[Archive] My other project: Bunbuns (2nd album now available)

Ghrask Dragh:

2nd - pointing a finger? or a sauspan?

As for the first it actually looks really good without anything, everyone will get the point :slight_smile: and it won’t make the mould any more complex. However, if you wanted to to do it (although I have no experience in mould making) I would guess doing that would turn it into a 2 part mould, one for the body and another for the right hand and wire together.


Cool sculpts btw!!


Thanx for the input (:

(I always hate it when a question end up at the bottom of the previous page)


I have been reading backwards through the bun bun gallery. Great work dude :slight_smile:


@inkpwn Thanx (:

Sorry now new webcomic this week (maybe later).

Still working on the sculpts.

Fixed the bomber fuse problem:

Started on something more dynamic:

A Bunbun Bruce/Ash eith chainsaw arm (:

But still no clue what to do with Nubnub left hand/arm:


I Need input, I Have this body, what to do with it:

Option 1, 2 ,3 or 4? please help (:

Blue in VT:


Hehehe…these are looking great! How many are you planning on making? I really like #4 from you image above. Will you be casting them? I’d love to paint some just for fun.




Thanx Blue. Dont know how many i’ll be making. its so freaking addictive (and time consuming).

I most defiantly want to cast them, its just a matter of time (and money). And I would love to see you paint one (:

there is another comic con in Belgium in December, my plan is to have some cast by then. so keep an eye out here and i’ll keep everyone updated.

Ghrask Dragh:


Love 'em, #2 would get my vote, #4 is good though Unsure

Good job solving the wiring on the other sculpt, hope you’ll get the chance to cast these one day, I would buy some of these straight away

Have you thought about Bunbun avatars? for maybe some of your fellow Chaosdwarfaholics?.. whats that?.. me?.. well maybe I suppose but… I mean, well…

(I’m sure you get the message!!lol)


Have you thought about Bunbun avatars?

Ghrask Dragh
These are on my website:

But there are a lot more designs from the stickers and more...

#2 and #4 very likely to be made. and yes there will be casts in the future, I always wanted my own models since I started Bunbun In 2004, so it will be one down from the bucket list within a few monts.

Ghrask Dragh:

I did see them, the exorcist one is saved for my new avatar, I was thinking maye a more CD themed one :slight_smile:

<- Check it out


I’ll work on it. but CD - Bunbun crossovers are hard (:


#2 gets my vote :slight_smile:

I can allready imagine it on my desk :slight_smile:


Fresh Bunbun Webcomic

Working on # 2 and #4, 4 is coming along nicely. Did his right hand first, came out good, but now its to small compared to his left scull hand. will have to redo that for a 3dr time (:


Some more WIP pictures of Ashly J Bunbun:

I want to give him a belt of some sort but I dont know if there is room to make that look good.
Chainsaw needs more detail.

Making pictures of your models works really well for me, its like looking through a magnifying glass to see your mistakes. (And how lame is that, not having a magnifying glass so u use a digital camera d: )


Re-working the Hand of Ashley J. Williams (damn hands are difficult, and only doing 4 fingers might draw more easily, its no picnic to sculpt.)
I’ve tried a belt but there is not enough room on his belly.

The Shakespearean Bunbun is on his 3dr right hand and I think i’ve got it right this time so #2 and #4 are coming along nicely:


Have you tried to get him picking the skulls nose?


Ha that would be funny (but not very Shakespearean)


I Think these are finished:

I dont know how many times i’ve reworked all the hands but most came out OK, really happy with the pointy finger of Ash.

Already started working on a new one, A running one, I think I’ll give hem a watch for a Alice in Wonderland crossover.

And now to get my but to Amsterdam to check out the FormX shop for info on molds.

Oh and I think I have to redo the Bunbun Bomber completely dont think he is good enough anymore(what do you guys think?)


And #2 “Noose” is also finished

I think this is the best one so far, its not my fafourite but the body and hand came out really good in just a few tries.

Oh and I want to try this one next (love this painting):

but than in Bunbun style:


quick update:

My birthday present to me d:


realy like you work, when can we buy them?