[Archive] So, when's Golden Hat 7, and what's it going to be?!

Kera foehunter:

well i glade this is happening no more idel time


In the near future we will put up the schedule for the rest of 2008 and 2009.  So at a glance people will know what is coming a long time in advance.  

Have you thought of adding a "calendar" feature that at a glance? So that people can see what is going on without having to dig through all the forums to coordinate dates etc..


there already is a calender function :stuck_out_tongue:



As Furrie points out there is a calendar function. In the past things have been more fluid. As Grim correctly notes we are going to a much more regimented schedule. If it holds up this will be easier to update.


there already is a calender function :P

sorry, color me stupid.. I will return to my corner and put the pointy hat on my head.. my apologies. I will look closer in the future.

Kera foehunter:

i have red paint to add to your color he he


there already is a calender function :P

sorry, color me stupid..  I will return to my corner and put the pointy hat on my head..  my apologies. I will look closer in the future.

but the GH's arn't on the calendar :P


i have red paint to add to your color he he

Kera foehunter
All colors are welcome. The more, the merrier. For, once colored stupid, there is no going back.. lol:o


Heh, we haven’t been putting them on there Furrie because the schedule has been changing so much. Kinda makes the whole point of the calendar useless! :wink: but as noted we will potentially get it up to date soon.

Kera foehunter:

yea and you had your palms red to!!!