[Archive] Marauder Mage WIP

Kera foehunter:

Wow bright colors they go together .She looking good Torn!!!

Iam torn #1 fan yea!!


Hmm…this sure is interesting…

I really like the pose on the sorceress, she’s gonna be a beauty when she’s finished…

Hmm…that gives me an idea…

Just kidding just kidding, i dont want to steal your ideas! :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep up the good work!!!

Kera foehunter:

go ahead and steal the idea !! but it will cost you!!! i own the idea on eather pirate chaos dwarfs or female cd the price is one figure !

just kidding go for it i like to see your idea warplock


@kera - your not just the number 1 fan, your the only fan lol

@warplock - that pose is created by the armature bending in ways you dont want it to and then saying to yourself “hmm thats an interesting pose” lol

you gonna give any sneaky hints as to what your idea is? its not a skink in a dress with a funny hat and a peg leg is it? you can steal my ideas all you want, but only as long as you do it better than me so it wont be a cheap imitation lol.


I figured out the crazy head… - thats the pirate captain falling off ‘the plank’ so gravity is pulling at her hair.

Not even close, am I?

Kera foehunter:

idea hummm like super tall boots a corset and jacket like a (old red coat like in 1700 ) big hat with a big fluffy feather.

and lots of guns a bottle for potions and a scroll.

opps and some striped pance.

that’s just a hint.


narfling you are miles off!

ive sculpted the face last night, fairly happy with it, one eye is alright the other is probaby below par but will be being covered by an eye patch anyway so all is well lol. cant be bothered to take pictures just yet though, and im going to start work on the hair right now . .

kera im not quite sure we got what you were hinting at???

Kera foehunter:

So your thinking ugly sea hag that drains the souls out of any chaos dwarf

that will work too


ok i know its been a good few days now since you have had an update, so ill give you one. new things to look out for are the face, eyepatch, work on the skirt, belt, chest, pretty much a lot of things.

after reading all the threads by the females in here about stupidly proportioned ‘girls bits’ i tried to make them more realistic in size. the face at the moment is longer at the top than it will be, as that part of the forehead will be covered.

what is left to do . . arms, headpiece, weapon (no prizes for guessing what thats an armature of), her ‘other item’, and a few more details. hopefully wont take too long to finish.