[Archive] New Skaven Thread - Discussion of New Models, Army Book, Etc

Kera foehunter:

oooohhhh now that wronge kill it

Ghrask Dragh:

Now thats very interesting indeed, got to be one of clan moulder’s hideous beasts :sick


Even if the blue guy near his hind leg is on a 25x25... it's huge.

I think the blue guy is one of the new Lizardmen.


Even if the blue guy near his hind leg is on a 25x25... it's huge.

I think the blue guy is one of the new Lizardmen.

And he's definitely a 3-up as the model out of focus behind it is a new dragon model in tabletop size, and the nurgle creature is still huge next to it.

Ghrask Dragh:

Isn’t the blue thing one of the Chaos Hounds? I definetly recognise the tail as one of them.


You may be right. I just seemed to vaguely recall seeing the picture from the opposite angle in a thread on the new Lizardmen (the Nurgle/ratty thing was only vaguely visible in that shot and somebody asked what it was).

Now that I look at it again it does indeed look more like one of the new Chaos hounds though. Good eyesight…


1) jezzails no longer skirmish and are S5AP not S6.

2)Skaven Clan Rats are getting cheaper, slaves can no longer have slings

3) Rat ogres have upgrade options to make them worth taking and have a cheaper base cost, these include stat line increases and special abilitys and weapons upgrades on them.(mounteded Rattling gun is a possable option)

4) Assassin will work the same as Dark Elf assassins

5) Storm Banner is Gone

warseer (via warpmaster)