[Archive] poll: do you like the new forgeworld chaos dwarfs?

Time of Madness:

Just got my first batch today.

It is now quite clear that this is only the first of MANY orders I will make.

Assembled yet? I'm looking forward to seeing more and more painted. I'm still trying to work out a paint scheme for my daemonsmith.
Time of Madness


Just got my first batch today.

It is now quite clear that this is only the first of MANY orders I will make.

Assembled yet? I'm looking forward to seeing more and more painted. I'm still trying to work out a paint scheme for my daemonsmith.
Time of Madness

Time of Madness
got my custom bases from Micro Art... so I'll be building tonight!


My only complain to this excellent new range is the lack of mustaches. I feel it takes away part of their dwarf identity. But it’s just  personal taste.


I like them very much but they could have had more big hats :wink:


I love them. I plan on buying some of all of the new models released. I like limited big hats, and the ones I’ve seen, I think look well without being comical. They are great. -S


Well I just got mine, and they look a lot better up close than they do in the photos.


After initially not liking the troops, I’ve found them quite appealing the second time around. They have tremendous paint potential, but I’m waiting for hobgobs before putting a big order in with FW.

As I can build my own war machines, I’d love to see the crew as seperates.:wink:


Has anyone had any luck getting these fellas ranked up?


Has anyone had any luck getting these fellas ranked up?

I'm going to be assembling mine today. Wish me luck :)


My problem with what we’ve seen so far with the chaos dwarfs is they are looking too much like evil dwarves and not their own army. I really wish forgeworld did more of a daemon fused warmachines like the hellcannon than pure steam powered ones.