[Archive] Ogre Kingdoms Rumors


My first impression was: “eh?..”, but I think that’s because I had a mental picture of a massive mammoth in my mind due to reading the rumours around the net.

Now that the new models have settled in a bit, I really love the Stonehorn. It looks dim-witted and brutal. It’s excellent.

I also like the Scraplauncher, but the giant cannon just seems “impractical”. I can’t imagine how it would work if it were real. How is it loaded? Is the ogre supposed to hold on to it to deal with the immense knockback?

The second big monster option (the “mammoth”) looks okay, but in my mind suffers from the same problem; it looks impractical. I can’t help but keep wondering how the hell it’s gonna get anything into it’s mouth to eat :stuck_out_tongue:

The cavalry I have yet to decide on. Think I need to see them in real or at least see more angles.


It quite nice, but not going to get any, can’t afford them :frowning:


It quite nice, but not going to get any, can't afford them :-(

im converting the stonehorn because its going to be a hell'ov'a'lot cheaper than the forge world taurus


A solid meh

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Not liking the saddles on the cavalry, don’t seem to balance right. Plus, the whole notion of Ogres making saddles just seems at odds with their nature. Surely they’d just sit on the beast.

Quite like the big stuff, though I have no uses for them.

How do you carry those things around when you are going to a tournament?
This will the major issue of 8th imo lol. You’ll need a van and two assistants to attend a tournament.
Am i the only one thinking that the stonehorn would make a good taurus with a crap load of converting!!!
With a LOT of converting, yeah, it could be done. Maybe with some Felbeast wings (they’re probably the only ones big enough).


With a LOT of converting, yeah, it could be done. Maybe with some Felbeast wings (they're probably the only ones big enough).

An alternative would be to forgo wings and position it on a rock to look as though it's galloping through the air. Perhaps add burning hooves and a trail of fire (a la disc of tzeentch) to emphasise the effect? Just a thought.

Thommy H:

If you’re going to do all that stuff, just sculpt it yourself…


If you're going to do all that stuff, just sculpt it yourself...

Thommy H
Haha yeah fair enough. Not quite got the hang of sculpting full bodies yet, but was thinking of using one of the bulls from papo. Don't want to derail the topic, but if anybody's interested I've included a link. Not sure on the scale though.


Baraz Gorechain:

Hm. Zerg much? Am I the only one who sees an Ultralisk when I look at the Mommox?


Hm. Zerg much? Am I the only one who sees an Ultralisk when I look at the Mommox?

Baraz Gorechain
That's why it looked familiar! Couldn't put my finger on it before this.


Hm. Zerg much? Am I the only one who sees an Ultralisk when I look at the Mommox?

Baraz Gorechain
Now that you mention it! :cheers

Hashut’s Blessing:

As has been said, it’s the saddles that put me off most. In particular, with the giant tuskwolf things - if you look, th ogre would ift beautifully on the part that most other things sit on wolves (between the four legs), but somehow put strange saddles/stands on top of the shoulders, giving it a front- and top-heavy appearance that makes them unbalanced visually.


I’m wondering if the Catoxen- / tuskwolf- / whatever-cavalry are the way they are (with the “standing” saddles and all), because the mounts can also be used unridden?

This is all pure speculation of course, but I thought there was some mention of beast-packs of the sort, associated with ogre hunters.

I’m glad I bought 2 ogre battalion boxes just before the most recent price rise. If I convert my own characters and add a big new monster or two, I should have a decent army for a decent price.

Hashut’s Blessing:

To be honest, they could have gone without the saddles and just had the legs spread (like the goblin wolfriders) and then it wouldn’t cause visual balance problems, background-sense problems or riderless beasty problems.


lets play a little game

spot the chicken


Ha!!! by the arrow quiver behind the Ogre w/ crossbow!

Ugly Green Trog:

That hanging guy is gonna be rarer than 2 units of bull centaurs methinks its gonna be awesome for any diorama maker or player who has evil armies or like the good ole CD who like slaves.


An alternative would be to forgo wings and position it on a rock to look as though it's galloping through the air. Perhaps add  burning hooves and a trail of fire...

I like this idea. Treating it as a Nightmare, with a fiery mane and hooves would be quite cool. You could almost just not put on the Ogre bitz and just use the stock model with a Balrog paint scheme


…I think I got what I don’t like about the mammox. I was expecting for an elefdantine monster: it misses a trunk! If someone could sculpt one on it I guess it would look amazing.


...I think I got what I don't like about the mammox.  I was expecting for an elefdantine monster: it misses a trunk! If someone could sculpt one on it I guess it would look amazing.

With a trunk and some kind of shrine on its back

it would make an awesome baby mammoth chaos warshrine