[Archive] New Skaven Thread - Discussion of New Models, Army Book, Etc

Groznit Goregut:

What about Empire Hellblasters?  They lost auto-hit and I don’t think are useless.  Sure, they are as insanely nasty as they used to be.  BS 3 is really bad to try to hit with.  I say anything auto-hit is crap.  I don’t care what they do to change it.  Reduce the cost or whatever, but auto-hit is no good in my ever-so-humble opinion.  :cheers


same gone to this new salamandra like unit from new lizards…


As an on again off again Empire player (my first army), I actually liked the changes in the Helblaster. At longer ranges I have more (potential) hits, but I’m one higher strength then I was in the previous book. It does add up.

Plus people grimace less.


Since the Salamanders lost auto-hit it’s a pretty safe bet that the ratling guns will too.


flame template is kinda “auto hit” :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes yes. I’ve been waiting for this. I have painted up two unit of plaguemonks and one of 30 clanrats, but I couldn’t make my self paint the two clanrat units I have left. The models are just way to ugly.

This is wonderful, sounds like I’ll be able to start them up again if the new models turn out good (which I think they will, doing nice miniatures is one thing I actually trust GW to do, I just hope they don’t screw up their rules).



My mom is autohit…

I don’t mind autohit as much, depending on other rules. Misfire causing problems, variable range, range based strength, or some other things can make it more reasonable. Also points cost, etc.

I don’t mind it so much, though I suspect if Ratlings remain auto hit they’ll keep the mechanic that the more you try to get the more likely it will blow up in your face. As long as you have a chance of blowing up before some or all of shots are fired, it will be interesting… and very Skaven.

Pyro Stick:

This has made me want to go repaint my Ikit Claw. I might post pics of it later on cause i was quite proud of it when i first painted it, years ago. Im sure i could do a better job now but ill see what you all think first.

Pyro Stick
Ikit Claw - http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r47/Pyro-Stick/Misc%20Warhammer/IkitClaw.jpg

And heres a random skaven standard bearer conversion i did a few years ago - http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r47/Pyro-Stick/Misc%20Warhammer/SkavenStandard.jpg


What about Empire Hellblasters?  They lost auto-hit and I don't think are useless.  Sure, they are as insanely nasty as they used to be.  BS 3 is really bad to try to hit with.  I say anything auto-hit is crap.  I don't care what they do to change it.  Reduce the cost or whatever, but auto-hit is no good in my over-so-humble opinion.  :cheers

Groznit Goregut
same gone to this new salamandra like unit from new lizards...

They also have "crew" that allows them to survive a single hit against them, and the cannons themselves are generally a lot tougher than a weapons team.

Don't get me wrong, I could see them still being fielded as part of a de-powered SAD army, but for a horde army a move or fire weapon that has only a small chance of hitting, a good chance of backfiring, is extreemly weak against shooting, and only has a short range isn't that effective for sny type of horde army, which is where it's armor piercing is most needed. Especially with warp lighting dropping in strength.


There’s a reason I rarely use the attached weapons.

It’s better to spend your points elsewhere. Like my main unit block of 40 Clanrats…

Groznit Goregut:

They also have "crew" that allows them to survive a single hit against them, and the cannons themselves are generally a lot tougher than a weapons team.

Yes, but the Hellblaster is a Rare army choice for 115 pts and the ratling gun is a 60 pt unit upgrade for a Core unit choice. That's crazy powerful for what it is. Making them actually try to hit is not out of line.


They also have "crew" that allows them to survive a single hit against them, and the cannons themselves are generally a lot tougher than a weapons team.

Yes, but the Hellblaster is a Rare army choice for 115 pts and the ratling gun is a 60 pt unit upgrade for a Core unit choice.  That's crazy powerful for what it is.  Making them actually try to hit is not out of line.

Groznit Goregut
yes, but 60 points that WILL die before shooting if the enemy has any shooting or magic missiles.

it's a 1 wound t3 model. I've use wolf riders with bows to take it out half the time I faced them.


Jeremy Vetock actually looks a bit ratty… Must be the moustache :slight_smile:

Groznit Goregut:

it's a 1 wound t3 model. I've use wolf riders with bows to take it out half the time I faced them.

A 77pt unit takes out a 60 pt addition. That seems appropriate to me. Of course, the goblins would have to hit on 6's and there are only 5 of them. Unless you are saying you would charge them. That would give you a round to shoot at them.

Some people would say that if the enemy spent missile fire and spells against a 60 pt unit addition, it would be saving the rest of the army from worse damage.


The rest of the army is expendable, its the skaven! Half the time the unit is just a ratling gun delivery system anyways. Losing autohit is rather rediculous, as the weapons teams are so vulnerable they are hugely hit and miss. A hit and miss unit has to be able to hit!

Groznit Goregut:

The skaven would be BS3. That’s not crazy. Hellblaster crews are BS3 and that is a Rare choice. That’s something that is almost assured it will blow up before the end of the game and every hit counts. It still has to roll to hit on BS 3. It’s not that crazy an idea to require a Core unit upgrade that’s worth 60pts to roll on BS3.

Besides, maybe the skaven unit will become more than just a ratling gun delivery system.


What I’d love to see is the return of skirmishing units of weapon teams. It would be awesome and negate their lack of survivability, allowing the removal of auto-hits and other such.


The loss of the old rule where you could get protection from missile fire for being within a certain distance of a unit hurt weapon teams a bit (and Warlock Engineers too, to some extent). That made the 60 point cost seem a bit more reasonable (although why a ratling gun costs less than a warpfire thrower is anyones guess).

I don’t think Ratling Guns will retain auto-hit in the new book. The real interest will be in what their points cost is in the new book.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

I’m quite surprised about these news, as I can’t remember that the Skaven where anywhere on the radar earlier this year.

GW should definitely redo the clanrats, these little apes look horrible and were the main reason why I did not start Skaven in the first place (cause the fluff is some of the coolest they have and the army book was the first one I bought when I got into Warhammer again).

I can’t believe they really want to redo the doom wheel. They were so happy to through it out of the army list years ago!


I can't believe they really want to redo the doom wheel. They were so happy to through it out of the army list years ago!

Ishkur Cinderhat
I was kind of shocked by that too.
I thought we'd seen the last of that silly damned thing.