[Archive] Pyro's Chaos Dwarf Collection: Square to Round Base Adapters

Pyro Stick:

Nice painting pyro  i love the red lip stick on the woman  that makes the model

Kera foehunter
Thanks, ive stripped it several times so im glad ive finally got it mostly finished. I hate having unfinished models lying around.

Spent yesterday stripping a few models and figuring out everything i have left to paint. About half of these are almost finished:

Thats everything minus two warriors that needed more stripping and the bull centaur standard bearer that im just going to give up on. I have no idea what the guy who had it before me used to paint it but the paint does not want to come off and nitromors new weaker formula isnt helping. The lone swivel gun crew is going into the juggernaut as is one of the crossbowmen. The hobgoblins will go into the warrior unit. I dont know if i need the last sorcerer so i might sell it.

I didnt realise i was so close to finishing off all my chaos dwarfs. Stripping those few was pretty motivational (they have been sitting with an awful paint job for years) so i might strip a few more before the end. Ive started using this undercoat now and its made it a lot easier to paint models. The undercoat turns out a lot thinner and you can more easily cover the whole thing. The white is pretty thin and might need two coats but i would still recommend it to everyone. Obviously its not good for undercoating whole sprues at once but for single models its great.


Happy bday and … knock, knock … something new here?

Pyro Stick:

Happy bday and ... knock, knock .... something new here?

wow sorry i didnt reply to this. I was in america last year for my bday but this year i spent it painting lol. Seemed fitting since it was exactly 10 years since i started. Still working on my first army (Tomb Kings) haha. I think Chaos Dwarfs came a year and a half later.

I haven't really had anything to show for a long time. I got to a point where i was so close to completing my army that i didn't want to show anything new so im still slowly working away on bases and shields and the last handful of models, mostly blunderbuss and bull centaurs. I do have one thing to show now though. The 3rd edition part of my collection is finished:

Photos arent great (i should have taken them while we had 30 degree weather -_-) but when i take the next photos, which should be the complete Chaos Dwarf army, ill use my brothers pro camera.

One thing to note is that i haven't included any non-GW models in these shots. Im planning getting pics of the three distinct army styles (3rd ed, big hats, FW) seperately, then altogether with non-GW models included as the "final army shots". Im planning on adding some AOW Doomcrushers and maybe Russian Alternative fireglaives and more of clams models. Another Whirlwind would be nice as well. If i ever decide to proxy the warmachines i would like to give them bases as well. Im also tempted to get another mage and make a metalmancer with a base based around the Iron Throne...

Pyro Stick:

I guess they represent some sort of elemental sorcery or maybe colours of the Magic Winds?.

I pretty much just thought it was a waste not to give the mm90 mage a cool base. So far ive just made what i thought would look cool. I wasnt really planning on making lore specific models, it just ended up that way. Obviously there isnt a lore of ice but i made that for the Duel Golden Hat. If i got more i would do one for the lore of metal and maybe the lore of hashut but i dont think i would do any of the others.


I’m just gonna leave these 20 slaves for the furnace!

That is an awesome collection man! Wow!

Those tenderizers are way bigger than I had ever thought. I need one of those in the middle, that’s wicked!

Pyro Stick:

I'm just gonna leave these 20 slaves for the furnace!

That is an awesome collection man! Wow!

Those tenderizers are way bigger than I had ever thought. I need one of those in the middle, that's wicked!

Thanks :cheers

I never really thought about their size before. Maybe in a Chaos army they looked smaller but surrounded by dwarfs they look huge lol. They need to look impressive anyway. Their original rules were insane.

The one in the middle is the Whirlwind, one of the first 3rd edition models i got. I would really like to get another one so i can have two of each. Cant believe theres only two on ebay right now and they cost £68 and £92!! This whole collection probably cost less than that! Even a bazooka team is £20 now. Its disgusting that 91% of the Chaos Dwarf auctions on ebay (UK) are overpriced, ripoff buy it nows. When they started getting really popular a few years ago, people started buying them up but unfortunately it was people looking to make money out of them, not gamers, so now all the stock is in their hands.


Well done! The army looks good, and you have a collection to be proud of. :slight_smile:


Patience is the game to play really - now that I fell in the trap and fell in love.

I just saw a bazooka go for 4 or 6 gbp - but the seller refused to ship out of the UK, even though I said it would help his investment.

… And then I should have just bought everything VinragePhreak put up. Those prices were ace man! He has a mage for sale still I think.


Love them all painted and ranged together

Pyro Stick:

...Obviously there isnt a lore of ice but i made that for the Duel Golden Hat...

Pyro Stick
Of course there is Ice Magic.

Oh yeah, Kislev. I totally forgot about them lol. I even checked the army book for Lore of Ice and tried thinking of any armies are "icy" but i totally blanked. I always liked Kislev. Maybe ill look into starting that army next. Are there any rumours about them being remade before i start buying anything on ebay?
Patience is the game to play really - now that I fell in the trap and fell in love.

I just saw a bazooka go for 4 or 6 gbp - but the seller refused to ship out of the UK, even though I said it would help his investment.

... And then I should have just bought everything VinragePhreak put up. Those prices were ace man! He has a mage for sale still I think.

If you ever need anything and the seller wont ship then just ask on the forums and im sure someone will help.

I remember when bazookas cost nothing. All 3rd editions were pretty cheap. I dont think i paid more than £2 each for the crossbowmen, £5 for the swivel guns and around £15 for the tenderisers/whirlwind. Even the mages cost less than £20 and once i got one for £5. I know one tenderiser did cost me around £40 but thats because it came with the Juggernaut Boar Centaur so it was worth it.

Fuggit Khan:

What a beautiful collection…I can’t even imagine all of the time and effort that it must of taken to put together such a beautiful vintage army such as yours :cheers

Well done!


A lot of cool stuff, great work!!:slight_smile:


One of the oldest army blogs on this site and still one of my favorites. This is great stuff Pyro :hat off

I love the army shots (nice to know what my army could look like if I ever got around to painting it)

Prices on ebay went crazy really fast. I started collection my army around the time this blog was started, back then you could get chaos dwarfs in bulk on ebay then trade your doubles with people on the forums. Don’t see many auctions like that anymore, although trading on the forums is still really good.

Pyro Stick:

One of the oldest army blogs on this site and still one of my favorites. This is great stuff Pyro :hat off
I love the army shots (nice to know what my army could look like if I ever got around to painting it)

Prices on ebay went crazy really fast. I started collection my army around the time this blog was started, back then you could get chaos dwarfs in bulk on ebay then trade your doubles with people on the forums. Don't see many auctions like that anymore, although trading on the forums is still really good.

@ Fuggit Khan, Yodrin, Threadbare: Thanks, it took about 8 years i think but ive still got the big hats to finish and a magma cannon. The next big thing will be rebasing the bull centaurs so i can use them. I cant think of any good ideas to fill out the base so they don't look so tiny. Anyone have any suggestions? Im also making a magma cannon proxy out of my two death rockets which will be finished in the next few days.

I think the prices went crazy from resellers looking to make an investment but i don't know how well it worked out for them. I know i personally would never pay the crazy prices they ask for. Its a shame as well as im sure we would be seeing a lot more 3rd edition CD armies if they hadn't been so greedy.

Pyro Stick:

I guess my 3rd edition army isnt complete after all :slight_smile: A very quick ass cannon and dourgrim WIP:

This was pretty much air brushing practise that didn’t work out how i wanted it to. I messed up the highlights and what was meant to be metallic black turned out brown so now it just looks like a burned tomato. I wanted it to look like it had metal skin and like it was glowing from the inside. I figured out where i went wrong by the end so im tempted to strip it and start again. I also need to tone down the fire a bit.


Am jealous, … again. One of the few models I’m sure I’ll never get.


So good to see something new here!

Ever an inspiration, I will have to get out those Tenderizers!


Cool army man! Looking good!


Welcome back, Pyro - and what a great new addition to your fantastic army. Ass Cannons rock, no Old School army can really do without.

Timothy Archer:

Very cool army,I love the bazooka and swivel guns !