[Archive] Maelzch's Stuff Plog


It’s been a flippin age since I updated this, but I do have the excuse of having moved since I last updated.  I’ve got quite a bit done to make up for my lack of posting.  This is because I’m starting to panic that i won’t have enough finished in time for the Doubles tourney in april, come say hi if you see me there!

Anyways, on with the pictures:

here’s my 20-strong unit of marauders:

and with the orc-spider removed to allow for a character to join them:

Front rankers:

Second rank:

Third rank:

Back rank:

Standard bearer, with and without optional standard:

And here’s some pictures of a new addition to the army. This was my first attempt at sculpting a full face, and im really quite pleased with it.

This model can be a character, Valkia, or mounted on a larger base as a spawn. The below piccys show the model and additional magnetised base:

That’s all for now folks, I’ll try to get back in the swing of updating more regularly!




They look really nice, love the banner


These look fantastic (orcs and red is always a good combination) and i love the idea of using them as a chaos army. The painting on some units is great especially the squigs skin which is very different but also very effective


Very cool army mate really like the way you have used the Khorne symbol on the banners

Kera foehunter:

wow that’s cool love the orcs


Here’s another update!

This has taken me far longer than it should have, I got a little carried away with the details.  I’m very pleased with how it turned out, especially bits where I tried something new, like the slight OSL around the skull’s eye on the staff.  So here’s the pictures, it will be played as a level 4 shaman with the Mark of Tzeentch, sometimes with the conjoined homonculus (represented by the goblin).

As always, C+C appreciated.




cant believe i missed this blog till now…

great stuff!!!i love the nanners,the skulls on the bases,your paintjob and the bronze on the cold ones(looks like im the only one…)

and i like your use of the 40k orcs

and the skin color looks pretty realistic

great,thats all to say,pure and simple great

Kera foehunter:

i love the new orc the blue on the blue /Grey skin looks great


Just a quick update, I’ve just finished a unit of ‘chaos warriors’ with great weapons



Kera foehunter:

i alway kike the red ammor on the black orcs look great maelzth


update time!

Just got these guys finished, I’ve been painting like mad to make sure they’re done for the doubles tourney in 2 weeks, and now I’ve got time to spare!

unit 1 of marauder horse

unit 2 of marauder horse

righty, i’m off to frantically chop things up for my next unit!




Here’s some photos of what I made last weekend. They still need a lot of GS work before theyre ready for paint, but they’ve already seen one game!

As the pic below shows, they are all magnetised so that they can be used as either a second unit of knights or as Dragon Ogres.

And here’s the same one as a Dragon Ogre

That’s all for the time being, I need to crack on with some paniked painting to get my objective marker done for the doubles tourney!


Here’s what I’ve just finished today, it’s the objective marker that me and my brother (posts on TWF as Ron Burgandy) will be using for the Doubles tourney this weekend. It also has the added bonus of being able to be used as a spawn afterwards. It was converted and the blue parts painted by my brother, and I painted the half that matches my Chaos Orcs.

I tried a bit of source lighting on the orc’s face, and I’m quite pleased with it.

If anybody sees us at the tourney, come and say hi. I’ll be using these guys and my brother will be using his Daemons.

Wish us luck!




the Dragon Ogres / Knights look awsome really good use for the two plastic kits, caint wait to see them painted up and the objective marker looks sweet as well, best of luck at the Doubles tourney :slight_smile:


nice dragon ogres…they really look like a bunch of trouble makers

the marker is a cool thing,nice painted

Lord Archaon:

Really cool idea! Really cool convertions!! And really cool painting.

Here’s my advice for you: try to add some black paint in places where different colours meets, it will help to see the details. Your shaman is painted nicely but every colour blends together so it’s dificult to see the details you’ve made.

Hope to see more of your minis.


:hat off

Kera foehunter:

wow some great stuff love the dragon ogre i also love the paint job on your orc thingy


Love the dragon ogres.


Just a quick update with what I’ve finished tonight:

In this army, it’s a sorceror on Disc of Tzeentch. I felt that I needed a slightly mobile sorceror, and also, I dont always take enough infantry units to put all of my walking sorcerors in!



Kera foehunter:

like the color of the squid!! cool stand