey often it is cold and calculated rather than in a fit of pique; particularly the aspect Khaine represents. Remember the sneaky assassins and poisons etc.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Gods are separate. They are as separate as people. People have similar aspects to each other though.

It is stated that the gods are created in the warp from beliefs and emotions. Khaine is the god of murder, Khorne is the god of battle. They are different things even though they are similar.


It does say in some of the official fluffs that chaos gods choose to manifest themselves in different ways to different people, I’m too tired to find a proper reference but i remember something about Tzeentch being known differently in Ind and Zuvassin who manifested himself imitating other gods to confuse worshipers.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Gods are mistaken as other gods, yes. Clan Pestilens actually worhsip Nurgle, thinking it’s the Horned Rat. Also, gods can be known by multiple names and of all gods, Tzeentch is the everchanging…

However, when you are more awake, it’d be nice if you could find it, please.

Lord Zarkov:

The problem with gods is that they do overlap. All gods in Warhammer (&40K) are giant warpstorms in the Aether; kind of like whirlpools in the sea (with a centre & and affected area). Now the Big 4 Gods of Chaos are huge warpstorms, their affected area covers nearly all of the Aether as they cover such a broad range of emotions, as such nearly all the other gods overlap with one or more of them in some way; e.g. all warrior gods in part overlap with Khorne, Shallaya(sp?) overlaps with Nurgle, The Horned Rat overlaps with Tzeentch & Nurgle, etc.

All these indivdual gods have their own distinct conciousness, but bits of their realms of influnce (and the emotions that generate them) overlap. (i.e. the bit exerted a force on by the whirlpool overlaps but the centre will be distinct.

If you want to take an anthropmorphic approach it’s like having Siamise siblings, they have distinct personalities and minds but their bodies overlap; In this anaology the Big 4 would have full bodies that touch at the edges and the minor gods will have heads and prehaps limbs under their control. Really minor gods might just be floating brains inside their bodies of their siblings.

In the case of Khaine, Warpstorm Khaine will overlap a fair bit with Warpstorm Khorne but also overlaps equally with Warpstorm Slaanesh, although he has an independat centre and therefore mind.


I don’t believe GW have ever stated that they’re the same God.

They seem slightly similar in the sense that they both enjoy people dying (albeit in different ways) but it seems rather a leap of logic to say that they are literally the same God.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

but what about the old one’s there actally eldar when thay left the WH world thay went to a different galaxy but the c’tan’s were already there so they had a fight and both lost but the old one turn into eldar but the eldar now worship god’s so i think they just think there is god and use magic to make it seem more real but there are a few great races such as the old one and c’tan’s how resemble god’s 'cos they can do many great thing’s (that’s the most i’ve typed :))


but what about the old one's there actally eldar when thay left the WH world thay went to a different galaxy but the c'tan's were already there so they had a fight and both lost but the old one turn into eldar but the eldar now worship god's so i think they just think there is god and use magic to make it seem more real but there are a few great races such as the old one and c'tan's how resemble god's 'cos they can do many great thing's (that's the most i've typed :))

Godbob and his jolly rogers
The Old Ones, in the Fantasy or 40k universes, are not Eldar.


how does the horned rat encompass tzeentch

i think khaine is much more slaaneshi than khornate