[Archive] My 15mm army


Very nice work so far, your converted tjublings are excellent as always and the machine is looking scary :slight_smile: I’m starting to really appreciate how much 15mm and smaller scales let you involve really impressively large creations, I’ve always been more of a skirmish gamer but I’m really looking forward to working on some war engines and greater daemons and things down the road.

I don’t think it has to be a slave doing the shovelling necessarily; maybe it’s a prestigious job for a chaos dwarf and not something to be entrusted to a pathetic slave!


I’m a fan of both the paintjob and conversions for the crew. Great warmachine as well!


Thats a great machine, like a giant Death Roller! :slight_smile:

Of course the loading of such a creation shouldn’t be trusted to a slave, it could be almost a sacred jobb that has to be earned by the best smiths of the forge! Impressed by your conversions as well Duncan, a CD with a shovel might be something needed for a set of “generic warmachine” crew in the future? :slight_smile:

The Fire Guard looks good grouped together as well!

@boyfights: Jupp, same here. Storing, playing area and the scale you can play with are all reasons that has drawn me inte 15mm. Its all so doable. :slight_smile:



All good ideas!
Cardinal of Coal would be a great title to be claimed.

Haha, who knows… Might be a step too far eh? “Amorous” Tjublings? Uhm… :o


Here is something I have been working on for a while trying to get it right.

I based this around a toy plastic bull I bought in the local toy shop. I cut wings from cardboard and stuck them on then covered it in Green Stuff to enable detail to be worked into I as best I could. The main thing i wanted was to get a sort of face similar to that of a Tjubling just on a bigger scale, and also to get the hair and beard similar.

I was in two minds as to whether of not I  should mount a Tjubling on it but with a plethora of Tjubling drummers going spare I decided to convert one. It was a bit of a job but I managed to remove the drum which allowed me to get the arm in an outstretched position to enable me to attach a weapon hand from the HQ commander. I remodelled this to hold a Morning Star type Made.

I did a couple of spare Mace arms I have for future use.



"Amorous" Tjublings? Uhm... :o

I keep picturing the scene in "it's always sunny in Philadelphia" when they go to the Jersey shore and go exploring under the boardwalk, except the two homeless guys having sex are wearing chaos dwarf hats :hat off


Very cool conversions though, nice green stuff work! Sorry I couldn’t edit my first post, I couldn’t find the button on mobile


Stellar conversions, Duncan! You’ve put some work into it and it shows! :hat off

But joking aside, a group of various Tjublings in Pioneer and Artillery poses would be good for all manner of conversions and little vignettes. How about some female, children Tjublings? Perhaps a child Tjubling out with his pet, one of the creatures you created in your blog, Maybe on a lead? Tjublings in amorous poses with each other for those X rated vignettes!�Y~�

There’s quite some reference based upon real ancient Mesopotamian history, not to speak of the Epic of Gilgamesh's marathon session.


These guys are all so cute! Really enjoying these threads! Keep 'em coming!


@Duncan: Wow, this is so cool! Great work again Duncan. I like the chair as well, like strapping his throne on the beat… :slight_smile:

@Admiral: Haha, you just confirmed to me that everything you can imagine is already on the internet.


I have been painting the General and his mount. Here he is.

Also the steam engine and mangler now it is finished.

Next up is the war altar and finishing the halberd squad.

Then it is, well, no more Tjublings. I will have to order some of these new ones in the near future. Looking forwards to them.[attachment=5585][attachment=5586][attachment=5587]

Uther the unhinged:

Love the spikes on the warmachine. As for the commander , very nice. Like the anatomical detail on the bull! To quote my favorite song at the moment �?~Cow well hung!�?T ( google �?~cows with guns�?T).


The general looks truly demonic!

If the army is “done” please post share some pics of the whole things, preferably doing battle capturing saves. :slight_smile:


Trouble is that armies are never finished are they, there is always something more to add even if it is years later! I will however, every now and then set them up and photograph the whole lot together.


Love the spikes on the warmachine. As for the commander , very nice. Like the anatomical detail on the bull! To quote my favorite song at the moment �?~Cow well hung!�?T ( google �?~cows with guns�?T).

Uther the unhinged
I listened to the song on YouTube. Very much like some poetry I wrote years back in my 'collection of poetry on bovines.' I will try and find some to paste up here at some point if people like that sort of thing?


OK this week I have been working on the Tjubling War Altar to be towed into battle by the Steam Engine from a couple of weeks back.

Basically it is a sort of (short!) Step pyramid with molten metal / lava pools in the steps and zigzag stylised lightening striking the rear.

The front is fitted with side plinths for two Tjubling drummers to stand drumming out whatever it is they drum!

The top of the Altar is adorned with one of those 28mm animated statues from Admiralty Minatures.

I hope people like it?[attachment=5592][attachment=5593]

Uther the unhinged:

Now that is a nice war altar! Lovely work. I am going to have to make one now!


Great work and a very cool idea! Think Ill have to try something similar for my own army in the future… Glad to see you made good use of all those drummers as well. :slight_smile:


Great work and a very cool idea! Think Ill have to try something similar for my own army in the future... Glad to see you made good use of all those drummers as well. :)

Thanks. I still have a couple of drummers left after completing my halberd squad tonight. No doubt some future war machine will need some!