[Archive] New Skaven Thread - Discussion of New Models, Army Book, Etc


From Harry -
Warhammer Armies: Skaven is the next Armybook released for Warhammer Fantasy.
It is released sometime in the latter half of 2009, after July.
Assigned to Jeremy Vetock

From GodlessMimicry (I think, correct me if I'm wrong, I'll edit)-
New plastic kits include the Stormvermin, Clanrats, and Doomwheel.
Return of the Verminlord
Strength 4 Warplightning

That's what we know that I can remember. Those parts aren't wishlisting.



From Harry -
Warhammer Armies: Skaven is the next Armybook released for Warhammer Fantasy.
It is released sometime in the latter half of 2009, after July.
Assigned to Jeremy Vetock

From GodlessMimicry (I think, correct me if I'm wrong, I'll edit)-
New plastic kits include the Stormvermin, Clanrats, and Doomwheel.
Return of the Verminlord
Strength 4 Warplightning

That's what we know that I can remember. Those parts aren't wishlisting.


glad to see new stormvermin and clanrats, those models are currently horrific...about time Skaven was redone.


SOO happy to see the vermin lord come back, but why nerf warp lightning? GW you make me sad.


Most people really hate S5 warp lightning. Plus S4 brings it into line with most comparable magic missile spells in the regular lores.

The only thing that really bugs me so far is the Doom Wheel returning (I hate that stupid thing. Couldn’t GW have come up with something new rather than just a rehashed unit from an older book?)


Got a link to it by any chance?

As to the doom wheel, it’s only been one book removed from the skaven, it’s not like it disappeared entirely. We also have no knowing what will come up as more comes out about the book.


Can i get some picts? =)


Got a link to it by any chance?

This is the original thread on warseer:
Can i get some picts? =)

You could if there were any :D
No doubt some will appear on warseer eventually at which point I or someone else will steal them and post them here.


I loved the Storm Vermin models as they are but plastics never hurt. (cheaper for my wallet!) The Doomwheel making a return eh? Can hardly imagine it as GW wanted to get rid of the cartoon-esque feel of it.

Also, as much as I loved my Vermin Lord I wouldn’t want to see it return (except for in some fluff maybe) because it is not in character with the rest of the Skaven army. Just way too powerful Imho…

DEFINITLY hoping for new Clanrats as they are hideous!

But I’ll be following this thread closely as I sold off my Skaven (10.000 points) a few years ago and would like to begin a ‘small’ horde again… :slight_smile:

Pyro Stick:

Lol i love the Doomwheel. Cant wait to see it redone. Do you think the special characters will be redone (Ikit Claw etc). The verminlord will be cool as well. Ill be following this thread closely.


Like wise Pyro i was looking at Skaven as one of my new armies to do in the future after i have finished my current vampire counts army, so will keep a close eye on here for more news and hopefully some pics

Kera foehunter:

Well i hope the up date the looks to the new skaven too ! They really need to give them a make over!! there so out dated

Ghrask Dragh:

A multi part Skaven Sorcerer kit would be cool, but they won’t do it. Plastic Stormvermin sounds sweet, hope they do assassins too!


this rumor is a lot better:

-September: Space Hulk (with all new modern plastic termys, genestealers…the whole 9 yards) (we have no confirmation on this) → http://belloflostsouls.blogspot.com/2009/02/rumors-2009-release-schedule.html

Doomwheel rox!


Yah - new skaven that can only be a good thing as some of the mode,s look badly dated (and not in the great way CD minis do) .

Even bigger YAH - new space hulk - it was a fantastic game and all they have to do is basically re-print the original along with all the expansions and they have a sure fire Xmas hit

Pyro Stick:

OooooooOOooOOo. If new Space Hulk is coming out then that must be good news for Man o War!!!

@Loki: Skaven is actually one of the armies i am colelcting already but i havent got much cause i didnt like the clanrats. Hopefully they will be drastically changed and i can start them up again. So far i only have a unit of night runners, some stormvermin, Ikit Claw, an assassin, a lord guy and a grey seer which is a terrible model.


oes the dance of joy & enslaving the over-worlders*

Just in time. I’ve only around to dozen rats left to paint…

Pyro Stick:

This has made me want to go repaint my Ikit Claw. I might post pics of it later on cause i was quite proud of it when i first painted it, years ago. Im sure i could do a better job now but ill see what you all think first.

Groznit Goregut:

Hurray for weaker Warp Lightning! Now, if they can only change the ratling gun so it doesn’t auto-hit.

I’m glad they are bringing the Doomwheel back. I just picked one old up off ebay for my Chariot Racing game. It should be fun to throw into the mix.


I’ve always thought the Skaven were really cool, although my heart is with the Chaos Dwarfs. I was always put off by the dollar cost of an army, though I may run them in Blood Bowl.

I do look forward to the new book and seeing them scurrying around again.


Hurray for weaker Warp Lightning!  Now, if they can only change the ratling gun so it doesn't auto-hit.  

Groznit Goregut
There's been some discussion on that on the Underempire forum. Simply put, there's almost no way to justify the cost of ratling guns if they didn't auto-hit. Drastically reduce their points when you take away auto-hit and it may still be taken in a few armies.