Here’s a bit of a test with the GS base, as well as two bases with plasticard tiles/stone slabs
I think these all turned out well enough to be used, although I’d like a bit more variation for the intersection of the tiles on the base at the rear as it’s a little too “regular” looking. A bit more carving of edges and notching would fix that one, or I could hide it a little under some chipped and broken tile fragments and pebbles in this one case.
Looking at the original HQ board though, the main corridor tiles and several rooms have larger full-tile-sized stones with just a few cracks so I should make sure I know what I’m going for with the design before I just dive in making bases. I think a mix of corridor tiles as well as the yellow/orange room shown in the lower middle area of this image would look good… and maybe differentiate Hero bases from monster ones with colour/design? I also like the idea of added in a few of the details from the original HQ board backgrounds, like the torn pieces of parchment, bones, moss, the old boot, broken furniture, and a few red dice scattered here and there
Those bases came out well. The front right plasticard base seems most successful. I did something not unlike those on a few bases for my clay statue army (can post or pm a photo if interested). I definitely like your idea of using the scatter items, boot, parchment, etc., and/or a dusting of fine grit with broken tile pieces. That will give them interest without taking away from the models. Cheers,
I think you could mix bases without thinking too much about it, since they will be out of place in most of the rooms anyway. Could be used as well to improve the models, different bases to really tie in with the color theme of the different characters.
Good suggestions on the basing. I’ve been working on something a little quicker and more free-form for the HQ bases.
I’m using the thin plasticard again but trimming it to roughly the size of the top of the base with a bit of a natural edge, then gluing it down and trimming the rest away to make the cracks and breaks… here’s the progress:
Heroes and Monsters (I still need to re-base the Chaos Warlock at the back)
More Heroes and one of the fantastic Orc sculpts
A few more iterations… they’re getting quicker and easier to make…
Which is encouraging me to break out and try some more detailed designs - but still keeping it fairly simple so far
I’m happy enough with this to proceed now and as I go I’ll only get better. I may still reserve some later iterations (when I get better) for slightly more detailed/interesting designs for the Hero bases. As these are the same bases from Zealot Miniatures that I’ll be basing all of the Litchmyre Dungeon Kickstarter models on I think I’ll also be doing the same type of base design for all of those models too! :hat off
I wasn’t happy with cutting the straight lines into the tiled base after everything was glued down so I’ve started cutting some of the segments that are supposed to look like they are meant to be straight, and am laying them down first in pieces, then trimming them, adding more natural-looking cracks, etc. Here’s an example:
Here’s the current stash of figures I’m going to get started painting soon:
They’re by Boris Woloszyn…
Although they’re not all Boris’. A couple of old Citadel ones snuck their way in - An old mummy, one of the original Chaos Warlocks, the White Dwarf that the HeroQuest Dwarf was based on, and a Wood Elf model that the HeroQuest Elf was based on.
I’m not gonna lie. This thread just grabbed my full attention, which is rare these days. The special HQ minis are awesome and in your hands the project will be fantastic to behold
I can only assume that you will be making the whole board as a 3D variant as well?! :D
Yes, that�?Ts the plan!! I�?Tve been sitting on the fence for ages now trying to decide how to go about it. So far I�?Tve decided that I�?Tm not going to add walls or any other design elements that significantly changes the look/feel of the game. My plan is to make the board itself, very slightly up-sized. Not as much as my Warhammer Quest tiles (which are 45mm or 1.5x larger) but I�?Tm thinking going from the ~25mm HQ tile to 30mm or there abouts. I still want all of the furniture to fit, but I like the idea of giving the models (and fat fingers) slightly more space when it gets crowded.
I know extruded insulation foam would be very quick and I could do a very detailed job, but I�?Tm also thinking about making it out of MDF. That would be more durable, but that�?Ts going to require a lot more time to carve and I can�?Tt do it in the basement late at night ;). But I really want it made from MDF!
I'm not gonna lie. This thread just grabbed my full attention, which is rare these days. The special HQ minis are awesome and in your hands the project will be fantastic to behold
Well thanks! That�?Ts very flattering. I�?Tll do my best not to disappoint. I�?Tve been watching others slowly churn out eye-popping paint jobs on some of these same models. I�?Tve experimented with NMM and other advanced techniques I�?Tm not there yet. Heck, the time it takes me to paint 1 NMM weapon is a significant chunk of my precious & very limited hobby time ;)
I�?Tll be sure to keep the thread going with updates!
No miniature dice, plasticard parchment papers or old boots sculpted out of Greenstuff (yet)…
Priming (black, with a little white sprayed only from the top-down to add some top-to-bottom/underside contrast)
And here’s a selection of the various bases. I decided instead of going with different colours for the bases I’m instead going to go for a variety of designs, but keep them all on the same colour palette, mostly grey with some highlights here and there. Hopefully this keeps the focus on the miniatures more-so than their base.
This is just a sampling. I’ve made just over 40 such bases so far.
And some batch painting of my first wave of miniatures… You will notice there are two Dwarfs and two Elves here. One of the Dwarfs is the limited edition/mail order only 1987 White Dwarf, which was the inspiration for the HeroQuest Dwarf model. The second Elf is one shown in White Dwarf 118 in 1989, in an advertisement for Advanced Heroquest (see bottom of this post for reference).
The two Mummies are done (although they’re slightly out of focus, sorry!!) You can also see one of the Skeleton variants here, which has a shoulder pauldron and a helm. I was told that it may have been Kev Adams who did the variations on the skeleton. The Chaos Warlock variant is also shown at the back.
A couple of in-progress Chaos Warlocks. You can never have enough, am I right??!? The model on the left is from 1987 as well, advertised as an expansion miniature for Dungeon Quest (see below for ref).
Here’s the reference images for some of the models (check marks shown ones I have that are in the painting queue)
Shared these on FB and figured it was time to post them here too… plus it’s a good way of seeing if the issues with forum subscriptions and latest posts has been fixed
Haven’t quite decided on whether these guys are done yet or not. I was thinking of changing their gloves to another colour but then it’s going to break them up too much I feel. I also haven’t decidedon whether to leave the horns on their helmets as-is or make them bone coloured.
I also went with a glow in the eyes of all the undead…
The chaos warriors look great. Personally I would not go for bone colour on the helms as they join at the top to smoothly. Maybe a bronze for contrast?