[Archive] Loki's Army Classic Models help needed 21/11/10


@ Patrikson thanks mate he was one of my many ebay bargins :slight_smile:

@astragoth Thanks i am glad that you like them if you just click on the image they will become bigger :slight_smile:

@ Zanko thank you :hat off


Have just finished the awesome Zargod model here is a pic of him, have done him a little different than the rest of the army the armour is lighter and the god brighter as i wanted to do him as a bit of a show model hope you like :slight_smile:


Nice, he looks good! Zargod deservs his own topic I think, for people to post their painted ones… :slight_smile:


Now THIS is a Zargod ! :wink:

Pyro Stick:

Wow the zargod model looks really good painted. Thats probably the same colour scheme i would have used but i would have given him a brown beard probably, or black with flame highlights.


Finally - a painted Zargod :smiley: You did great, Loki - he looks awesome.

Very classic colour scheme - and fits you army well.

I’ve glued mine, but can’t deside about base - but think I’ll use a 30mm round display base. Yours, is on a 25mm base isn’t he? Hope I’ll have him based and primed soon - so I can start painting him this weekend.

Once again, greatwork :hat off


it is well painted, but …

I don’t know, it lacks the “wahooo” effect, don’t know why ? the base perhaps, too simple ?


thanks every one :slight_smile:

@ Tjub I think your right as he really is such a cool model he should have his own section :smiley:

@ Hastein thanks mate :slight_smile:

@ Pyro Stick  Thanks, wanted to keep the beard black in line with my army army but a brown one or a black one with flame highlights would look ace :slight_smile:

@ Clam  Thanks mate, i am very happy with how he came out, he is on a 20mm base that is why he looks a little big, so he should now fit in to my cd units he will have to go on the end of the front rank to fit but thats a small price to pay to get him in their :)    

@ jebilo  I painted him as a show / game use model but i think i have something to give him the wahooo effect i will take a pic and post it up on sat morning so keep an eye open :slight_smile:


must stop drooling! :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks alot Stubbs glad you like :slight_smile:


Its been far to long since my last update so its about time i made one i think :)  

Here is my unit of Slayers of Hashut


My Giant of Hashut which was going to be my entry in to the last golden hat but i got behind on it working on other projects ( which i will post up soon when i get a chance at the week to do so ) so here he is now



The slayer warband is ace, espicially the standard is awesome! :hat off

From what Daemon is the head from?

The Giant is also quite cool but is the skin really orange? Or have I a visual problem? :wink: Fierce colour … :stuck_out_tongue:



The Lammasu-head works great as a giants head, nice work with the slayers as well! :slight_smile:


Models look nice. But as what do you use the Slayers of Hashut?

Pyro Stick:

Here is my unit of Slayers of Hashut

Ive been trying to think of what to call the slayers i painted as chaos dwarf and slayers of hashut is perfect. I couldnt call them Dwarf Slayers since thats basically what they are called already, eventhough i was going to think of them as Dwarf Slayers, but in the sense that they are Slayers of Dwarfs.


Thanks guys :slight_smile:

@ Zanko the daemon head is the original blood thirstier head and it is a visual problem with the giant he is a blood red all over not the orange colour that he looks like in the photo :slight_smile:

@ Tjub thanks mate glad you like them :slight_smile:

@ Blog I use them as sneaky gits what with having two hand weapons and no armour to speak of it sort of made sense the standard is really just for show.

@ Pyro i did a whole back ground for them for one of the artisans contest i think i have it some where i will up load it if i can find it for you to have a read :slight_smile:


Found it Pyro :slight_smile: Enjoy

Slayers Of Hashut

When the Dwarf of the middle mountains moved west in to the plains of Zharr they took with them the traditions and beliefs of there kin , that was centaury�?Ts ago and things have changed a lot for these dwarfs that crossed in to the plans of Zharr but not every thing.

Like there western kin they still value age and gold and still have a sense of honour even thought it has been warped by their god Hashut  in to nothing that would be recognised by the realms of dwarf and men.

For a dwarf to fail in any task is a great stain on his honour  and that of his clan his only way of redemption is to walk the path of the slayer and seek forgiveness for his miss deeds by suffering an honourable death in combat with a mighty foe, if a chaos dwarfs fails in a task given to him is to suffer a fate worse than death upon his return to Zarr Nanggrund, for this reason many do not return and simply disappear in the plans of Zharr.

For those that do return in disgrace there is only cause of action open to them, to throw themselves on the mercy of the high council and beg forgiveness to date no one has been found worthy and those that enter the high council chamber in disgrace never come out.

Or this is how it appears to any on lookers, for within the chamber the individual is judged those found to have failed due to cowardice are thrown in to the lava pits as an offering to mighty Hashut , those that failed due to over whelming odds against them and show signs that they may still be of use are taken from the chamber to deep below Zarr Nanggrund to await their fate. This must be done in the up most secrecy as to show any form forgiveness would be to show weakness and to encourage failure and that can not be tolerated.

Once deep below Zarr Nanggrund those chaos dwarfs with hope of redemption are taken to the hall of the slayers of Hashut, the slayers of a Hashut are as ancient as the city beneath which they dwell formed when Hashut first appeared to the Dwai Zarr. Inside the chamber before the mighty alter of Hashut their heads are shaved in the familiar crest of there western breathen but rather than dyeing it orange it is left black as a mark of there shame and failer in the service of Hashut.

Once their heads have been shaved they are left in the main chamber and the door is sealed by daemon smiths with runes of protection making it impossible to enter or leave the chamber , The slayers to be will remain in the main hall, until each dwarf with in have had a vision from Hashut, this can take mere moumnets or weeks but no matter the time the result is the same Hashut will appear before each and every one and bless them in his service, the presence of  Hashut within the chamber is so great that the runes of protection placed on the door begin to heat up and glow with a blinding light until they shatter blasting the doors open with immense force  smoke billows forth from the room fowled by the intense smell of brimstone and from the mist emerges the slayers.

They are no longer the same dwarfs that entered the chamber, they walk with supreme confidence there arms ripple with muscles that was not there before and their chest are broad and strong, there eyes are pricing and show barely contained rage and anger, the slayers have such a presence that non present can meet their gaze for more than and a few moments for they know that they are no longer Dwaii Zarr but engines of destructions given flesh ,the true blessed of Hashut.

A dwarf is nothing with out a fine weapon in his hand and the same is for the Dwaii Zarr and this is no more evident than with the slayers, once they have emerged from the main chamber they are led by the daemon smiths to the armoury of the slayers, a vast  hall and work shop filled with the most potent weapons that can be crafted, the air is hot and laced with brimstone as the furneces burn bright creating the finest quality of steel, gromil and star metal to be forged in to weapons. As amazing as these weapons are they are nothing compared to what the daemon smith can turn they in to, slecting on the truly finest weapons for even the slightest flaw can cause disaster in the binding process, working day and night for many days the deamon smiths bind powerful daemons in to each weapon turning them in mighty weapons able to cut thought any armour with ease, able to find the weakest point in any defenders guard and to take the soul of any one it touches.

The slayers are free to wonder around the mighty armoury , moving between the racks of weapons until they feel a pull, an attraction they can not understand but must follow to its source,  upon touching the weapon the daemon and the slayer become one , forming a fusion of dwarf and daemon in to a unstable killing machine which once released will not stop until its target is destroyed or its own destruction.

The Slyers of Hashut are a secrect and only the high council and a select group of the guild of daemon smiths even know of their existence, the slayers do not march to war with the rest of the dwaii zarr they are the first to be sent out  to wreak havoc amongst the enemy force that is stupid enough to invade the plains of Zarr, when combat is joined the slayers are relentless they march forth beneath the daemon head banner in tight packed regiments towards the enemy, weapons fire does not effect them just before the shot is about to hits its target it hit�?Ts a wall of immense heat and are turned to ash, for a slayer of Hashut to fall in such away would not be fitting.  They seek out the most powerful enemy and face them in combat to prove themselves to Hashut, if a slayer is to fall in combat his body  is instantly consumed by fire as to not leave any trace of there failure and  to erase any evidence of the cult of the slayer, if the all the slayers are destroyed the council will dispatch an army to deal with what is left of the invading force, if the slayers are success fully they return to Zarr Nanggrund and await there next assignment from the council, the only way out of the slayers of Hashut is death and eternal agony at the hands of Hashut for failure for those that are success there will always be more fights to be fought and with the blessing of Hashut the slayers will not age nor die of natural causes only a blade will ever lay them low.

P.S Please excuse and spelling errors as its not really my strong point


Awesome stuff, as always.

Really like how the Slayers turned out.

And giant, hmm! not bad. I’m not a GW giant fan (in general) - It just don’t looks right to me, but I must admit that the Lammasu head helped (a lot) -and what an awesome paintjob you gave up. Sad to hear it didn’t make it into GH X.


Thanks for your great feed back as always Clam :slight_smile: I was sorry that he did not make it in as well but i hope when you see the armies that i was working on at the time you will think it was worth it :slight_smile:


@ Loki thanx, using them as sneaky gits, thats a smart move, Ive got a unit of slayers and I would love to field it on the battlefield along with my centaurs (as the are converted from slayers and painted the same).I’ll try that some time.

oh and the Slayers of hasnut thingy, thats a nice read (: