[Archive] Potential Hobgoblin minis

Kera foehunter:

i think there more like hobgoblin stormtroopers


These guys are rather curious


Sort of a hobgoblin/fimir hybrid? :sick

Given that one appears to be doing something unspeakable to a chicken, anything is possible ;)

Father Grumpmas
They are strange, they seem rather well attired too, hobgoblins (if they are) should not be so "dapper" looking. Hobgoblin attire should not look like a tuxedo.


Hobgoblin attire should not look like a tuxedo.

There's that again.

What's with the anti-stylista really? Why can't Hobbos wear haute-couture?
You are all Hobgoblinist I tell you!

Revolutionary Committee for a Free Hobgoblin Dresscode


Quick my fellow slavers. Crush this foul rebellion in a quick fist. Smite with a thousand screaming slaves dying in gory agony as there intestines spill over the floor. Execute a hundred hobgoblins in the foul excrements of war-hounds!! Burn them!! :slight_smile:

Short Pause then whip cracking followed by large scream!!


Hobgoblin attire should not look like a tuxedo.

There's that again.

What's with the anti-stylista really? Why can't Hobbos wear haute-couture?
You are all Hobgoblinist I tell you!

Revolutionary Committee for a Free Hobgoblin Dresscode

LOL sorry I missed this comment!

Kera foehunter:

No don’t free the dress code !!

or is that what you get when you chose hobgoblin naked


No don't free the dress code !!
or is that what you get when you chose hobgoblin naked

Kera foehunter
No it is free, but not optional.

That's a saying used when the "fraternities" (I'm using the closest analogue people can understand) have a party at uni here and means you are expected to wear the "fraternity overall".

And thanks for noticing Willmark. *I* thought I was being very clever there. It is also an obscure reference to the conversation here.

Annoying habit of mine, I often expect people to know/make all the same references that I lace my posts with.


I got a couple of hobbos sumin like 1990 OOP?