[Archive] SlaveBay

Lord Archaon:

Today highest bid is: 50 slaves.


Wow did everyone just stop bidding?

Bid! Bid! Get these guys workers to make more figures!



Pyro Stick:

Maybe seperate threads should be started to advertise the auctions more. People probably arent bidding cause they thing this thread is just a discussion of what slavebay should be, and not actually the actual thread where auctions are being held.

Kera foehunter:

i think this is a good idea pyro

Kera foehunter:

he is a new figure up for the trade


Its dwarf from confrontation?

Kera foehunter:

yes it my last one

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Kera foehunter:

there still 2 figures to bid on

Kera foehunter:

we have 15 slaves bid

Kera foehunter:

the bids the same 15

Kera foehunter:

sorry this ran long

but pyro won for 15 slaves!!


Wow, Pyro’s spending slaves like crazy. Its like he has no other use for them!!

Pyro Stick:

Wow, Pyro's spending slaves like crazy. Its like he has no other use for them!!

Well its not like anyone else is bidding and i do have over 400. I would rather have a bidding war with someone than bid once and win.

Kera foehunter:


!! we are looking for donation for slave bay!!

Lord Archaon:

Maybe we could think of new rules so that admins and mods could bid too?

i come up with this idea: Mods and admins can bid the amount of slave that is equal to 25% of the highest bid in any auction. (eg. the highest bid was in CD champion topic and it was 65 slaves, so that means that every mod or admin can bid 16 slaves in any auction)

What everyone think about it?

Kera foehunter:

i say go for it !! let say they can go to 100??

since 65 was the top!!

Lord Archaon:

With post count canceled in marketplace section maybe we shouldn’t PM the seller and bid in the thread instead? It would be more easier to both the seller and the bidder.

What everybody think about this?

Kera foehunter:

well lets see what other people think

Auretious Taak:

Wow, Kera, awesome idea, I’m excited that we can now use our slaves as an actual currency with physical rewards. :slight_smile:

To the Mods bidding, well why don’t you take an average number of slaves that people might have like say 250 or 300, and have that total in your sig, and whatever you spend out of that, is minus’ed away. That way, you’d still be able to bid, and bid fairly as the only way you would then be able toa ccrue slaves is through slavebay, gifts or the normal methid (you’d all just have to be really honest about it).

Cheers all,
