[Archive] Loki's Army Classic Models help needed 21/11/10


Hi guys just wanted to post a few pics of my army, which is a work in progress, this is my first real use of green stuff so has been a learning curve to say the least :o

would be great to hear what you think also any pointers are all ways welcome :hat off


My lord on foot


Really cool lord, keep up the good work :wink:

Kera foehunter:

wow you stole a hat to put on the lord!! i like your thinking !!

i like the sorceror to


Good Start keep it up


Thanks allot every one :hat

Was very lucky with that hat , I have been collecting Warhammer for 11 years but only been playing for the last 3, in that time i have built up a very large bits box and luckily I was able to find 1 cd in it so only had one chance to get it right :o

Will post some more pics soon just working on some blunderbussers at the mo as well as a battle standard bearer so watch this space


Looking good… for pointers on the Beard try using an alternating pattern for the coils… so it will look like sideway and dont go all the way across… so basically


the second picture down is a perfect example of what i mean.

Hi guys just wanted to post a few pics of my army, which is a work in progress, this is my first real use of green stuff so has been a learning curve to say the least :o

would be great to hear what you think also any pointers are all ways welcome :hat off

My lord on foot

One of sorcerers



Thanks Servius i have got a couple of cd made up that just need painting but for my next batch i will change the beards thanks for the link :hat off

Here are my latest cd to be completed my battle standard bearer and my first blunderbusser



nice CD’s you got there, especially the lord!

keep it up :slight_smile:


Nice blunderbuss! I love the muzzle, where did you get it?


Thanks so.sad :cheers

The muzzle is from the empire generals lance, just cut off the hand and the lance tip and it fitted on really well, sorry to say that is the only one of my cd with that as can not afford £12 a time to do a muzzle, would be nice though :hat

Ghrask Dragh:

I really like the lord in that first pic, the standard bearer from hellcannon crew is also nicely done!!

There some muzzles here if you want more…


(well spotted by the way!)



Cool use of the Hellcannon crew and the old plastik CD to make a lord from the BFSP :slight_smile:

What’s next on the board???

Cheers mate :cheers


Very nice, I like the flaming braziers, great touch :slight_smile:


Thanks Ghrask Dragh but sorry to say that i have already converted up the rest of my blunderbussers, have been working on them and will upload some more pics this evening, been a bit behind with my CDs as have been working on my chaos Nurgle army for a campaign at my local club , but there will be more cd on the way soon :hat


I really like the lord on foot. I think the hat/mask combo is really cool.


It looks awesome, but does the lord have trouble ranking up in a unit with that big rock on his base? Its darned pretty tho :slight_smile:


Thanks , when i get a unit finshed i will have to let you know if he fits in or not :cheers

here is my latest cds that i have completed


Great stuff, Loki! :slight_smile:


Sorry has been some time coming but here is my lord on great taurus (and very big hat ) very happy with him :hat


The guy holding the brazier is really nice. Good lighting effects too.