[Archive] New Warriors of Chaos Thread - Discussion of New Models, Army Book, Etc

Kera foehunter:

  • kera pushes all the guys out of the way to be first to see !!

    that is the best figure of a warrior i ever seen .

Hashut’s Blessing:

That’d help with an army that had a lot of daemonettes in it (using the old list and new models or using the new list as allies). Still, looks quite cool. If you get both heads, I’d use the mohawk on him and the helmet elsewhere.

Ghrask Dragh:


(queue sound of mechcanical breathing)

“You have failed me for the last time” Uses Force Grip at Ghrask

While utterly cool models you will not be tempting chaos dwarfs away from the path of Hashut!

Knight Of Awsome:

While utterly cool models you will not be tempting chaos dwarfs away from the path of Hashut!

What if they have story's about Hashut in there... any body see short little men in the picture?


@kera: Sadly they won´t release new marauders on foot according to the rumours…

@Hashut’s Blessing: That isn´t a new warrior intended for this release, it´s a warrior someone sculpted when applying for a sculpting job at GW (which he got btw, can´t remember his name right now), he admitted he tried to make it look like a timeless model, so you wouldn´t be sure whether it would be from mid 80´s or a current model.

@Ghrask Dragh: Love that barbarian, looks really cool when wearing a helmet!

Lord Archaon:

I hope that the Chaos Knight and Marauder Horsmen will be back into core choice, cause my Khorne army consists of 2 unit of Knight and 1 unit of Horsmen. If not i’lll have to buy 3 boxes of marauders :mad


I hate that picture! Their heads are too small! They look like helmetless spacemarines, WITH HELMETS!!!



I love these mini’s, heard that some other new stuff’s on the way. 40konline rumour mill has all sortsa nice rumours.

but the armybook, it’s…bleh…

It’s like the hated enemy of the great lord Khorne, that vile Slaaneesh(curse him/her) has drawn a poor cover to mock Chaos’s Glory

Thommy H:

While utterly cool models you will not be tempting chaos dwarfs away from the path of Hashut!
The Hellcannon will (probably...) be in the new book - that means it'll get a section in the bestiary, which means some new, official Chaos Dwarf background.


Hopefully it’s a big chunky fluff-laden rulebook like the Dark Elves one.

Kera foehunter:

Kera* shakes her first at gw people * YOU B - -TARDS!!!


You know what, I might just try and finish my Chaos dwarfs by November so I can start a horde of these :)

Ghrask Dragh
Amen, Xander and I have similar aspirations!


I’m in Chaos denial at the moment, having played around with these chaps for my entire gaming career of 13 years. As for the new rule book - they’ll be getting out a new one by the time I return to Chaos, so I’ll probably give it a miss.

The inclusion of the Hellcannon (and anything CD-related) would be grand, though.

As for the cover - oh dear, didn’t know Khorne was THAT ornate! Looks like Slaanesh gave that big pinhead a makeover!

Now who wants to bet I’ll still get it within 3 weeks of its arriving at my shores?


Updated the first post to include all “previews” thus far.


Arrrrg why must they release all my favourite armies in one year :hat

Now I have new armybook overload, and have years devoid of new armybooks ahead of me :frowning: …unless they finally do CD.


Well, I read on Warseer that the Chaos Spearhead will cost £125 and include 36 models.

I’m tempted, but that does seem fairly pricey.


Well the artwork is based on a VERY cool Golden Daemon entry from several years back. The Lord of Khorne on the Jugger is Aarbal the Undefeated, Khorne’s greatest champion. In previous editions he rode a giant Flesh Hound, but I’m glad to see he’s a lefty. Chosen of Khorne on Juggernauts anyone?

Thommy H:

The Lord of Khorne on the Jugger is Aarbal the Undefeated, Khorne's greatest champion.
Apparently not, actually. That model is just a Khorne Lord, not Arbaal.

Ghrask Dragh:

Lord of Khorne on the Jugger is Aarbal the Undefeated, Khorne's greatest champion. In previous editions he rode a giant Flesh Hound, but I'm glad to see he's a lefty

I remember that guy, this version is alot cooler though!

I hope there will be new harpie miniatures based on those pics, I can't stand the current models. Also the current marauders suck, if they don't change those then I will definetly not be collecting this army, GW can do so much better than those miniatures now if they don't update them it would be just insane.