[Archive] Khan!'s army thread updated July 13, with new and exciting things!


Almost two years in the making, I have finished the second warrior (first ‘Immortals’) unit!  Here it is, along with a relatively new sorcerer of the standard BFSP type.

I have other angles, if anyone is interested.  But they aren’t really converted a whole lot so no big deal really.

Also is my almost, maybe-completed ‘great taurus’ and lord:

The lord is completely done, and technically speaking so is the ‘taurus,’ but I kinda feel like it needs something else…I’m not really sure what to do with its legs for example (ie highlight up to grey or paint as fiery ala the head and spine?).  

Any thoughts or advice would be lovely.

Finally, I’ve finished ten of the gimpy slaves that I showed in february, but the pictures that I took are terrible so I will take more and post again.

the unheard one:

That Bull Tarus is amazing. The flamey part is very vibrent. It would be cool though if you did scorched ground where the Bull has walked. I think that the grey idea would be better as the flame part then really stands out from the rest of the model


...and technically speaking so is the 'taurus,' but I kinda feel like it needs something else...
His wings? :P
Seriously great stuff here, really like the orange beards and nicely painted. Reminds me of a CD arme featured in an old white dwarf, around 190-200, with an orange and tin bitz army.
For the Taurus I would try to paint the legs grey, thou darker than the body...


That purple armour is amazing its such a rich colour and really stands out well, also great work on the taurus its good to see a different take on it :slight_smile:


...and technically speaking so is the 'taurus,' but I kinda feel like it needs something else...
His wings? :P
Seriously great stuff here, really like the orange beards and nicely painted. Reminds me of a CD arme featured in an old white dwarf, around 190-200, with an orange and tin bitz army.
For the Taurus I would try to paint the legs grey, thou darker than the body...

Haha, yes it's true that he has no wings. I figure that, to be perfectly honest with ourselves, there's no reason that a magical fire breathing metal/stone bull daemon needs wings to fly. Also I just didn't want to convert something with wings. I do like the idea of the lord and taurus being in a kind of partnership though - fighting side by side, yes? I've never really taken to having tiny people riding giant things - the models often look like the riders just can't reach the ground.

@ the unheard one: Cheers, thanks! Looks like I'll be highlighting the legs again. I think they definitely look out of place right now. I thought about scorching the ground - initially I was going for a 'giant bull made of fire' ala The Last Unicorn movie, but obviously that didn't work out. I think I might avoid the scorched ground here, just so it fits in with the rest of the bases in the army... I'll give it some thought tho.

@ Loki: Thanks, I quite like the purple too. If you look at the very beginning of the thread you can see that the scheme started out as something very different. These photos make me cringe though, I can see every possible flaw in my painting, which is somewhat less clear in person...


Awesome paintjob concerning your Taurus! I´m jealous of yur painting abilities!!! :hat off

IMO the Taurus is nearly perfect … no idea … beside wings :cheers

The Immortals are cool guys, they remember me of some quite similar guys! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nice paint scheme, like my Dark Elves … are you an elven friend??? :mad



Cheers Zanko, thanks! I am about as far from being an elf friend as it gets, but I do have a Dark Elf army :frowning: . Ironically, that colour scheme is blue and white - more like a High Elf scheme really. There’s a picture of one of my DE sorcerers in the latest Word of Hashut!

Kera foehunter:

great paint job on the bull Khan


Great Job, your inmortlas looks amazing and also your bull taurus,

maybe just could need some wings, but close, not open wings

Da Crusha:

cool looking army I especially like the naked hobogobbo masked models, I think it gives it a slanessh feel. also really like the great taurus and rider.

Hrothgar Goldgreed:

That second last picture is just … amazing. Awesome stuff mate, bookmarked your blog and I’m quite sure this is what I want my Taurus to look like.

Thumbs up, keep it coming! :hat off


The purple and silver colour scheme looks great, especially with the orange beards as a contrast.


good painting, how did you make the big daemon-thing?


Nice to have new comments, cheers all. Ironically I have moved across continents(!) to do my MA, so there will be no painting progress until December at the earliest. Not that I update very regularly, so I guess it’s business as usual!

@Hrothgar Goldgreed: :cheers Thanks very much! Now I feel guilty that I didn’t take my painting gear with me though :frowning:

@astragoth: Do you mean the taurus or the blue possessed? If you mean the taurus, its a Reaper mini called “Brass Bull” I think. If the possessed (blue tentacly guy) then that’s an old Mordheim fig. You can buy that from the GW website I suspect.

Hrothgar Goldgreed:

@Hrothgar Goldgreed: :cheers Thanks very much! Now I feel guilty that I didn't take my painting gear with me though :(

My pleasure :hat off As long as you get paintin' like a madman when you're reunited with your painting gear, I'm fine with it ;)

I just succumbed to my collector's urge (that's the third time ... this week!) and ordered the Brass Bull. :)

Da Crusha:

what company produces your “bull”?

Hrothgar Goldgreed:

Reaper does. I got mine and am very happy with him. I think he’s $20.