@Duncan: Cool, looks great! Good use of the drummer as well. Fits perfect with him drumming out different orders etc!
@Duncan: Cool, looks great! Good use of the drummer as well. Fits perfect with him drumming out different orders etc!
Today I have just finished the painting of my 30 dwarf strong squad of Axemen (Dwarfs.)
I am just basing them. Yet to paint bases and add fowers / grass.
No conversions, just a straightforward squad. As I have previously said (I think?) I base them on 3cm squares for infantry and normally three figures to a square, which is the standard my gaming club uses in our rules.
Very cool, I really like your colour schemes! The white and blue is very striking
What do you use to make your standards? My tjublings will be my very first time attempting those as well, still trying to decide on a method but yours look good!
Very cool, I really like your colour schemes! The white and blue is very striking :)It is a painting I did years ago (around 1990.) And I just scanned it and reduced it right down, then printed a whole sheet of them in different sizes.
What do you use to make your standards? My tjublings will be my very first time attempting those as well, still trying to decide on a method but yours look good!
Cool, the unit looks great! I really have to get back to painting me own soon… Do you have a photo of the full army?
Which rules do you play? DBA? We play scaled down Kings of War, about 8 infantry on a 5x2cm base.
Finnish Chaos Dwarfs? Just joking, that’s a good and striking colour scheme. Makes for a neat visual.
Finnish Chaos Dwarfs? Just joking, that's a good and striking colour scheme. Makes for a neat visual. :)Only that squad is blue, the rest are all different. Each squad has its colour scheme and the standard's unify the army.
The musician looks great! I eagerly await your pink tjublings the war altar sounds interesting too!
Someone asked for a photograph of the whole army together. Well so far it is not very big at all, but it is growing. The Halberd unit will over time grow to full strength as I can get enough figures and convert them. Also the Pink and red Fireguard Hammerers are about half way done so they are not in these photos yet.
I have now completed the rocket launcher and this is in the front on the left as you look at it, or the right if your are a Tjubling looking out?
Wow Duncan that is indeed an impressive sight, an army of Tjublings! :hat off Must say that the darker skin tone really works great. When you say the army isn’t big I must ask what plans/goal do you have in mind? :o
Uther the unhinged:
Fantastic. Let the earth tremble (slightly) and your enemies shake with fear. Great army. Really like the battalion based colour scheme.
Wow Duncan that is indeed an impressive sight, an army of Tjublings! :hat off Must say that the darker skin tone really works great. When you say the army isn't big I must ask what plans/goal do you have in mind? :oI was going to add a unit of skull mask ones once the Fire Guard Hammer dwarfs are done. That way there would be a unit of each type. I then thought about adding another unit of blunderbus ones to give them some massed firepower or at least some on each flank.
I was going to add a unit of skull mask ones once the Fire Guard Hammer dwarfs are done. That way there would be a unit of each type. I then thought about adding another unit of blunderbus ones to give them some massed firepower or at least some on each flank.Hah, you sir are insane! :cheers :hat off
Also I am looking forwards to your bull centaurs for a unit of them although possibly not thirty of them!
I expect that as they are released I Will add them to the army, so the mangled, the dog handler etc, as and when. Hopefully not long now? What about a Taurus or girocopter? I am thinking of building a girocopter or three to be honest. Mostly once the main infantry is done though it will be characters and machines.
Fantastic stuff, they look great!! Seconding tjub on the darker skin colour, I love the way it looks. Looking forward to seeing more of your progress!
I just imagined that they would have darker skin, you know the whole miner type dirty look and corrupting power of chaos turning them dark blue! I may do some with different colour hair and beards? Maybe the skull ones, I mean they look different to the hat ones, could be an allied clan, related but not the same, same skin tonem pink beards(?) no just joking on that, maybe a dark red?
Anyway yesterday I was doing some work amongst other things on the traction steam engine thing to pull/tow the War Alter. I wanted to make it look like some archaic steam locomotive from the dawn of steam railways, (But not on tracks.) so have gone for two big drive wheels with giant pistons all arranged around a big boiler. It has stations at the back for a fireman(Dwarf.) and a driver, there is a cord to pull for a whistle, steering wheel, lots of dials and stuff. It needs a little truck for coal (And other more chaosy things to burn.) and a few tools. Also thinking of some sort of manic mangling blades for the front? Not sure yet.
Will be putting the bits together later so will see what it looks like, then I need to convert a couple of crew. Now, does the steam engine need a drummer?
Uther the unhinged:
Love the steam engine. Very nice. Not sure if it needs a drummer but definitely needs blades, whirling chains, steam hammers the works. I can’t remember what rules system you use but with that stuff it could double as as skullcracker in AoS or WHFB a Greater Golem or some such in KoW and I think a titan thing in T9A. More to the point whirling blades/chains and hammers look cool
Great idea! As for drummer, who doesn’t need a drummer is my question? Those slaved feeding coal better keep their pace right?
@Uther the unhinged: I see that you are tempted to put blades on it. Nothing wrong with more blades either, but personally I dont think I would. Maybe as a plow or some optional shields or “slasher”-wagon infront of it for combat use. Either way it could use its bulk to just crush the enemies! Maybe adding some kind of steam gun, just in case you are about to get swarmed by filthy goblins or other critters?
Btw, rules wise in KoW atleast there are rules in CoK2017 for “creating/building” rules for your own units. Or I assume it would be great to just add it in as a Dwarf Steelbehemoth in friendly games.
Drummers everywhere! It’s such a nice impression, beating out the rhythm. I really like that detail in your army, so yes, please add a drummer to the scratchbuilt train! Good WIP build, by the way! Great stuff Duncan, thanks for sharing.
And impressive army, and even more impressive army plans! :hat off
That looks really cool! Well done, it has quite a lot of detail too. This is my first time looking through any of your stuff and it�?Ts all really awesome! Great job. Everything looks wonderful.
Here is an update on the Steam Engine with the crew and Mangler I have made to attàch to the front.[attachment=5575]