[Archive] New Warscrolls for AoS 2


New warscrolls for AoS 2!

Thommy H:

Beat me to it! Reading now…


It almost feels like a full battletome…just without fluff and pictures. I am super happy about having a useful spell and unique allegiance abilities.


Pity that Brayherds aren�?Tt listed as allies as Ungor were probably the best count as for Hobgoblins. (Although you can still do it with Narrative and Open Play I believe so it�?Ts still a viable combo for those).

Also, there doesn�?Tt appear to be a Siege Giant in the list, presumably that�?Ts why you can ally with the generic giant.

Thommy H:

The Siege Gargant is in the Monstrous Arcanum PDF - you can ally it in as a MONSTER OF CHAOS.

Slightly disappointing that the allegiance abilities are mostly just the Aqshy Realm of Battle rules, but it’s better than nothing! Also, the change of keyword to DAWI ZHARR is interesting - nothing else in the game has it, so why switch from ZHARR GOROTH? Unless there’s something coming from the main studio that they want the LoA to be compatible with…


Thanks for the clarification; not up on AoS so didn�?Tt think to look there (had been looking on the AoS app the other day and the SG was in the LoA section so was expecting it to have stayed there). :slight_smile:

If your theory is correct, maybe that explains the reason for not being able to ally with Brayherds (other than old fluff not necessarily applying to the new setting) despite them being best to represent hobgoblins - if hobgoblins (assuming they�?Tre still around) are part of the Citadel produced list then there�?Ts no need to provide an option for count as.

Thommy H:

I mean, I doubt it’s that deep - hobgoblins aren’t there because there’s no models for them and Brayherd are hardly natural allies for the LoA. But you never know!


We can always dream until something official comes out. :wink:

Thommy H:

The Warhammer Community page has an article up about the new compendiums too, with one of the playtesters (Ben Curry - who I think we know) giving a summary of the changes to the LoA: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/06/29/29th-june-a-monster-update-from-forge-worldfw-homepage-post-1/

Ghrask Dragh:

I am over the moon we have had an update like this and on the eve of the release of a new version, not as an afterthought months down the line. If any of the GW crew read anything here THANK YOU!!! 

It’s nice just to be involved after being so long out in the cold

There is lots I love about this update, the Centaur Battalion is a nice unexpected surprise. For the fluff of it ‘marked for death’ is so cool, imagine these hulking monsters preparing for battle and singling out a single unit… “they are having it!”. It may be a tad expensive but worth a test run or two I reckon

I love the legion abilities, also by the way guys WE HAVE LEGION ABILITIES!! Again very thematic fluff wise, we bring the Dark clouds with us like at the Battle of Minis Tirith in LOTR and I think the ignore first wounds can be an absolute game changer, we always did make the best armour

Uther the unhinged:

Great to see us back in the game. The key word Dawi Zharr is really interesting. I doubt o hobgob force is coming to join us …but cd pirates might have the same keyword and be ip right protectable. Lets hope!


Great to see us back in the game. The key word Dawi Zharr is really interesting. I doubt o hobgob force is coming to join us .....but cd pirates might have the same keyword and be ip right protectable. Lets hope!

Uther the unhinged
Unless Zhar Goroth is going to be the keyword for the Twisted duardin in the main rulebook...

Hashut’s Blessing:

the change of keyword to DAWI ZHARR is interesting - nothing else in the game has it, so why switch from ZHARR GOROTH? Unless there's something coming from the main studio that they want the LoA to be compatible with...

Thommy H
Not from the main studio, but two of the Warcry warbands now have Chos Dwarfs (or Chaos Duardin) models and rules now, both compatible with Age of Sigmar in general.

there have been some rumblings/rumours/speculation about something Chaos Dwarf coming at some point. A combination of comments made in Warhammer Community posts, increased numbers of mentions (separate to the individual models) and some disappearances on the Forgeworld website. Although it could just be that Chaos Dwarfs are appearing more in snippets and little nods.

As for Zharr Goroth, I suppose it's to show it's not the only bastion they reside in. We obviously have Zharr Vyxxa in the Realm of Shyish or Death, which is the most prominent example of a Chaos Dwarf hold (of sorts)...