[Archive] Ongoing HeroQuest Project [July 06, 2019]


Incredible work! What scale is it? Maybe you could find some miniatures for it as well?


Love this tread. epic stuff HQ is a real classic.

have you seen these: https://www.magistermilitum.com/scale/15-mm/efs1-pack-of-adventurers.html might just be what you need for miniatures. (the have a huge range of 10mm models if these are still to big)


Here’s my response to this thread:

Seeing all of Nicodemus work recently got me thinking about a 15mm version of the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh c�?Tmon. If I�?Tm going to be an inspiration for anything it should be for NanoQuest the 28mm version of HQ for 28mm miniatures.

NanoQuest or nothing tjub!!!


NanoQuest or nothing indeed!

Or should it be


You’re unstoppable !! :smiley:


This entire thread is amazing but that in particular is unreal :smiley: Very inspiring stuff!!


Haha, woot?! I suppose it comes with nano dice as well? :stuck_out_tongue: Think 15mm might be more playable for me though.


My fat fingers are having real trouble over here!!! I think it might be worth it to get the HQ miniatures 3D printed for this. At 25 micron resolution a 28mm (at scale) miniature should be about 20 layers. I’m guessing that the scaling and printing would require quite a bit of modification and reinforcement for each of the models so that they’d be stable at this scale.

Certainly for my 7mm HQ set 3D printing would be nicer than the stand-ups and could all still be magnetized.


If a model is too small, the heat is not dissipated quickly enough and the plastic when cooling gets torn.

This may happen with a home printer. I think that a professionnal printer would give a better result.


If a model is too small, the heat is not dissipated quickly enough and the plastic when cooling gets torn.
This may happen with a home printer. I think that a professionnal printer would give a better result.

I was wondering about those immersion ones that keep the piece submerged while printing.... but I'm not even at noob stage with this stuff yet.


You all might be surprised but I don’t take pictures of everything I work on ;)  In the case of this little project I started on back in early March of this year I got pretty far in before I took any pictures so there’s some big gaps.

The HeroQuest box art is now quite iconic and a few successors have paid homage to the now-famous artwork by Les Edwards. Indicentally, if you’re keen, wearethemutants.com did an interview with Les back in 2016, but I digress. The artwork:

The door to my games and hobby room has a framed print of the HQ box art on it, and inside the game room there’s framed art from the original Warhammer Quest box, Silver Tower box, the Orc Quest one above (just because it’s damn cool), and the HQ expansions… but I wanted something a little extra special:

HeroQuest Shadow Box

Now, the scale won’t be ideal because I can’t get that much perspective with a shadow box to pull off the HeroQuest box art by Les Edwards. Nevertheless, I acquired a number of models over the past year and had enough to start putting this together.

[March 2018] Cutting the archways: I used a template to cut the openings for both sides of the background to make them uniform.

[March 2018] Cutting the stone to surround the archways: I used the outer circumference as a guide for cutting the surrounding foam. To make this I used foamboard for everything.

[Sept 2018] onward…

Base coat of black on everything.

I backed Diego Pinilla’s Pantheon of Chaos 2 Kickstarter so I could get my hands on the great Chaos Dwarf models and also picked up Khaldor Skullface, modeled after the Chaos Warlock on the HQ box art. Khaldor came with a skull base, sword and sceptre so I need to modify his hands and was able to make use of the “step” pose to good effect later.

Assembling the Heroes

I printed out a high res HeroQuest logo at 300 DPI, carefully cut around the outline and then touched-up the exposed edges of the photo paper with black Sharpie.

The steps were made with strips of plastic. To make the block pattern for the steps I just cut a “V” shape into the plastic and nicked some of the edges to give it a worn look, then glued each strip down.

I also added a lip to the edges that meet the archways so that there would be consistent flooring, even with the little depth there is.

It’s a super-snug fit but once the stairs are fitted into place it holds itself in very tightly and there’s no slack. I don’t think it even needs gluing.

Testing with the components in place. I’m a little concerned a couple of the heroes protrude too far out and may not fit. The Elf and Wizard are probably the worst two for this. I’ll wait until the absolute last minute to pull the pin, but if necessary I can trim down the backsides of the models on the bent sander and shave a few mm off… anxiety increasing at the thought already x.x

It’s a big area for what’s going to be in there… although I’m thinking of Photoshopping Zargon/Morcar out of the HeroQuest game screen (probably without the monsters), printing it out and placing it at the top so that he’s sort of hanging over everything with his red cape… I’ll have to see how it looks with some test pieces.


Edit Sept 5, 2018


Another update…

I picked up the Malign Sorcery components and have been using parts all over the place

Snip snip

With some creative joining this will make for a cool spell effect, and better than I can create with wires and Green Stuff!

Testing out the approximate placement of the spell effects - so far so good!

I also did some trimming on Zargon/Morcar’s cape. The symmetry and shape looks really good now I think!

A view down the front showing the shallow depth to work with.

I decided although it’s against the original artwork I wanted a couple of dungeony things around the Heroes feet.

Gold coins!

And HeroQuest dice!


Haha, I don’t know what to say… First of, you are mad. But boy do I enjoy seeing your creativity and conversions no matter what they are! This shadowbox-project looks too much better than I ever thought it would. And the NanoQuest, thats just bonkers.

But thanks for bringing back your marvelous threads again Nico, they have been missed! :hat off


Starting to paint up the characters.

I also decided since my last update that I needed a bit more of a tangible connection to the HQ game, so I raided my extras and found a skull and a rat (without a broken tail).

Checking the assembly of everything

And a few close-ups of various parts


See, I CAN finish projects :wink:

Hung up in the games room next to my hobby desk



Needs more monsters. very well done


Errr mah gerd… finally tracked down a few more from an anonymous source.



Oh I missed a few Updates since i last saw this thread.

I love the wall decoration!

(i’ve been painting a few left over HQ models myself just for fun)

Blast… you made me google Orc Quest d:


Got my hands on some of Boris’ HQ-inspired models a while ago. Now I’m only missing a couple of the Goblin models and the Gargoyle…

The bases are from Zealot Miniatures. They have these sightly raised bumps from the casting process that need to be shaved down if they’re not going to be covered with anything. The ones in the foreground of this pic are straight from the bag, the ones in the back have been scraped flat.

I don’t want plain flat bases but I also don’t want them to be too flashy either.  Maybe a flagstone kind of appearance. I think the Greenstuff route is too much work for every base, but painting on the stone design might not look that great. Going to have to do some testing!

The Elf’s body and the Wizard’s cape are the only ones so far that needed work to hide the seam where the two parts go together.



Wonderful, how to make you HeroQuest game even better! :hat off


Got my hands on some of Boris' HQ-inspired models a while ago. Now I'm only missing a couple of the Goblin models and the Gargoyle...

I don't want plain flat bases but I also don't want them to be too flashy either.  Maybe a flagstone kind of appearance. I think the Greenstuff route is too much work for every base, but painting on the stone design might not look that great. Going to have to do some testing!

Looking good! For the bases, how about cutting out the floor tiles from plasticard? You can use sheets with different thickness and/or have some tiles overlap, should create a neat 3D effect.