[Archive] New mounted daemonettes - pic



saw those a while back on warseer and I’m not sure about them.

Dont like forelegs on the mount for a start, the daemonette looks just plonked on top, not a patch on the last ones.

I currently use Gamezone ones.


The old demonettes were deadly sexy, these are nice.

Waiting for better pics :slight_smile:


Still much nicer than the 2nd edition ones, although i do agree with the whole rider plonked on top as an afterthought. The previous alluring metals looked like they belonged together these seem to fight each other - could just be this one pose though. Personally i would prolly want to convert the gals to be riding bareback not only to look more like they were riding… so anywho…


I don’t think they have forelegs. To me, the “front leg” is actually the leg from the other side of the mount, since the nearest leg is up off the ground. The Daemonette’s foot is blocking where the mount’s leg would attach to the body.

I agree with the other posts about the rider though - it looks kludged together.


Looks back at 6th ed Mounted Daemonettes which are no longer available, despite being best models GW has done in years

Screams ‘Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!’ at uncaring sky


I don't think they have forelegs. To me, the "front leg" is actually the leg from the other side of the mount, since the nearest leg is up off the ground. The Daemonette's foot is blocking where the mount's leg would attach to the body.

I agree with the other posts about the rider though - it looks kludged together.

Correct. The steeds are definitely bipedal, its just the rider that is placed oddly. I would say the issues is that she sits slightly forward of the place where the legs are, so instead of absorbing the weight of the rider on the legs it looks like they have to lift them with their necks. Well, provided deamons follow physics...
Of course the rider is clearly just "plonked" down so it also looks weird like that. But the big difference is the dynamics. The old models *look* like they are speeding forwards, heck they are even gripping their mount with a hand. These just sit there and look stupid.

I have a unit of the old ones, managed to bag the last 3 around here. Traded 1 of them off for bitz for ~12 Dryads. The other two are turning into a standard and a Herald.


Imo this mounted daemonette is a great disappointment! :frowning:

The 6th edition ones were so great (and I failed in buying them :mad) and sexy!

This girl couldn’t keep up with the older ones … and the mount isn’t better - looks like a nice try - nothing more! :expressionless:



I’d like to see a unit charge those from the front, they’d never get into base contact!?

Fair enough if they can’t quick prototype multi part models so easily (?) but the rider looks like a statue, no movement there at all (unlike the last ones).


Personally I really like the mount, but that rider is terrible. With some reposing on the rider, to put them in the same poses as the old models and the whole ensemble would improve no end. The good news is that the riders will come seperate to the mount so reposing the legs shouldn’t be a big hassle


Mount looks like a dinosaur. Very very dissapointing sculpt IMO.


@ Warhammerman: Gotta disagree with you on that one; I really like the mount. My favourite thing about the whole DoC range is the way they’ve gone back to the old realm of chaos designs. Much as I liked Diaz et al’s reimagination of the daemons for sixth edition, tis is what they’ve always been supposed to look like for me. The mount itself also looks very lithe and speedy, it’s just the rider who’s pose spoils the sense of motion. I do hope they’re in plastic though as GW would no doubt charge through the roof for metal models. Come to think of it, having seen the prices of the new beasts and nids they’ll probably charge through the roof for plastics too.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Yeah, these are quite old. IMO the daemonette rider was just a WIP, as this seems to be standard model from the infantry box. The mount is nice, though!


Yeah, these are quite old. IMO the daemonette rider was just a WIP, as this seems to be standard model from the infantry box. The mount is nice, though!

Ishkur Cinderhat
Its not one of the standard models though.

Obviously it looks like them but they all had dangly bits hanging down making them impossible to mount. Oh so many innuendo's there...

Also its made from the same resin that the mount is. I think its that miracle stuff they use for prototyping, I think they use a laser to heat of parts of it or something like that. 3D-printing sort of.
Unfortunately that is likely exactly what the riders will look like.


Yeah but they can always be converted. If you ask me hobbyists have had it too easy these last few years. I remember when half the choices in your army had to be converted from whatever you could lay your hands on


If I ever do my Slaanesh Daemons for Fantasy, I think I’ll stick to my conversion ideas. Maybe it is the paint job, but it just looks too “Plastic dinosaur toy”-ish… like the goofy colored ones I saw as a kid.


If I ever do my Slaanesh Daemons for Fantasy, I think I'll stick to my conversion ideas. Maybe it is the paint job, but it just looks too "Plastic dinosaur toy"-ish... like the goofy colored ones I saw as a kid.

Are you referring to the above pic? Because they are not painted. They are prototypes made from a red-coloured resin.


If I ever do my Slaanesh Daemons for Fantasy, I think I'll stick to my conversion ideas. Maybe it is the paint job, but it just looks too "Plastic dinosaur toy"-ish... like the goofy colored ones I saw as a kid.

I swear somewhere in the attic I have a box of toy dinosaurs I used to play with and some where in there is a dinosaur that looks identical. :D

It kind of looks like an ant eater too.


I might have a hunt for some toy dinosaurs to convert, it’d be a hell of a lot cheaper!


we’re all thinking of it, so i’ll say it… Nipples!