[Archive] Kharrak's Cursed Legion

Timothy Archer:

Wip , of some kind of floating chaos dwarf priest im working on . honestly don’t know how its gonna end . just wanted to share with you :idea


Does he have one of those Overlords gas balls? Like your other stuff, it looks insane in a good way… :slight_smile:

Pappa Midnight:

Now that’s an interesting conversion. Your GS work is excellent. I look forward to seeing where you go with this.


Timothy Archer:

heyyy thanks , yeah its a big gas ball . you can’t see it on those pictures but he is really fat and almost naked , i wanted to make a warlord inspired by the harkonnen Baron in the movie ( not the books , he is not as gross physically in the books ) so he is floating , naked , and covered with some blisters .

about the greenstuff , i really take my time with it , im not very good , i try to practice , and i need to start again the lef arm and find another position for the huge spear/staff


That green stuff work looks pretty good to me.


There is some great stuff here, especially the standards and flags. Keep it up.


Just one thing. I’m not sure if you’ve grasped the idea of the proper use for a pin vise.

Otherwise you doing marvelously

Timothy Archer:

Just one thing.   I'm not sure if you've grasped the idea of the proper use for a pin vise.
Otherwise you doing marvelously

thanks abecedar


to be honest , i dont know what you are talking about when you say " proper use " . i'm just trying things , what im doing really is " bricolage " ( a french word that i can't really translate, you can translate it with : DIY , but its more about an empirical process you are experimenting in your garage :P )

as you can see , i have no idea what im doing , but i try
so any suggestion are welcome :hat off


Just one thing.   I'm not sure if you've grasped the idea of the proper use for a pin vise.
Otherwise you doing marvelously

thanks abecedar


to be honest , i dont know what you are talking about when you say " proper use " . i'm just trying things , what im doing really is " bricolage " ( a french word that i can't really translate, you can translate it with : DIY , but its more about an empirical process you are experimenting in your garage :P )

as you can see , i have no idea what im doing , but i try
so any suggestion are welcome :hat off

Timothy Archer
"Proper use" means "bon usage". It was a joke about the location of the drill... ;)


I HATES the english language

Timothy Archer:

I HATES the english language

Cherchez la profondeur des choses : l'ironie ne descend jamais jusque-là.


I have allot of misgivings about the Kharadon stuff ( I keep flip flopping). But this is a inarguably cool conversion.

This has to be one of my favorite blogs to revisit, every time I notice some cool new detail amongst the chaos  :D

Timothy Archer:

here my " forkbull "

chaos siege gargant ! . i had a lot of fun with the ghorgon model but i realise maybe i should have push him more with the conversions . anyway i really like to play with him , its a very funny centerpiece on the battlefield


Very nice monster! I definitely have to start working on something like that to be the enslaved giant


Looks good, but I know what you mean. Looking at the rest of your models its a lot less crazy. :slight_smile:

Timothy Archer:

Looks good, but I know what you mean. Looking at the rest of your models its a lot less crazy. :)

i dot absolutely agree with you tjub . it was my first time working on Something that big , im used to dwarf size and i was somehow overwhelmed by this big guy . but im making and aos28 warband , and that is gonna be really crazy !!!

Timothy Archer:

hi here a new thing for my #aos28 warband , but im gonna include this guy in my army too as an ally ( love the idea of a kick ass wizard )

its an “hashut” ogroid thaumathurge , i choose to go for a full assyrian twisted look . im gonna work more on him . thanks to the Admiral tutorial i can now try to make chains and stuff …


Alright, the forkbull might not be on par with the craziness of the rest of your army, but I for one think he’s good enough as he is, and I usually have further tips to throw on people. Very good conversion! And neat paintjob as ever. The other new creations are very promising. Especially that Ogroid model is off to a great start!


Ah, cool concept! Looks great. :slight_smile:

Pappa Midnight:

Woh! Missed the last two. That gargant is excellent and the ogroid is truly inspired. Look forward to seeing him finished.